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A cool effort offering pure 80's American power/thrash during the hostile mid-90's environment; "The Storm" is a heavy stomping opener, but the approach softens later to power metal ala the Metal Church period with Mike Howe hardening with the casual galloping riff ala Attacker ("See Ya!"). The singer has a nice melodic timbre recalling a less operatic Messiah Marcolin (Candlemass) on the higher tones. He later joined the progressive metallers Archetype.

The Fix Of Rage Full-length, 1996

My Space

MOB 47

Fast intense thrash/crossover, simplistic and direct, with short 1-2min songs and hoarse shouty punky vocals. The approach is pretty hardcore-ish for at least half the time as well, with cuts like "Rustning Är Ett Brott" and "Vi Rustar Dom Dör" disturbing the peace with all the confrontational passion they can muster, with only "Animal Liberation" producing something more sensible with an array of mellower, more controlled rhythms.

Garanterat Mangel Full-Length, 1995


Based on the "First Diagnosis" EP, this band play crusty noisy modern thrashcore which is strangely captivating with ist hypnotic up-tempo riffage and the several jumpy passages the latter carrying a certain industrial charge and a not very distant echo of early Biohazard. "Final Day" is pure unbridled classic hardcore and the singer is an attached shouter who fits the picture without sounding annoying.

Dinner for Three EP, 2007
First Diagnosis EP, 2011


This power trio, which line-up includes T, more known as Todd Evans, among other pseudonyms, in GWAR, plays fast hardcore-ish thrash which doesn't stray away from the intensity of "Reign in Blood" too much packing it into not very long (2-3min) songs which are fast merciless "bullets" with minor exceptions (the heavy pounder "Offensive Release"; the drunken joke track "The Buffalo Song"). The sound moves a bit away from the classic tendencies on some sections, but as a whole this effort could be safely viewed as another addition to the new classic thrash metal movement.
"Clear and Present Anger" is sustained in a similar fashion the band thrashing on fast and mercilessly without much ado the speedy riff-patterns dispersed by short chaotic leads. "Emerald" is the "oasis" here serving milder power metal rhythms, but it's ragers like "Warheit" and "Earth Metal" which matter here more and will keep the mosh going all the way to the slightly more technical and not very immediate closer "Vocable Assemblage" which abandons the smashing beginning for the sake of slower more intricate guitars in the second half.
"Summon the Destroyer": the band's blitzkrieg delivery is pretty much intact here and fans of the more direct, immediate nature of our favourite music should enjoy this thoroughly. There's a more pronounced presence of hardcore which also retouches the guitars a bit, but longer speed/thrashers like "Vicious Smile" stop the tendency towards a completely stripped-down sound also thanks to the full-blooded "thrasher" "Thrashsquatch".

Black Swamp Rising Full-length, 2008
Clear and Present Anger Full-Length, 2011
Summon the Destroyer Full-Length, 2016

Official Site


The first thrash metal band from Hungary, Moby Dick's debut is a noteworthy start for the scene in this country, with its dynamic speed/thrashing approach which is admirably aggressive on "Talpon Maradni", which comes right after the more optimistic, more speed metal-oriented opener "Ugass Kutya!". Heavy hammering riffs aplenty will one encounter on "Tf6bbet Nem Tehetek", before the crossover happiness "Keresztes Vite9z" makes you pogo into oblivion for about 3-min. More aggressive thrash comes later with the short explosive proto-deathster "c1tnevele9s". More joy, but of the melodic speed/power metal type, comes with the merry-go-round "Metallopolisz"; as well as an odd industial doomy closer: "Re1zd A Rongyot!", which is a bit clumsy and not really on track with the remaining material. The singer provides a cool semi-clean tember with a suitable drunken flavour, a delivery appropriate for several genres.
Some of the musicians have also lid the foundation of other Hungarian acts: the heavy metal heroes Hungarica, and the one-album-wonder Brazzil, who released just one effort in 1995 of slightly modernized heavy/power metal.
"Holnapok Ravatale1n" will hardly be a surprise to the band's fans, an objective reflection of the guys' post-thrash period, featuring soft rehashed riffs with a slight bite, topped by the staple gruff semi-clean vocals. A pleasant surprise would be "Ki Mer A Szemembe Nezni?", a short more classic-sounding thrasher, contrasting with the other material, which in the 2nd half starts carrying a light carefree Motorhead-ish flavour. This is by no means a flop, and not without the apt avoidance of most of the groovy "traps" along the way.
"ldi Pokol" is more energetic than its predecessor and creates a cool semi-headbanging atmosphere in the beginning with a string of jolly good proto-speed/thrashers. The fast-paced inertia gets lost gradually and although "Alatt" and especially the major energizer "Poldabeszed" try to restore it at some stage in the second half with more vivid riffage, the guys seem content enough play their staple mild post-thrash.
"Terapia" is the next-in-line, largely feelgood speed/proto-thrash terapia the band shredding with force initially ("Valosag"), but "Program" quickly established the leading program with the bouncy lively rhythms which are still relevant and enjoyable, acquiring a more playful mode on the title-track. "Nem az Vagyok" could be considered the highlight here with its sprightly speed/thrash walkabouts, but make sure you pass by the atmospheric quasi-doomy moodiness of "Alkonyzona", and the optimistic stoner/doom bounces on "Biorobot".

Ugass Kutya! Full-length, 1990
Kegyetlen c9vek Full-length, 1991
Korhinta Full-length, 1992
Fejfa Helyett Full-length, 1994
Memento Full-length, 1994
Indul a Boksz Full-length, 1996
Tisztedtf3tfbz Full-length, 1997
Golgota Full-length, 2003
Se Nap Se Hold Full-length, 2005
Holnapok Ravatale1n Full-length, 2011
Idi Pokol Full-Length, 2014
Terapia Full-Length, 2019

Official Site


Based on the "I Don't Think So" demo, these folks serve competent classic power/thrash which relies on bouncy mid-tempos for most of the time, the clean dramatic high-pitched singer a definite plus, recalling Sebastian Bach (Skid Row). "Sick of You is a short energizing speedster, but the rest is more on the welcoming side, especially the semi-balladic crowd-pleaser "When the Tail Wags the Dog".

I Don't Think So Demo, 1991
Model Citizen Demo, 1992


Based on the full-length, these lads specialize in old school thrash/death whose raging, unfettered qualities are hard to disguise even by ambitious progressive numbers like "Then There Was Silence" and "Thronebreakers". The epic melodicisms of "Disintegration Effect Pt.II.-Into the Abyss" can pass for the highlight, the harsh rending death metal vocals taking it easy on the moderate spacey respite "Echoes Of The Sunless Empire" and the doom-guided behemoth "Traitor". Some of the musicians are also involved with the viking metallers Apothecy and the melo-death/black metal outfit Revealing the Conscience.

The Age of Regression EP, 2017
The Sunless Empire Full-length, 2023

Official Site


This Canadian outfit mixes jolly thrash/crossover with heavy, power, and doom metal. This cocktail may come as too sotf for the hard-core thrash metal fan although the forceful death metal-ish vocals add a slight aggressive shade, and are better suited to the faster material.

Modern Crimes Full-Length, 2008


Atmospheric modern thrash with orchestral gothic colourings; at times beautiful and dreamy, at others pretty intense. The band play in mid-pace with numerous "ornamentations" along the way: haunting keyboards, bombastic arrangements ala Cradle of Filth, quiet passages, folk motifs (check out the excellent Bifrost-influenced instrumental "Dignity"), etc. The musicianship is on an admirable level, though, the bass player giving his fair share with his omnipresent thundering bottom, and the lead guitarist producing some impressive virtuoso moments. Despite the distractions, this is pretty much thrash the hard-hitting guitars always leading the way. The culmination of the guys' expressive eventful style comes on the ambitious closer "Summoned by Nothing" which is an appealing amalgam of all the previously heard influences wrapped in intense headbanging rhythms.
"Ordo Ab Chao" would be a big disappointment for the thrash metal fans; this is dark gothic metal with only occasional adherences to thrash. tasteful melodies and plenty of atmosphere are all present here, but there's no edge added to the guitar work the whole album taking the form of one slightly pretentious, and not thoroughly engaging, somber opera.

Endless Road, Pt. 1 Full-Length, 2012
Ordo Ab Chao Full-Length, 2014

Official Site


These guys are the same ones who later found one of the most popular extreme metal acts of modern times: Slipknot. Here the emphasis is not on outrageous shows, but on music, although it will hardly make a few eyebrows raise being strictly modern groovy thrash, not too bad, and quite intense at times, and considering the time of release, they could have been one of the first to practice the style. "Indisposed" is a nice heavy steam-rolling thrasher, and "Into O Shadow" adds more intensity to the proceedings with crushing death-tinged riffs. "Ritual Circle" even speeds up a bit, but in a modern groovy way. One needn't have a very big imagination to find traces of this formation's music into the future Slipknot sound.

Visceral EP, 1993
Sprawl Best of/Compilation, 1994
Mud Fuchia EP, 1994


Based on the full-length, this act offer speedy blitzkrieg retro thrash which is at times pure unadulterated speed metal ("Brothers of Death"), at others is a more intricate riff-fest ("Time for War") with echoes of Testament and Intruder. The stomping urgency of "Sick and Insane" is a cool digression, but the hyper-active shenanigans of "Final Experiment" tell a different story alongside then pounding officiousness of "Purgatory", the singer acquitting himself in a way no worse than Chuck Billy with an assured coverage of several vocal styles including a quarrelsome death metal-ish timbre.

Empire of Self-Regard EP, 2017
Sick and Insane Full-length, 2020

Official Site


Based on the "Public Execution" EP, these guys pull out heavy crushing thrash/death metal of the aggro, groovy type with swirling meaty guitars and sparse blasting sections. A surprising taste for melody is shown ("Red") here and there, but the crushing steam-roller riffage rules with full force all over supported by the gruff low-tuned death metal vocals.

Without Place Full-length, 2004
Public Execution EP, 2006

Official Site


One of the more popular metal bands on the Finnish metal scene nowadays; their style is a fusion of the old and the modern thrash school with touches of pagan/viking metal, melodic death, and heavy/power on their early efforts. Their debut, at least from a thrash metal point of view, is hardly the finest album around, providing quite melodic power/heavy/thrash metal. "Mokoman 120 pe4ive4e4" hardens the course, but just a bit, and to talk about full-blooded thrash on this one is a bit farfetched, since the majority of the tracks are mid-paced at best, with nods to heavy/power metal, crossover, epic and even punk. The band's real "baptism" in thrash is on "Kurimus" which is a nice mix of the modern and the classic sound with sharp, but also melodic riffs, with the majority of the songs sustained in an energetic headbanging tempo. The softer fillers are very few, and they come with a cool epic shade, for which the capable emotional semi-clean vocals are very suitable. On their later works the guys have hardened the course, moving more towards the modern melo-thrash/death wave, typical for their neighbours, abandoning the classic thrash leanings which here are quite frequent.
"Syde4njuuret" is typical modern thrash metal with sparse aggressive death metal passages, both melodic and aggressive the main difference from the pack coming from the characteristic melodic vocals seldom intercepted by much more brutal death metal ones. The music is dynamic, and the fast pieces pack a punch although they get lost in the middle replaced by dull mid-paced power/thrashers with a slightly alternative edge.
"Juurta Jaksain" is a faithful companion to the preceding full-length being mild modern thrash metal this time without any more aggressive "distractions" developing in a predictable mid-pace with balladic overtones and catchy melodic tunes.
"Varjopuoli" is an entirely acoustic album showing the guys' more lyrical aspect; these are actually old songs re-recorded in an acoustic-only version. Expectedly, it's mostly on the balladic side, with a few faster sections with a country feel. It's not completely without merits, but would be of zero interest to thrash metal fans.
"180 Astetta" may catch you with your pants down with the explosive opener "Uusi Aamu" which is intense raging thrash to the bone. This beginning is, of course, misleading since right after the band settle for their predictable soulful post-thrash delivery the "idyll" casually interrupted by the more energetic cut ("Uskalla Ele4e4", and especially the vigorous headbanger "Ajan Hermo"). As a whole the dynamics here is way bigger than on the string of sleepy efforts offered previously, and as such could qualify for one of the guys' more impressive releases not without the support of the good heavy ballad "Virsi N:O 5" and the bombastic operatic death metal-laced extravaganza "Illan Henki" which come near the end.
"Yksi" is modern post-thrash dissipated by laid-back heavy/power metal sweeps with a melancholic elegiac flair with echoes of Katatonia and mid-period Amorphis. Those who manage to fall asleep earlier, though, will have to wake up rudely on the brutal death metal breaks on the final "He Lensivet isin".
"Elvien Kirjoihin" is an uneven mix of calm mid-pacers with no relations to thrash, and more invigorating pieces (the unbridled death-laced "Valtakunnassa Kaikki Hyvin"). The bad news is that the latter aren't very amply provided the album sinking into the sea of rehashed melodic post-thrashy patterns, and in the long run this effort will end where its predecessor have: in the mediocre "gutter"...
"Hengen Pitimet": the excitement around this outing wouldn't be very big having in mind the last few tepid instalments, but the guys enrapture the audience with the vigorous moshing opener "Tienraivaaja", and although later on there's no such energy and verve to be encountered, this opus is at least more convincing than its immediate predecessor. "Lahja" and "Kesyta "erkeleet" enliven the spirit again towards the middle, both hyper-active headbangers the latter coming with a couple of delectable trippy escapades, a pleasant deviation which bodes more similar niceties on future instalments.
"Ihmissokkelo" is surely an improvement after a series of lacklustre, uninspired efforts, and "Ilmoitusluontoista Asiaa" is a rousing opener, a mosher second-to-none whicb doesn't quite instigate a rebellion, but at least it keeps things a bit livelier than before although its impetuosity can't be matched elsewhere, the familiar non-thrash approach from the few past recordings still prominent albeit not as anti-climactic. "Yopuoli" is another speedy highlight, and "Leikin Loppu" is a cool officiant stomper which opposes to the couple of meek balladic/semi-balladic numbers scattered around.
“Myrsky” is a sloucher, the moshing tendencies from its predecessor well accentuated on “Joukkotuhoase”, but from then on the album acquires mellow friendly parametres thanks to crowd-pleasers like “Taivaan Tuuliin” and “Tulisiko Ikävä”, the intimidating thick grooves of “Jos Tulevaisuus on” by all means a sign of rebellion, the hyper-active “Malja Sille!” another rebellious hymn, before “Ulappa” smiles widely at the end with corrosive but meek balladic rhythms.

Valu Full-length, 1999
Mokoman 120 pe4ive4e4 Full-length, 2001
Kurimus Full-length, 2003
Te4me4n Maailman Ruhtinaan Hovi Full-length, 2004
Kuoleman laulukunnaat Full-length, 2006
Luihin ja ytimiin Full-length, 2007
Syde4njuuret Full-length, 2010
Juurta Jaksain EP, 2010
Varjopuoli Full-length, 2011
180 Astetta Full-Length, 2012
Yksi EP, 2013
Elvien Kirjoihin Full-length, 2015
Hengen Pitimet Full-length, 2018
Ihmissokkelo Full-length, 2020
Myrsky Full-length, 2024

Official Site


The debut: this is dark fairly intense old school death/thrash, the crusty vibes on "The Sweet Taste of Death" creating abrasive noisier atmosphere which is aptly supported by the faster-paced title-track. A string of short immediate speedsters carve the middle before "Incipient Disease turns the table towards more brutal death metal, the vociferous shouty vocals also staying said course throughout. The end is preserved for a cool cover of Asphyx's "Serenade In Lead", well conformed with the hyper-active tone of this recording.
"Engrossed in Decay" is a heavier, more steam-rolling behemoth, the band squashing the audience with elephantine seismic riffs ("Glutinous Remains"), the aggressive rushes on "Relentless Pestilence" stirring the blood in a more restless fashion, with death metal taking over on the wild brutal shredder "Chemically Dissolved", and on the more technical walkabout "Disinhumed Carcass Revived". As a whole the guys have become a more extreme unit, with thrash easily side-lined for more than half the time.
"Catastrophic Reconfiguration" brings back the more dynamic patterns, the guys moshing with bigger verve and a dash of death metal ("Overdue Burial", the semi-technical"Frothing"), the steel gallops of "Masked in Mold" restoring thrash's domination, but a string of short frantic technicallers ("Rapidly Exsanguinated", "Corpse Copulation") retains the balance between the two genres, the closing "Nothing Left to Ooze" another less ordinary, frenetic walkabout.

Vanished Cadavers Full-length, 2020
Engrossed in Decay Full-length, 2022
Catastrophic Reconfiguration Full-length, 2024

Official Site


Aggressive thrash/death hybrid which at times sounds quite brutal and fast, at times acquires cool technical tendencies recalling Disciples of Power's debut, at times has a strong crossover touch, bringing to mind Nuclear Assault. "Ephemera" is a nice both technical and aggressive instrumental which displays the band's more skillful side. Although the guys prefer to stick to the more simplistic and catchy part of their music for most of the album, this is varied and enjoyable stuff.

Veil of Deception Full-length, 1991


Based on the demo, this band play fast aggressive thrash along the lines of Devastation and Sepultura. The guys try to experiment with longer songs, but there aren't any technical leanings here (except on "Think"), and the music starts getting a bit monotonous on the longer tracks. Still, this is a cool headbanging experience.
"Milkfish" will be a very unpleasant surprise to those who have heard the demo: this is pretty generic groovy thrash which lacks speed or energy except for the punk/hardcore closing joke "What's Up" relying on rehashed repetitive riffs and tempos: not even for the completists.

Looney Tunes from Insania Demo 1991
Milkfish Full-length, 1996
Tep Zepi Full-length, 1997


Based on the full-length, this act deliver decent semi-progressive modern thrash which starts with the excellent all-instrumental lead-driven intro "Shadows In Quarantine". Later on complex multifarious sagas ("Virulent") take turns with moody atmospheric slow-burners (the title-track), short spastic bolts of aggression ("Holy Macabre") aggrandizing the drama which reaches a culmination on the final 10.5-min opus "Rising Embers", an interesting albeit overlong epitaph with addictive melodic hooks and haughty balladic overtones. The singer is a shouty deathly semi-rasper, leading the show with both belligerence and panache.

Molten EP, 2019
Dystopian Syndrome Full-length, 2020

Official Site


This is quite cool dark power/thrash of the retro type led by Brenton Weir, a multi-instrumentalist who acquits himself with some inspired epic song-writing ("Crucifier") on top of more intriguing semi-technical decisions ("In the Castle of Sycorax") and stylish nods to the Sanctuary heritage ("The Fall"). "The Molten Chains" is a stellar doom metal hymn that even Solitude Aeturnus would find hard to match, and "Of Lucifers Eye" is mystical power/thrash at its finest accentuated by Weir's heightened clean croons which are close to reaching the dramatism of Midnight (Crimson Glory) at times. "Reverence Knifed" is a fearsome wayward galloper, with "A Mist in the Night" calming the ball down at the end to more conventional power metal proportions, a somewhat anti-climactic epitaph to this rousing slab of old school metal glory.
"Torment Enshrined" is a true revelation, a masterpiece of complex multi-layered progressive power/thrash, easily one of the five best works of 2020. Weir is helped this time by a drummer (the alias Michi), and the two artists really pull it off with entangled labyrinthine compositions, the spirits of Toxik, Realm, Deathrow, mid-period Fates Warning... Weir hits heights in the vocal department, too, with a constant switch between harsh death metal and excellent clean emotional vocals. "Habitual Sufferance" is also a nice reminder of the quirky histrionics of Cauldron Born, the somewhat unnecessary brutal deathly escapades not that attractive, the latter also gracing "Revenge Unbound", an otherwise mazey hectic thrasher with dramatic epic build-ups. "Weaponised" is a short breezy albeit less ordinary trippy headbanger, and "Pinned in the Lair" is a pulverizing complexer with weird jumpy rhythms and outlandish time-changes. The more aggressive deathly veneer returns for "Blackness and Silence", a spastic spacey wonder with tempo shifts galore, a perennially surprising shape-shifter with nice melodic lead sections. "Citizen" wraps it on with a pleiad of officious doom developments, the doom metal highlight of the past few years with Weir extraordinary behind the mike, a lurking dramatic pathos-inducing presence, supervising his impressive lofty musical histrionics with composed semi-detached vigilance.
"Orisons of Vengeance" is another fairly cool recording every bit of the way, the band doing a good job all the way, opening the lofty proceedings with the short epic speed/thrasher "Hand of God", before moving onward with the multi-faced progressive kaleidoscope "Bedevilled by Sorrow", a generally speedy proposition with ripping sharp riffs and bold winks at the death metal realm on the more aggressive sections. Orchestral blacky atmosphere is also introduced later, before "Black Mantle" enters with a portion of heavy imposing rhythms and more technical, read also fast-paced, configurations, some of those again crossing over the deathly hallows. "Communion" is an academic prog-thrash/death compendium, the guys insisting on those more brutal condiments, "Crimson Equinox" thrashing with bigger moderation aggression-wise, but keeps the intricate arrangements in check, the closing "Martyrdom" elaborating on all of them in an encompassing diverse manner, combining the fast-paced rushes with arresting balladic atmospherics for a rousing 8.5-min closure.

In the Antechamber Below Full-length, 2019
Torment Enshrined Full-length, 2020
Orisons of Vengeance Full-length, 2022

Official Site


Based on "Re-Blank the Canvas", this act whose line-up includes Andreas Lohse, the singer who has graced with his presence quite a few acts through the years (Lost Century, Forces at Work, Thought Sphere, etc.) specialize in modern semi-progressive thrash which suffers a lot from the brutal deathly vocal insertions which ruin the good work done by Lohse. Anyway, the music isn't much to talk about, just modern rhythms played on a metalcore/Swedish death/thrash metal-ish base seldom trying something more interesting like the excellent headbanging arouser "Braille-Maps to Eden", or the less predictable jumpy shredder "Pioneer's Distaste [For the Copyist]".

The Legacy They Left Us With EP, 2012
Reset the Parameters EP, 2014
Re-Blank the Canvas Full-length, 2016

Official Site


In the music department these folks channel early Destruction, whereas vocal-wise we have a guttural semi-shouty death metaller. The music shreds, though, and shades of later-period Dark Angel can also be caught (the more intelligent headbanger "Ritual Massacre". A string of cuts in the second half diminishes the speed until "Here We Are" which is a crushing death metal-ish instrumental. "Seventh Sign" is a more diverse 7.5-min rifforama but it still pales before the excellent speed/thrashing Destruction-esque closer "Light The Fire".

We Rule the Freaks Full-Length, 2012

Official Site


These folks pull out (based on both demos) energetic thrash/crossover with very shouty hysterical vocals. The delivery is often heavy and squashing ("Till the End"), but rest assured that compensation is amply provided ("Straw Man") and the band never venture into the fields of doom. Still, the majority of the songs are volcanic mid-pacers with samey, one-dimensional riff-patterns.

Blessed Are the Souls Demo, 1992
Another Reason Why Demo, 1993

My Space


The full-length debut: this is the good old school thrash metal served with a pinch of technicality: check out the excellent puzzling technicaller "Memories of War"; but generally the guys show no mercy thrashing like demented ("Bloody Assault", "Dawn to Night") with Slayer and Devastation obvious influences. The tempo is fast with a shade of hardcore at times, and the singer is suitably gruff, of the semi-shouty hardcore variety.
"Future Shock" is a straight-forward retro thrash for most of the time, the impetuous rhythms of the opening "Blast The Seed" leading the hyper-active fiesta which shows pretensions at virtuosity with the Shrapnel-prone "Shred Or Die!", the more complex veneer of the hectic "Fatal Vector" and the heavier more officiant "Swarm of the Whorenet" pairing well with the more technical riff-patterns of the closing "Metal Soul".

Dawn to Night EP, 2011
Go Forth... Slaughter Full-length, 2017
Future Shock Full-length, 2021

Official Site


Very cool, albeit roughly-sounding speed/thrash metal ala Not Fragile and early ADX with clean mid-leveled vocals, sing-along choruses and decent guitar work; the tempo is constantly fast, except for the longer "Minautor", which brings forward epic power metal elements, but the hooks and riffs and the excellent leads are not samey and compensate for the one-dimensional delivery of the singer. "Monark" is a very good galloping instrumental, and the closing "Dictateur" is an example of perfectly executed speed metal, which comes as the definitive pattern for the future 90's power/speed metal bands to follow: fast pace, melodic tunes, catchy choruses, edgy guitars, everything is here.

Demo Demo, 1989


Based on the full-length, this act offer merry-go-round speed/power/thrash of the old school with echoes of the 80's American scene, above all, which is quite well done without sounding derivative and trite. The warm horse clean vocals are definitely an asset giving the album a strange epic aura. The really thrashy moments aren't many at all, but there's plenty of energy here all musicians performing well in a direct simplistic, but effective, manner.

Monasterio EP, 2003
Tierra Infierno Full-length, 2006

Official Site


Based on "Divine Damnation", this act pull out classic thrash/death with suitable guttural death metal vocals. The delivery clings between short speedy cannonades ("Divine Damnation", "Age of Shit") and slower heavier ("Fakemockracy", "Anatomy of Insanity") propositions, the balance between the two sides achieved quite well without anything striking being offered on the music front.

Far from Christ Full-length, 1992
Postmortem Aggressive End Full-length, 1994
Fuck This World EP, 2003
Misanthrope Full-length, 2004
Chimera EP, 2021
Divine Damnation Full-length, 2022

Official Site


Based on "Thrashing Pictures", these guys really paint a nice picture of thrash, based on the classic masters. Their music is heads-down 80's thrash metal with strong nods to Slayer, among others, and a sparse use of blast-beats. This is aggressive intense stuff only broken by one very awkward romantic semi-ballad "One Love" in the middle. Two covers await the listener: one in the middle, Sepultura's "Innerself"; and one at the end, Slayer's "Raining Blood".

God Save... Full-length, 1993
8cwieata Inkwizycja Full-length, 1993
The Evil Has landed Demo, 1996
Shattered Faith Demo, 2003
Thrashing Pictures Full-length, 2005

Official Site


Fairly intriguing epic-tinged progressive thrash which sees the band epitomizing some not bad keyboard tunes to assist the melodic shredding which is hampered at times by the vicious proto-death vocals. "The Sword And the Robe" captures some of the pagan magic of early Sabbat (UK) where hard vigorous thrash meets a couple of alluring lyrical escapades. Very proficient lead guitar work accentuates the whole recording with "Thorn In the Crown" exhibiting some admirable opera-like structure, with virtuous melodies flying from all sides, the established mid-tempo stride seldom interrupted. "The Beckoning" brings back the keyboards to assist in another complex thrashism which erupts at some stage into a fountain of Shrapnel-like fireworks. This is a truly original recording coming from a very untraversed for metal area, highly recommended. Some of the musicians could also be seen in the doom metallers Naked Eve.

Blessphemy Demo, 1991


Based on the 2-song "Pornoreligion" demo, this act specializes in raw, primitive, frequently blasting black/thrash with macabre, semi-whispered vocals which, apart from the bashing guitars, offers a curious keyboard background which takes some of the "pressure" and gives a more stylish flavour to this otherwise pretty basic, semi-amateurish stuff.
The full-length is on a more proficient scale and now the atmosphere plays a more prominent role making short numbers like "Mountains Of Truth" really captivating listens. "Cosmos Is All That Is" is an operatic shorter introducing the dominant sound to be witnessed here which seldom breaks the mid-tempo mould the exception being the operatic black metal masterpiece "One God Further" which comprises a few short blast-beating sections. Mentioning black metal, it probably takes the upper hand on at least half the tracks turning the tables towards the darker side of metal with brooding, macabre riffs applied at every opportunity.

Eosforos Over Bethlehem Demo, 2008
Fornication In Sina Demo, 2009
Feeding the Roman Lions Demo, 2009
Pornoreligion Demo, 2011
Militant Atheist Full-Length, 2015

Official Site


The groovy post-thrash genre is given an interesting semi-progressive, also doomy, twist by these Germans who prefer to play mid-paced to slow adding casual industrial overtones ("Fat Boy") to the proceedings. The riffage us super-heavy, but pretty one-dimensional, and the listener may get bored since the compositions are not very short (5-7min) without changing the approach too much. "Dein Kleines Leben" is an excellent ballad, though, aptly followed by the closing "Zeit", which also shares some of its balladic calmness adding, here and there, the more intense heavier morose guitars.

Bring Woraus Die Tre4ume Sind Full-Length, 2008


Thrash/crossover of the softer, mid-paced variety; it has already acquired some modern groovy tendencies, including in the vocal department where the guy sounds moderately angry. Early Pro-Pain may be a more accurate reference, having also in mind the rappy sections which can be heard on "HIV-RIP". This act can actually be viewed as a side-project for two guys from the speed/thrashers Impaler, who are mostly known for their penchant for painting their faces in the manner of Kiss.

Demo Demo, 1992


This band is a side-project of members of Necrodeath and Schizo. The joint efforts of these musicians have produced a good album; style-wise the band's music is closer to Schizo with the same brutal and aggressive thrash metal sound and shades of crossover. Apart from the sheer speed, one could hear nice heavy, slower riffs, too: "Necroschizophrenia". Apparently this band were intended only as a one-album project without any intentions for further development.

Project One Full-length, 1989

My Space


Abrasive proto-modern thrash/crossover done by members of Blood Tsunami in union with musicians from other similar acts (Deathhammer, Lobotomized). This is simplistic playful stuff sustained in an energetic fast pace with references towards punk, hardcore, classic heavy metal ala Motorhead, stoner/doom, and more. A diverse bag as a whole, with gruff semi-death metal vocals.
These guys are pretty productive, and here comes another full-length ,"Nocturnal Neanderthals", following on the steps of its predecessor, providing the same varied mix this time slowing down more often, coming with arguably the more appealing material: the abrasive doom "Slow Death", the interesting gothic-based "The Bible And The Beatles", the classic heavy metal hymn "Relationshit". The faster tracks are now pure hardcore/crossover pieces, and the guitars lack the sharp edge for at least half the time.

... And the Wrist is History Full-length, 2009
No Cunt for Old Men Full-length, 2010
Nocturnal Neanderthals Full-length, 2010

My Space


The debut demo: this hellish Australian trio pulls out brutal black/thrash metal with a couple of more controlled moody breaks ala Khold and early Bathory. "Mongrel's Cross" shows some mercy from the fast intense sound with a lighter crossover section mixed with a more epic approach ala mid-period Bathory.
The EP is three songs of the same fast relentless black/thrash metal with the atmospheric passages now a tad longer, rather recalling mid-period Immortal this time than the other aforementioned acts.
The full-length debut would be quite a surprise the guys calming down to a big extent, concentrating on heavy moody riffs with echoes of doom and even proto-groove. The songs are much longer now but the lack of too many speedy parts make them sound quite samey. "Hunters of the Born Again" in the middle introduces some more energetic moments, but it hardly speeds up beyond the frolic Motorhead-ish rhythms staple for the last couple of Darkthrone albums. The only extreme blasting passages come forward for a short period on "Revelations Transpire" the rest being atmospheric, mid-paced at best stuff touching more recent Satyricon and Thorns at times.
"Arcana, Scrying and Revelation" switches back to the more aggressive parametres from the early days, the vicious black metal fiesta seldom perturbed by darker more restrained walkabouts ("Fate of the Grail Pt. I"). The majority are fast proto-blasting pieces ("A Magician's Prayer", "Fate of the Grail Pt. II") which are infused with loads of infectious melodies, with thrash sitting on the wayside, waiting to interfere with the odd moshing stroke like it happens on the excellent diverse progressiver "What the Cards May Tell", the highlight on this both belligerent and atmospheric recording.

Mongrel's Cross Demo, 2009
Whoresanna EP, 2011
The Sins of Aquarius Full-length, 2012
Psalter of the Royal Dragon Court Full-length 2018
Arcana, Scrying and Revelation Full-length, 2020

Official Site


Based on "Maniacal Sin: Resurgence", this act serve old school black/death/thrash that relies on insistently heavy pounding riffs which ion "Sea of Abominations" frequently border on doom, whereas "Unearthly Conduit" unleashes a bunch of more dynamic semi-technical shreds for a change. "No Light No God" is an effective intricate death/thrasher, but "A Common Graveyard" is pure doom and gloom with abrupt wild breaks. Expect a cool mix of the two currents on the final "Obsessive Compulsive Killer", the harsh guttural vs. shrieky vocal duel accompanying every track here to a near-overwhelming effect at times. Some of the band members are also involved with the black metallers Viserion.

Blood Red Sky Full-length, 2019
Maniacal Sin: Resurgence Full-length, 2023

Official Site


This band offer stylish modern technical thrash/death which twists and turns at times without breaking any technical or speedy records possessing quite a bit form both sides although the dominant tone is mid to up-tempo with clever touches including sparse spasmodic blasts on "Pestis". Less controlled wild shred can be encountered on "Death To Us All" which translates quite well on the closing "Carbonize The Flesh" which is a great puzzler along the lines of Suffocation and Pestilence. The vocalist is a normal death metal semi-shouter who assists the good music well. There's plenty of talent at display here, and hopefully the guys would be able to enter the full-length arena soon. The musicians are also active with the thrash/death formation Sidius, and were previously blending thrash, death and black metal under the name Deathrage.

Pestis EP, 2011



Based on the second album: this band are a good example that apart from Japan, there are other places in the Far East where people can play cool thrash (along with Crash and Sahon). The band's music is a cross between modern (not much) and classic thrash metal in the Exodus-mould. There is a nice reference to "La Bamba", and also a cool relaxing instrumental at the end. Before that you can hear some joke songs, too, but the album is long, and there is enough here to please the hungry thrash metal souls. At present the band is run by just one person, Seo An-Sang, who was once a member of the heavy metallers Mystery.

Monkey's Ass Full-length, 1994
The Second Phase of Monkey Head Full-length, 1995
Nan Gaeya! Full-length, 2005


This demo contains dark creepy thrash of the modern kind with consistent heavy riffs and not very convincing semi-whispered deathly vocal performance. The guys never get tempted to speed beyond the mid-pace, but there are other elements to be savoured here, like the cool melodic leads and the several dramatic passages ("Inspired By God") which feature more dynamic decisions. This is monotonous gothic-inspired stuff which has a characteristic muffled sound also "boosted" by the messy production.

Inspired by God Demo, 2006

Official Site


This is excellent modern progressive thrash which is built around not very expressive, minimalistic riff-patterns predominantly in mid-pace, but its more aggressive, also more spastic and jazzy, nature ("Versus Humanity") easily shows its teeth also accompanied by harsher deathly vocals as opposed to the decent main clean ones. "Five" is another more dynamic shredder which is followed by the monolithic, steam-roller rhythm section on "Boss Fight". "Red Wheelbarrow" is stylish dissonant funkisms on an urgent thrash base, and "F.F.S." is a semi-galloping power/thrash with quirky bass support. All the way to the spacey oblivious closer "Dog Blood" which math and djent (not much thrash here) blended to a slightly underwhelming effect having in mind the mellower nature of the music. Nevertheless, it remains an interesting, less ordinary effort with a broader scope which would attract more than the regular power/thrash metal fan.

Monogamizer Full-Length, 2015

Official Site


This German trio indulge in modern power/proto-thrash which is choppy and crunchy without creating much drama along the way, the brief pummeling “U D M H” opposing to mellow extrapolations like “Alone” and the friendly Motorhead-ish bouncer “Through the Night”. The abrasive semi-clean singer supports the cause without shining very brightly, except on the soulful ballad “Magnesium”.

Monogon Full-length, 2023

Official Site


This is very wild stuff sounding like a cacophonous but utterly compelling, combination between Atheist, Extol, 90's Voivod, and Coroner's "Grin". There's progressive, thrash, death, sludge and even hardcore here. Nevertheless, the music hits the mark the whole time and never loses coherence despite the insane time-changes and mind-bending technical riffs. The "madness" only stops on the "The Untold Story" and "The Endless Trip": both relatively orthodox 2-part instrumentals. These guys are here to conquer and I personally have nothing against it if they later become one of the leading bands on the scene.

Amuk Full-length, 2007

My Space


Based on the "Arcana Balkanica", this act offers mid-paced semi-technical thrash recalling Metallica's "...And Justice for All" and the Brits Slammer. The problem is that the music develops in a predictable mid-paced crunchy tempo, which serves very well the guys' purpose on the excellent semi-ballad "Demona", which is a masterpiece along the ranks of "Fade to Black" and "Sanatorium". This composition kind of splits the demo into two parts, sitting right in the middle; the second half is kind of influenced by it, since the sound becomes softer with power metal elements, and the semi-clean hoarse pitch of the singer acquires more melodic dimensions (they are, actually, very good on the aforementioned "Demona").
The debut demo is a more melodic affair incorporating quite a bit of heavy and power metal. The music is more on the mid-paced side and relies too much on melody which is overdone in the lead department. Thrash is covered on isolated more intense galloping sections, and at this stage it's obvious that it was hardly the band's target for worship.

Demo Demo, 1989
Arcana Balkanica Demo, 2008

My Space


This band featured the legendary Nicholas Howard Barker, the drummer who took part in numerous acts throughout the metal spectre (Benediction, Atrocity (Ger), Testament, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, etc.). Based on the 2-song EP, this band plays fast-paced thrash/death metal along the lines of early Pestilence and Death. "Sleep with the Dead" is slower and thrashier, whereas "Maceration" is an aggressive death metal assault. The vocals are pure death metal, sounding like a more vicious lower-pitched Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P.).

Sleep With the Dead EP, 1992
Tales of the Macabre Full-length, 1993


Melodic laid-back power/thrash metal with a not very good sound quality; the guys mix their American power metal heritage with the NWOBHM-sound, and as a result we have decent mid-paced stuff without any highlights whatsoever, seldom changing the pace or mood except on the very romantic tender closing ballad which sounds like a completely different band, but that hardly matters, since at that stage the listener would hardly care which song, or which band he listens to.

Field of Stone Full-Length, 1991


Based on "One Nation Under Metal", this act plays typical modern groovy post-thrash spiced with hardcore although there is not much speed involved, and the overall approach is not miles away from more recent Pro-Pain. Somewhere in the middle the guys wake up for energetic almost classic-sounding thrash ("Endless Negativity"), but this never happens later on with the sound safely going back to the safe well-tested groovy formula.
“Magnum Opus” can indeed pass for the band’s magnum opus with its boosted ripping sound, the headbanging proclivities nicely expressed through the vigorous “Degrees of Ignorance” and “N.F.L.T.G.”, and although the modern groovisms come back at some stage, one can do a lot worse than splashing the lashing drama “Your Lane” or the galloping energizer “In Darkness Dwells”, “Flight or Flight” a cool brief semi-technical explosion.

Have A Nice Day! Full-length, 1997
Use Only As Directed Full-length, 1999
One Nation Under Metal Full-length, 2002
FOUR Full-length, 2009
Magnum Opus Full-length, 2025

My Space


This is fast modern thrash/death which is assisted by guttural death metal vocals and speedy melodic riffs, the influence of the Gothenburg school quite overt all over. The more technical shredder “Rise” is by all means the highlight here, but the dramatic accumulations of “High Powered Artillery” and the bass-dominated musings of “Old Magik” are surely other moments worth visiting. Bigger ambition is also displayed on the massive 9-min closer “Vvitch”, a far-reaching conglomerate of heavy passages and sprawling semi-balladic configurations.

Synthetic Misery Full-length, 2023

Official Site


Based on "We've Caught the Sun", this band pull out modern power/thrash bordering on metalcore on occasion. The hyper-active "The Right to Bleed" is a sure reminder of the Swedish melo-death wave, but similar bellicose outbursts aren't very frequent here, the bouncy "No Damage" and the dynamic "Breathe" keeping the sizzling atmosphere, the varied vocal accompaniment ranging from overshouty death metal inclusions to clean passionate croons.

Catch the Sun Full-length, 2007
The Forwarder EP, 2011
A Bitter End/A Brave New World Full-length, 2018
We've Caught the Sun Full-length, 2023

Official Site


An interesting, heavy take on the style with doom/psychedelic overtones overtaking the hard-hitting thrashing riffage; some industrial sneaks in on the overlong nerve-stretcher "Goose", and generally the guys let their experimental spirit loose more than now and then, like also on the psychedelic doom-prone saga "Violet". "Pigeonshit" is some more dynamic thrash shit, but be prepared to fall asleep on the monotonous "Monologs" which is a bit more than 8-min of sterile melancholic riffs. Actually, almost every doom-fixated number contains faster-paced thrashing sections, but their length is not sufficient to make this recording a sure pick for the thrash metal fan.

The Art Of The Broken Mind Full-Length, 2016


Based on "Aeon", this outfit indulge in modern industrialized groovy thrash/post-thrash aggravated by very shouty quarrelsome death metal vocals. There are less bridled deathly outbursts ("We Are Legion") where more technical guitar work can be detected, but the more relaxed thrash-fixated material ("Cerberus Rise") delivers almost as well if we exclude the very sterile, mechanistic riffs which seldom show tolerance for melodic, laid-back (the more volatile doom-laden diversifier "Frozen Vains") idylls.

Reborn EP, 2009
Redemption Full-length, 2011
Aeon Full-length, 2019

Official Site


The EP: modern thrash/death metal moshing in a heavy mid-pace seldom reaching the epic atmosphere of Amon Amarth; a bit monotonous without any speedy temptations.
The full-length is a mechanical, sterile beast with a lot of robotic riffs roaming around. The staccato rhythmic patterns will bring Meshuggah to mind, but the delivery here is less adventurous and consequently less exciting (save for the brilliant chaotic technicaller at the end "Graced by Error") also due to the guys' steady refusal to add any more faster-paced sections.

Ending-Beginning EP, 2009
Perception Changes Full-length, 2015

Official Site


The debut demo consists of two songs of aggressive thrash/proto-death which is dramatic and stomping not relying on many fast-paced sections except for the speedy crescendo at the end of the 2nd track. The sound quality is surprisingly clear offering a thick meaty guitar sound supported by forceful semi-declamatory death metal vocals.

Demo Demo, 1988
Live to DAT Demo, 1991


The debut: this formation specialize in modern groovy post-thrash which acquires more intense headbanging proportions at times ("Chemistry of Death", "Where Heaven And Hell Collide"), and even sounds intriguingly semi-technical ("Eternal Netherworld", the interesting choppy closer "Among The Rats") on occasion. The singer shouts attachedly with more overt deathly notes, and doesn't detract from the musical approach too much. The guys play in various other bands: the death/thrashers BK 49, the death metal outfit Weak Aside, etc,
"Blood-Soaked Restart" doesn't betray the course from the debut, and continues the heavy modern thrash fiesta which is quite vigorous and headbanging based on the first couple of cuts among which "These Eyes Have Seen The Dead" is the undisputable leader with its solid semi-technical riffs. More intriguing configurations later with "Undead Skin Camouflage", a stylish polished shredder with great up-tempo implements. "The Blizzard" is a seismic stomper, but "Death Oddity" is the next in line hyper-active ripper that will tear everything apart within 4-min. The alternation between the two sides goes on with the more restrained "The Enemy Inside" which is a ten-ton hammer with a few more lyrical escapades. The end is occupied by remastered versions of tracks from the debut which add more verve and volcanic activity to this fairly entertaining opus.

The Arrival Full-Length, 2014
Blood-Soaked Restart Full-Length, 2017

Official Site


A 3-song demo of retro speed/thrash metal influenced by the early German scene: Vectom, early Blind Guardian, Iron Angel. This is very good stuff with excellent deep clean vocals of the mid-range which higher screams are quite effective recalling Ralf Scheepers (Tyran Pace, Gamma Ray). The music is predictably fast-paced blending sharp direct riffs with melodic hooks and swirling leads.

He Gambled with Satan and Lost Demo, 2009


This is a rough blend of hardcore, thrash and grindcore, played quite fast and wild for most of the time, accompanied by brutal death metal vocals ala Chris Barnes. Those with more aesthetic preferences should run for cover... and fast.

Indoctrination Best of Compilation, 2003


Dominic Porco is the name of the guy in charge of the proceedings here; so this one-man show turns to heavy pounding riffage to pull it through and largely succeeds thanks to the solid, monolithic guitars which create some doomy atmosphere. "Death Of A Greek God" is a short galloper which livens up the situation; and "Viking Funeral" is a cool reminder of the effective, post-thrash aesthetics of The Black Album. From this moment onwards the album settles for the latter influences coupled with heavier GZR-esque escapades. "Orange Sky Turns Black" is a prime doom metal opus with the shorter "Walk Away" following suit with more vivid, but equally as seismic guitars. The closer "Submission" is another ship-sinking number summing up the volcanic nature of this cool effort which also sees Dominic doing a good job behind the mike with his controlled, but still dramatic and emotional, clean tirades.

Angels with Fangs Full-Length, 2016

Official Site


Thrash metal acts from New Zealand are a rarity. Based on "The Precautionary Principle", this is melodic thrash/death metal-the one we are used to connect with the Swedish scene, professionally done, with nice guitar work. At times the vocals, which are otherwise typical for the genre, take a higher-pitched clean form, and combined with the heavy music, create a somewhat original sound. Another interesting moment is "Metal Is Everything": a straight heavy metal hymn where, near the end of the song, there is a fast aggressive break as a finishing touch.
"Spacial Operations" offers a slightly more melodic approach and is much inferior: the traditional heavy metal moments are more than on the previous offering, and the guitars are not as sharp; there are a few ballads ("November", "Lonely Crown"), and although aggressive pieces like "Stars Malign" which bring Strapping Young Lad to mind, try to keep the ship floating, it's clear that they are not enough to oppose to the predominantly pop-ish and unappealing atmosphere. The "Metal Is Everything" analogue here is "The Voyage of Magma Maiden" which is a catchy power/thrasher, but it comes too late to save the day.

"Singularity" is slow, sprawling and modern, in other words another step back from the band's earlier more potent style. Thrash metal plays a very secondary role leaving room for gothic, doom, classic heavy/power metal, death/doom (check out the steam-rolling "Death Sentence"), and even hardcore with industrial overtones ("Godkiller"); a very ambitious picture, isn't it? Comes close to the "cocktails" stirred by Devin Townsend on his solo projects and Strapping Young Lad, by the way, and may actually have its appeal to fans of the larger-than-life eclectic efforts (also check the Norwegians Dimension F3H).
"The God Album" tries to reach "godly" dimensions, and expectedly manages to embrace as many influences as possible incorporating post-thrash and alternative quite a bit now with the heavy doom base remaining now having a strong psychedelic flavour. Needless to say, its merits to the thrash metal world are not many at all, the band obviously trying to make a special niche for themselves on the overcrowded music scene; good luck with that...
The "Man::Instincts" EP serves another three numbers of calm varied stuff which in this case means ballad, epic and groove the mixture assisted by very good lead guitar work which is the only thing worth mentioning.
The "Man::Intrinsic" EP is not surprisingly (having in mind the title) another 3-songer which begins with a not too bad epic ballad ("Unconditional Lie") before it turns into furious death/thrash for a while on "Taste Of Doom" before, of course, doom settle in; and boring balladic progressive on the overlong dragger "Air (We Have Come So Far)". The guys' experimentalism knows no boundaries, but it seems as though they're also getting a bit tired of this...
"Earth" is an expected concoction of styles and influences, a mild progressive affair which has completely lost its significance to the thrash metal movement, the band indulging in groovy/grungy decisions with sprawling balladic arrangements the latter recalling more abrasive and less focused Opeth (check out the surreal spacey closer "Earth" which could even pass for a lost Hawkwind, or a Pink Floyd, track).
"Overhaul" is the next pompous quasi-metal opera in which the guys started indulging not long ago. Alas, they haven't remembered about our favourite thrash a lot this time, and the final result is too sleepy and balladic to catch the fan's attention (unless that same fan wants urgently a portion of fast-acting sleeping pills; this music here would do the trick handsomely....). The way things are going this could be the last review of the band's works on this site...
"Black Swan Annihilation" is a bit more aggressive with a slight concentration on the riff-work, but it's hard to classify it as a thrash metal recording with the atmospheric, orchestral arrangements and the balladic/semi-balladic deviations. "Unbridled Force of Nature" richly deserves its title, though, being a wild death metal-ish basher partly "infecting" the following title-track which is an ambitious 9-min progressive opus with a constant shift of moods and riff-patterns.
"Alternatum" is a sprawling progressive "opera" which major claim at thrash glory is the short creeper "Living Doomsday", and partly the brutal thrash/death "chaos" "Arms Race". The rest is long labyrinthine compositions with a strong epic doom metal flavour.

Dimensional Urgency Full-length, 2000
Rogue Full-length, 2002
M-Theory Full-length, 2003
The Precautionary Principle Full-length, 2006
Spacial Operations Full-length, 2007
Singularity Full-length, 2009
The God Album Full-length, 2011
Man::Instincts EP, 2012
Man::Intrinsic EP, 2012
Earth Full-Length, 2013
Universe Full-length, 2014
Overhaul Full-length, 2014
The Existential Codex Full-length, 2015
Black Swan Annihilation Full-length, 2016
Alternatum Full-Length, 2017

Official Site


The demo: rough hardcore-ish modern thrash which comes with a very boosted drum and guitar sound, making the rest of the musicians kind of unnecessary although the singer makes the utmost effort to be heard with his expressive quarrelsome shouts. The music becomes a bit more aggressive at times with a more obvious deathly edge, but the core breaks are too frequent for this album to be truly satisfying despite the presence of some merry optimistic headbangers (the closing "Whiskey Hangover").
The full-length debut "recycles" the "thrash" big time mixing fast blitzkriegers (the bursting opener "Take The Suffering") with 10-ton sludgers ("Monsterman") the latter still sounding energetic and vivid. The intensity from the beginning comes back with a vengeance with "Brazilian Roswell" and later reaches death metal extremes with "Vultures". The last song "The Brood" is a cover version of a hit of the obscure Brazilian thrash metal formation Expantor, a heavy semi-galloping power/thrasher.
"Back From the Junkyard" focuses on purer thrash a bit more, and as such the riffs cut more, the pace is more vivid, and the display of skills more exuberant. The more lyrical notes on "Against All" also work alongside the more curious, more ambitious layout of "Taken", the highlight achieved on the cool choppy semi-technicaller "Mad Max", with the creepy dystopian progressiver "Cryogenic Aquarium" a close second.

Scavenge from the Southern Demo, 2012
Recycling Thrash Full-Length, 2015
Back from the Junkyard Full-length, 2020

Official Site


This new act is just one person, the name already known (see band name), and he honed his weapons in Prong and Ministry. Here he specializes in a shreddy blend of classic and modern power/thrash without any shades of industrial, but with quite a bit of groove. On "Guilty Pleasure" he even tries something more brutal, towards the death metal canons, but watch out for the imposing doom ending on that same cut. Later on the man settles for a not very eventful mid-pace broken by a few semi-balladic "temptations" ("California"). Monte sings in an attached clean manner without emitting too much passion.

Inverted Grasp Of Balance Full-Length, 2016


Intense jumpy post-thrash of the seriously groovy type; the music develops in a samey steam-roller manner the band spicing things up with more thought-out progressive compositions ("Apollo's Fire", which features very cool leads, among other surprises), which are way superior to the other much less imaginative material. The closing "Diptera" is a 13.5-min extravaganza which stomps its way with hard riffs and a few balladic passages which drop the very brutal shouty death metal vocals for the sake of more meaningful soulful alternative clean ones. There are some ideas which could be developed further, but the guys really have to try hard in order to avoid the monotony which is quite prevalent for the moment.
"The Machine" is modern progressive metal with the occasional more aggressive thrash shade ("Colorblind"), but offers engaging meandering opuses ("Dimensions", the larger-than-life 12-min title-track) which should be able to capture the imagination of the more open-minded metal fan. The thrash metal lovers will find very little to like here, but this is too aptly woven to remain completely unnoticed.

Wings Of A Fly Full-Length, 2011
The Machine Full-Length, 2015

Official Site


Based on "Resting Place", this band offers cool progressively-sounding doom/power/thrash roaming the no-mans-land between the classic and the modern trends. After the imposing epic opener "In The Name" recalling the Brits Sabbat, the sound moves towards heavier slower waters for two songs, before "The Game" provides more energetic thrashing. Time for pure traditional doom with "Reflections" which would easily overshadow most of the tracks from the last Saint Vitus album, for example. "Mortal Divinity" returns to the power/thrash progressive music from the beginning in a heavier crushing fashion, but the doom-fixated approach comes back with "Judgement", leaving its mark on the remaining three songs the last of which ("Resting Peace") is pure melancholic doom ala mid-period Anathema and Katatonia. There are definitely moments here that would delight the thrash metal fan, but the overall focus is more on the fields of doom.

Dust EP, 1995
Resting Place Full-length, 1999
The Millennial Death of God Full-length, 2000

Official Site


This formation indulge in decent retro thrash which varies the pace the dominant one being up with a touch of early Exciter and the German speed metal movement (Vectom, Warrant, Atlain). The main annoyance would be the fuzzy sound quality and partially the gruff drunken vocals, but those are compensated by the stylish slower Celtic Frost-like insertions (check out the vintage early Frost tribute "Oasis" finished in an imposing orchestral way). Some of the band members are also part of the retro black/thrashers Old.

Medusa's Throne EP, 2012

Official Site


Based on "Titoksz", this obscure Hungarian band offer excellent dark progressive thrash with nice guitar work, interesting tempo changes, genuine atmospheric moments, and harsh death-ish vocals. The music isn't fast, but moves from slow, balladic to mid-paced. This is by no means feelgood progressive stuff; there are plenty of sharp thrashy riffs; it's just that the songs are long on musicianship and atmosphere, and would attract those who like concentrating on what they listen, and would also please fans of the more sprawling progressive song-structures (Opeth, for instance).
Their demo is more aggressive offering the same highly technical music, but the time changes are a bit more hectic, and the sound "staggers" towards Atheist and Pestilence on quite a few times. The delivery is tight and intense despite the presence of the 9-min sprawling opus "Hang-Alkony-Menedek" which, again, will delight fans of Opeth, above all.
"Egforras" is a very cool debut, fully fulfilling the promises made with the demo, starting greatly with the twisted surreal thrasher "Vegtelen Hetedik Szeme" which will bewitch you with its not very complex, but meandering spinning, riffs and the spacey tune which suddenly comes up near the end. "Feletti Merfcles" is more controlled being more dreamy and semi-balladic, and "Fellegforre1s" is not too far behind offering a similar mix of balladic and sharp technical riffs. This appealing blend gets repeated on a string of songs until it reaches "Serkenytegnap", an elaborate progressive thrasher providing lashing technical guitars and a couple of more intense headbanging moments which aren't the dominant trend here, but are hardly necessary the band more than acquitting themselves with the stylish technical performance. The closer "Lidervedzmader" is a compelling weird combination of technical riffs and more quiet semi-alternative passages with a balladic shade which delivers on all counts despite its exits from metal.
"Ebredes" (which can actually be downloaded on the band's website- link provided below) will surprise you with its high-spirited energetic delivery in the beginning well expressed on the opening title-track which comes as a more aggressive thrashier mid-period Amorphis. "Odaet-Odafnt" is a sweeping potent heavy 10-ton smasher with a few melodic balladic relieves along the way also coming from the excellent lead guitar work. Then the guys slow down for a string of songs which are doom-flavoured, mid-paced at best, before the coming of "Hang-Alkony-Menedek", a multi-layered progressive composition, still more in the semi-doom department, but more intense and thrashing. Expect nothing of the kind on the peaceful acoustic closer "Nincs Mes" which is 2-min of tender strings, only for the romantic lovers. The intensity goes down big time near the end, but still this effort has its positive sides and will consequently attract a wider fanbase outside the thrash metal spectre.
The EP is a return for the band on the scene after ten years' break. The thrashy vigour is somewhat gone now although the title-track restores some faith with its more vivid rhythms. Still, this offering has a more officious epic flavour as evident from the heroic doomster "Brothers of Sky". "Univerzum" tries to "flirt" with more intense riffage and ends up being a dissonant version of Voivod's late-80's exploits.

Hang-Alkony-Menedek Demo, 1999
Egforras Full-length, 2001
Titokszulo Full-length, 2003
Ebredes Full-length, 2007
Vilagteremto EP, 2017

Official Site


These veterans on the Italian metal scene first appeared in the late 80's with a fairly cool progressive/epic power metal album ("Passions") to resurface ten years later with the 4-song EP "Beyond the Edges" which wasn't too far from the sound offered on the debut. The year now is 2002, and the guys (and a girl: the singer Sarah Bonetti) have a new full-length release which shows them in a newer more aggressive light. After the quiet balladic intro "What Will Remain?" the band offers nice power/thrash metal of the mid-paced variety with "I Am" which sometimes fluctuates into avantgarde semi-balladic variations ("After All") ala Atrox and The 3rd and the Mortal, sometimes into spacey abstract doom territories ("I Hear You Call"). Those moments are by all means less than the pounding seismic power/thrashers like "Grey" and "Forced (Your Way)" which come decorated with elaborate progressive and quiet balladic passages. "Details Part 2" is an intriguing combination of doom and thrash metal with sharp jumpy guitars. The girl delivers with her mid-ranged slightly alternative tone singing in a samey manner all over in a way not too dissimilar to Anneke van Giersbergen (The Gathering), maybe a bit less emotional, but the music doesn't really give her chances to unleash something more dramatic and higher.

Insignificant Details Full-length, 2002

Official Site


This very obscure band pulls out intriguing heavy, often up-tempo technical thrash, with an angry, even groovy sound which a few years later would become the fashion of the decade ("What We've Become", the choppy jumpy "Hi Jesus"). There are certainly several straight intense thrashers ("I Live"), and at least half of the songs are very close to Metallica's late 80's period, but the real winner is the 9-min progressive thrasher "Kill the Fooldead Dummy", an impressive concoction of moods and tempos with great twisted technical guitars near the end. The vocals sound like a rougher version of James Hetfield. It's a pity they disappeared so fast; their music would have quickly found a place under the 90's metal sun.

Kill the Fool Demo, 1990


A cool atmospheric take on the modern thrash metal idea, done in a consistent heavy mid-tempo with brutal death metal vocals which strangely suit the music. The guitars are both sharp and melodic with the leads being really good. "?????" breaks the pattern with more vigorous speedy riffs moving onto an infectious galloping rhythm near the end.

Moonless Acheron EP, 2011

My Space


The debut: a dark mixture of death, thrash and post-thrash which is also reflected in the varied vocal approach as clean vocals "duel" with brutal deathly ones the whole time. The impetuous galloping energy of "When Worlds Collide" doesn't really have match later as the guys are more interested in exploring the more moody, solemn side of the spectre with gothic quasi-doomsters like "Forever to Reign" and grievous progressive power/thrashers like "The Fire Wave". "Hero's Live to Die" at the end livens up with more vivid riffage but remains on the more elaborate, less hard-hitting side.
"Nightmare Medley" retains the darkness from the debut, but is a generally more expansive fare, the galloping optimism of "Living in Nightmares" pairing well with the welcoming drama of "With Oden on Our Side" and the subversive psychedelia of "Black Tongue". The diversity is indeed big; after all, it's a medley we're talking about, with even some progressive flair added with the sprawling "Phantom of the Opera", an all-instrumental tribute to the Iron Maiden saga of the same title, the groovy nod to the the 90's carrying the legendary detective/lawyer title "Perry Mason".

From Pariah To The Cradle Full-Length, 2017
Nightmare Medley Full-length, 2022

Official Site


Thrash metal from Ireland; not a very common phenomenon but this one here is well done. The tempo is pretty fast with razor sharp riffs, along the lines of Slayer and Vio-Lence. There's not much variation throughout the songs if we exclude the heavy slower track near the end "A Change in Two Directions", but the intensity of the music makes up for it.

An Act of Violence Full-length, 1990


This obscure Canadian outfit play energetic speed/thrash with shades of crossover on the shorter material ("When I Die") whereas on the longer one strong progressive undercurrents run: check out the ambitious "This God" which develops in a pensive semi-balladic mood, but delivers with the virtuoso lead performance and the sudden faster outbreaks. "To Build an End" is another more thought-out number with great melodic leads, and generally the concentration is more on music leaving the hoarse semi-clean vocalist behind which should be the right way since his unrehearsed antics just don't hold water. The guitar work is really top-notch bordering on the Shrapnel (check out "Winds of Death") suffering at times from the not very clear sound quality.

To Build An End Demo, 1990


Cool memorable classic thrash seeing an obscure act who refuse to lay the old school weapons to rest, but going out with all the guns blazing to produce shattering bombastic thrash like on the epic opener "Winter Harvest" which is vintage early Sabbat (UK), before "Human Season" acquires more moderate, progressive tendencies. "Sacred Whore" is a quiet minimalistic thrasher, and "Shattered" is a semi-funky Mordred-esque distraction. All the way to the engaging stomping closer "Dr. Bob's Nightmare" which is choppy thrash mixed with laid-back balladic passages. The singer does a good job with his attached high-strung clean baritone despite several not very carefully rehearsed sections where he loses the higher pitch for a bit.

Moral Decay Demo, 1994

My Space


Fast blitzkrieg thrash/crossover with short bullet-like tracks which duration seldom exceeds the 2-min mark. The aggression goes towards the proto-death department ("Appetite for Discussion") where also the intense semi-shouty vocals belong, but watch our for surreal early Voivod-esque "intrusions" like "A New Dawn That'll Never Come" which show a not very openly revealed side of this entertaining sincere bash which passes by in the blink of an eye closing on a bit under half an hour.

Picnic In A Minefield Full-Length, 2016


Light modern heavy/post-thrash in a one-dimensional mid-pace; optimistic energetic music with references to punk, crossover, the obligatory ballad, even rock'n roll.

Fekel Ember Full-length, 2004

Official Site


This formation specialize in classic thrash/crossover with sudden brutal hardcore explosions ("Wagner's Path"), the intense shouty deathly vocals accommodating these aggressive outbursts with little strain, the speedy nature of the music ("Project Humankind", "Infodemia"), creating numerous pogo opportunities, pretty much all through the entire album, the more laid-back speed metal-ish character of "The Old Tower" a cool relevant addition to a lively hyper-active opus.

The Old Tower Burns Full-length, 2021

Official Site


Based on "Strach ze Smrti", this band play fairly good raging retro thrash/death which wins a lot from the very good production. The guys know mercy with a couple of more relaxed speed/thrashers (the title-track, "Zakon Dzungle"). "Sexem Posedla" is a nice unrestrained shredder, and "Divci Valka" is a stylish more technical headbanger. The closing "Nocni Mura" is a more ambitious power/thrashing opus which considerably slows down reaching semi-balladic dimensions. The vocals are harsh semi-death metal ones, but fit the highly energetic musical approach. The guys have a more lasting career with their other formation, the heavy metal outfit Rentgen with three full-lengths released.

Co Je v Nas....?! Full-length, 1999
Strach ze Smrti Full-length, 2015


A female-fronted thrash metal band; the girl changes from good clean vocals to screechy hysterical ones easily. This is music with a certain modern, industrialized edge and gothic overtones, heavy without any speedy parts. The debut is the better thrashier effort, whereas "Priest Hunter" deepens further into modern waters, and with an increased amount of groove and industrial elements, strays from the more appealing and immediate nature of its predecessor.

Psycho: Delusion Full-length, 2005
Priest Hunter Full-length, 2006

Official Site


Based on the “Human Alchemy” demo, this Brazilian specialize in quite cool intricate retro thrash which is pure delight on the flawless shredder “Deceitful Life”, a slow-burning but very effective piece with seeping dramatic accumulations. The probable title-track “The Key for the Human Alchemy” is equally profound, a stomping technicaller with sudden speedy surges, a virtuous bass bottom, dazzling melodic tunes, and a breath-taking balladic interlude. “Hidden Faces” is an encompassing 9-min long saga with tight intricate rifforamas and several fast-paced implements, a multi-layered masterpiece which would make anyone from Death to Deathrow proud. The vocalist is a shouty deathster who steps out for several noteworthy instrumental passages on the last opus.

Factory of Dreams Demo, 1995
Human Alchemy Demo, 1997


Vicious aggressive black/thrash with horrifying deathly vocals; primal bashing stuff as a whole the more laid-back Celtic Frost-like passages working the best. The hyper-blasts are everywhere making this recording a tiring listening experience for the more faint-hearted who may smile partially on the cool Bathory-sque closer "War Infection Bestial".

Mundo Infernal Full-Length, 2016



Quite a good demo which combines the speedy thrash metal of the Toxic Shock debut with the more aggressive sound of Sepultura and Devastation, topped by brutal death metal vocals.

Returning Impossible Demo, 1988


This is the band from where the legendary Dead (R.I.P.) started his short but eventful career in metal, before joining the ill-fated Mayhem (and put an end to his life). Morbid are actually one of the first extreme bands in the history of the genre mixing black, thrash and even death metal on their first three demos, and despite the raw and undeveloped nature of the music, it is clear that the guys had gotten together with the clear intention to broaden the borders of metal into more brutal areas.

Rehearsal 07/08/1987 Demo, 1987
December Moon Demo, 1987
Last Supper... Demo, 1988
Death Execution Best of/Compilation, 1995
December Moon EP, 2000
Live in Stockholm Live album, 2000
Death Execution III EP, 2001

My Space


Based on "God Hates Asshole", this outfit pull out brutal death/thrash which goes on in a splashing blitzkrieg fashion often branching out into grindcore without warning. Brutal blues awaits you on "Brutal Blues" which is more of a hardcore blues, and remains the most laid-back number here, as opposed to "Hate within Borders" which is maddening death/thrash/grind with a cool melodic relief in the lead section. The death metal singer quarrels and shouts throughout trying to adjust his "singing" to the musical shifts with a few spastic, not very rehearsed, blacky screams.

Grind Up Your Ass Full-length, 2007
God Hates Asshole Full-length, 2014

Official Site


Based on the "Vox Spectrum" demo, these guys pull out cool classic speed/thrash which starts in the most energetic way with the instrumental "Vox Spectrum". "En El Calabozo De Los Condenad" enters to introduce the raw death metal vocalist and slower stomping tempos, but later on the guys have no problems capturing the intensity from the beginning, although the last few tracks have a certain crossover colouring.
The EP carries on in the same direction lashing out fiery riffs to no end till it starts to hurt. No complaints since the band know their craft producing brutal cuts like the speed/thrashing madness "Ceremonia de la Perdicion" which will recall both early Destruction and the Portuguese Alastor. But then arrives "Demente Y Lleno De Odio" which is blasting death metal; this change may be quite annoying to some breaking the settled speed/thrash tone by the engaging opener, but later on such "surprises" are not to be encountered the guys finding the right way to conquer your souls with blistering old school speed/thrash/proto-death paying tribute to Possessed with the cover version of "The Exorcist" done in a faithful manner resurrecting the pioneering proto-death aesthetics of the song, including in the nice melodic riff deviations.
The full-length is a headbanger to the bone the band death/thrashing with force adding the odd black metal element to the barrage (the hyper-blasts on "Supplicium" and elsewhere). The German school hasn't been neglected again, but the death metal extremity is too big both on longer and the shorter pieces. Still, the end is strictly for the thrashers: first comes the shredding madness "Somos El Mal", then the capable cover of Slayer's "Show no Mercy". This is an aggressive listen with a bigger focus on death metal, but the moshers from all walks of life should be happy all over.

Morbid Command Demo, 2010
Vox Spectrum Demo, 2011
Odio EP, 2011
Supplicium Full-Length, 2012



A 3-song demo of fast thrash/death ala Rigor Mortis; well done, with some surprisingly good but sparse leads and bass work. The vocals are brutal, but good death metal ones.

Demonstrations of Devastation Demo, 1992


Based on the full-length debut, this band play simplistic right-as-rain retro thrash despite the relatively lengthy numbers. There's variety at play, check out the seismic stomping rhythms on "Cease to Exist", or the officiant near-doom layout of "From Beneath", although the focus is clearly on energy emittance with hyper-active shredders like "Disciples of the Goat" and "Forever Cursed" bringing the approach close to the death metal realms. The closing "Choked With Insanity" is a nearly 11-min long extravaganza with a wide gamut of nuances covered to a disorienting but listenable effect, the intense shouty, to the point of hysteria at times, vocals adding to the uneven but inspired drama.
"Ungodly Infestation" offers very similar entertainment, the heavy officiant lustre of "Dwellers of the Dark" paring well with the doom-flavoured broodiness of "Prized Possession" and the speedy vigour of "End of Days", the latter also receiving handsome support by the cool cover of Judas Priest's 'Exciter" thrown at the end.

Practice What You Preach EP, 2015
Disciples of the Goat Full-length, 2019
Ungodly Infestation Full-length, 2022

Official Site


Based on "Samudaripen", this band play classic death/thrash which is clearly on the wild unfettered side with throaty guttural death metal vocals further intimidating the listener who will pass through a string of violent moshers (the title-track, "Nocturnal Slaughter") where death metal is clearly the dominant genre. The thrashing urgency of "The Nighstalker" by all means restores some equilibrium, but it's one bashing vehemence with "Tamerlane's Delight", the complexly-woven "Where the Dark Truth Lies" suggesting more ambitious progressive depths to be explored in future recordings. Some of the band members are also engaged with the black metal unit Valefar and the death metallers Eaten Alive.

Holodomor Full-length, 2021
Samudaripen Full-length, 2024

Official Site


Based on the "Shamless Faith" demo, which contains three live tracks, this band play doom/thrash in the vein of early Celtic Frost, but here the doom is more strongly involved. There's no speed present, and except for the more lively "War and Pain" (which isn't a Voivod cover) the tempo very seldom goes up.

Nomad Demo, 1993
Shamless Faith Demo, 1997
Echoes of Solitude Full-length, 1997
Secrets Full-length, 2002
Unlocked Full-length, 2004

My Space


Noisy grind/thrash which could have been at least half good if the musicianship had been at least decent; worth hearing just out of curiosity regardless of the several more senseless moments (the twisted miasmer "Butchery of the Slasher"), mostly on the longer tracks among which "Feast of the Cadavers" is a more cleverly performed stomper, the insane shouty hardcore vocals creating quite a bit of noise when in action. Definitely not for the faint of heart...

Death Anthem Full-length, 1990


Three tracks of raw primeval thrash which clings between the evil bash of Possessed's 'Seven Churches" and the more stylish meanderings of the Infernal Majesty debut. The sound quality is awful obstructing the impact from cool thrashers like the short explosive "Golgotha (Cuts In 1/2)", and the more engaging, almost progressive-sounding, "Golgotha". The singer is a deathly shouter, and is the least capable performer from the batch.

Rehearsal Summer Demo, 1988

Official Site


A hellish trio from Cyprus specializing in a slightly incoherent thrash/death metal which jumps from funeral depressive stuff ala Hellhammer and early Celtic Frost ("When the Darkness Falls", "Mayhem Reveals Disease") to awkward attempts at a faster play ("Morning Star") the latter recalling very early Messiah. The musicianship is well below average, the sound gives an unfocused distorted tone of the guitars, and on top of that we have an agonizing super-brutal low-tuned growler who stifles the instruments on quite a few times without leaving the best impression.

Morbid Existance Demo, 2010

My Space


Aggressive thrash/death, quite close to the Merciless debut with some cool semi-technical guitar work and a very strong bass bottom. The vocals have this distant John Tardy echo, but are lower-pitched and less intelligible.

Darkest Age Demo, 1990


Based on the full-length, this act provide decent classic speed/thrash which follows the German trends in the business, think Toxic Shock's debut, early Deathrow, Exumer's "Possessed by Fire". Speed is pretty much the order of the day throughout, the husky semi-spat out declamatory vocals roaring above the musical proceedings without singing too much. There isn't a single respiteful moment on offer here, the whole carnival is sustained in a hyper-active, relentless pace, with the final "Ritual of Death" even "winking" at the proto-death metal movement.

Ritual of Death EP, 2014
United We Stand Full-length, 2018

Official Site


Based on the debut demo, this hellish duo, who are also active in many other Chilean underground acts including their other mutual project, the thrash metallers Electrocution, produce evil misanthropic black/thrash which, if we exclude the frequent and ultimately annoying blast-beats, owes a lot to early Bathory who is (R.I.P.) honoured with an abrasive hardcore-ish cover of "In Conspiracy With Satan". The vocals are of the witch-like semi-whispered quality and often get buried in the roughly produced mix which faithfully preserves the primal raw recording atmosphere of the early days.

Nocturnal Sin Demo, 2010
The Ritual Single, 2010
Morbid Holocaust EP, 2011

My Space


Black/thrash metal of the fast extreme type (based on the first EP); the music comes as a mix between early Impaled Nazarene on the brutal moments, and early Bathory on the more controlled ones which are way less than the former.
The "Antichrist Blasphemies" EP is another aggressive black/thrash affair maybe blasting a bit more than on the debut EP siding with Marduk and Watain this time. Thrash takes a second place here, felt here and there, but this is mostly black metal assisted by gruff low-tuned death metal vocals.

Thundering Evil EP, 2008
Antichrist Blasphemies EP, 2010

Official Site


Based on the "Herbspiration" demo, this act pull out a semi-eclectic thrashcore rifforama which works on the more elaborate moments ("Negativity"), but for a large portion of the time the guys just bash with not much sense, with "Prostitution" providing a slab of more serious thrashisms, the shouty intimidating vocals creating more hyper-active drama on the side.
The 1988 demo is pretty much in the same vein, the band moshing with little restraint all over, shooting short pulverizing cuts ("Skatewasted", "Change for the Worst" in a brusque nonchalant manner, the more entangled rifforamas on "Morbid Life Society" not producing much in the long run, the guys just bashing with no compromise, reaching at times the violent musings of Cryptic Slaughter ("Mommy's Home") even.

Demo Demo, 1988
Herbspiration Demo, 1996


Based on the full-length, this Mexican duo indulge in crusty abrasive speed/thrash/death of the old school, the husky not very audible deathly singer gurgling then lyrics with the requisite panache. Music-wise this is fast relentless stuff (“Acid Suicide”, “Dismembering the Corpse”), the more epically-executed “The Stench of the Cadaver” still on the hyper-active side, where also the pure death metal madness “Desecrating Your Grave” belongs.

El Regreso... de la Muerte EP, 2024
Reign of Terror Full-length, 2025

Official Site


Just one song seeing a band of heavy abrasive modern thrash with drunken death metal vocals and a surprisingly stylish lead section. Apparently the guys are too busy with their other projects to record something more. They also take part in Crackdown where the sound is pretty much the same (this song could be a leftover from a Crackdown album?), and more recently in the classic thrash/crossover act Assassinner, with all bands still being on a demo stage.

Sons of Misery Demo, 1994

Fan Site


Energetic impetuous retro thrash which is sustained in the same high-energy tempo till the end. Speed doesn't exactly kill like "Speed Kills" suggests, but only title-wise as this is the most varied composition, with a wide range of paces and moods. Brace yourselves for the wild banging "Self Immolation", and for the more moderate Kreator-esque "Twisted Soul", the expressive shrieky Mille-like vocalist another nod to the German legends.

Chaos: New Law Full-length, 2021



Based on the "Celtic Thrash Metal" demo, these guys offer speedy "celtic" thrash metal in the spirit of Rigor Mortis and mid/late-80's Sodom. This is good stuff, constantly fast, seldom lashing out in a more aggressive proto-death manner ("Destruction", which is a great headbanger also reminiscent of the early Death approach). The only stop from the intense moshing is in the from of a heavier Celtic Frost-like section on the aptly-titled for the purpose "Celtic Thrash Metal".

Bestial Attack Demo, 2000
Celtic Thrash Metal Demo, 2001

My Space


"Spectrum Of Death" is a fabulous debut featuring furious thrash metal sounding like a mix of Necrodeath and a more vicious late-80's Kreator. This is great fast-paced music, with mighty sharp smashing riffs and direct 3-4min explosive tracks (the exceptions are "Assassin" and "Scars", which are about 7-min, but are not deviations from the aggressive formula). "Beyond the Gates of Hell", the album closer, reduces the speed for the sake of the up-tempo riffage, and is the only slight break from the merciless thrashing.
"Destruction System" is actually an unreleased album, and carries on in the same uncompromising vein: great aggressive thrash, this time containing slower, but equally as intense pieces: "Destruction System" and "Halls of Terror" (this one speeds up here and there). The whole work has this genuine dark atmosphere, created by the thick brooding guitar sound. Few were the bands in the 90's who managed to sound as fresh and as true to their roots after such a long break.
"Swallowed by Hell": now that's what some will call a present... the veterans are back in a somewhat clandestine, unheralded manner... will they deliver, though? They will, in spades at that as this opus will bring the audience back to their first two instalments with the ripping title-track, and will keep them there till the gory end. There's very little mercy shown in-between, the deathly vehemence of "Bloody Floors" matched by the more technical shreds of "Burn Pit" and the infernal immediacy of "Fear Incarnate", the intriguing more entangled shenanigans of "F#&K Them All" displaying a less traversed, also more melodic, side of the band's repertoire. More stylish complexities with the excellent unpredictable "Bleed Them Dry", arguably the highlight here, the speed/thrashing urgency of "Pine Tuxedo" still coming with a couple of less ordinary developments, with "Killer Instinct" providing a heretofore missing quasi-epic ingredient to the sizzling approach. Make sure not to miss the closing moshing delight "Psychosis", a proto-death semi-technicaller that is another testimony of the guys' full metal jacket... they were surely missed, and the scene by all means feels more saintly with them shredding and thrashing around.

Spectrum of Death Full-length, 1988
Destruction System Demo, 1992
Swallowed by Hell Full-length, 2024

My Space


The second demo: very good aggressive thrash metal made in Texas: the band's style bears resemblance to the Rigor Mortis debut, but these guys vary things more with tracks which are not based entirely on speed, but are also graced with nice stomping riffs recalling Nasty Savage's "Ignorance". The guitar work is sharp and heavy, and never strays into death metal territory. The vocals are particularly good sounding like a mixture between Nasty Ronnie and Bruce Corbit.

Demo Demo, 1987
Morbid Scream Demo, 1989
The Signal To Attack: 1986-1990 Best of/Compilation, 2007

My Space


Based on the full-length, this act indulge in cool crisp old school thrash, the main difference coming from the vocal department where the guy plainly shouts in a hoarse deathly fashion. Fast blitzkrieg pieces ("Hate Fury and Aggression") take turns with more cleverly-executed ("Mercader de la Muerte") technicallers both sides helped by the very clear sound quality. "Evocacion" is a more moderate epicer but appropriately-titled cuts like "Speed" and the title-track leave not much room for such developments, not to mention the closing "Thrash en Mis Venas": the title says it all...

Speed, Addicted to Pleasure EP, 2012
Where's Your Fucking God? Full-length, 2018

Official Site


Based on the "Cauldron Of Souls" demo: power/thrash metal in the early Metal Church-vein, or Laaz Rockit's "Know Your Enemy"; good stuff with slower epic tracks. At the end there is a live cover of Mercyful Fate's "Evil".
The guys are back inspired by the example of many of their colleagues from the 80's/early-90's, and "Sins of the Flesh" is out, and their old fans will not be disappointed. The album begins in a heavy power/doom metal manner sounding close to the works of the Swedes Memory Garden and Mercy, and it's "Heaven Help Us" which starts crushing in a more aggressive thrash way ala Sanctuary. But then comes the pure doom delight "Witch Window (Return to Salem)" followed by the nice ballad "Child of Darkness (Child of Light)". More lively galloping riffs on "Jesus Wept" as well as a more complex early-Queensryche sound on "Beyond Wickedness", and finally one full-blooded headbanging thrasher as a final touch: "Torn Apart". The vocalist Bobby "Leatherlungs" Lucas shines all over with his clean high-strung emotional timbre which has previously graced acts like Overlorde, Seven Witches, etc.

The Arrival of the Sin Demo, 1988
Cauldron Of Souls Demo, 1992
13th Child Demo, 2005
Sins of the Flesh Full-length, 2010

My Space


Based on the full-length, these three Peruvians indulge in evil nihilistic black/speed/thrash which is assisted by hissing, witch-like vocals, a really sinister, and effective, touch to the musical landscape. That same landscape consists of fast Germanic worshippers ("Cannibal Butcher") with more moderate mid-pacers ("Zombie Splatter Axe") both sides working well creating an appetizing contrast especially with the cool nod to Bathory done with the macabre bashing closer "Slay with Steel". And these vocals, they have to be heard to be believed... be afraid; be very afraid.

Wicca EP, 2014
A Filthy Orgy of Horror and Death Full-length, 2015

Official Site


Based on "Planet Death", this outfit play modern melodic thrash/death which brings the gruff/clean vocal duel along with the staple melodic hooks. Unfortunately, the approach is too soft and bland to catch the listener's ear more than occasionally, especially when the music acquires several epic power metal proportions in the second half. The band have cooked "rousing" rather than "morbid" tales here... The guys were previously known as Megiddo where the style was pretty similar to the displayed here.
"The Best and the Remaining Tales" arrives after a sizeable 10-year gap and sees the band having drastically changed their style to some modern post-thrash carnival which lacks verve and bite for most of the time, with atmospheric gothic melancholia ("Blessing") walking around as well, the more technical riffage on "Your Knife in My Back" an isolated interference, including the rough death metal vocals which simply don't leave a very positive impression in the presence of the more convincing clean ones. The overall delivery is quite reminiscent of later-period Sentenced and the Finns Gandalf; so expect a few sparse melo-death insertions.

Psychotic Mind Dance Full-length, 2007
Come Inside EP, 2009
Planet Death Full-length, 2012
The Best And The Remaining Tales Full-Length, 2022

Official Site


"Aggressive Destruction" is very good American power/thrash reminiscent of Abattoir and Attacker, quite heavy and aggressive at times ("Life for Violence"). "Target Earth" surprisingly tones down the thrash ("Fight, Kill, Slaughter, Burn" being the only exception) and is more power/speed metal-based, and the inclusion of very awkward death metal vocals on "Pyrokinesis" makes things even less appealing despite the presence of some interesting moments ("Technical Death"). The singer has a characteristic semi-clean voice which handles several ranges his wailing sudden shouts/screams being quite effective, maybe a tad unrehearsed also hampered by the muddy sound quality on both demos.

Aggressive Destruction Demo, 1985
Target Earth Demo, 1986


Based on "Harbinger", this band offers modern melodic thrash metal with very cool Oriental elements. The problem is that the album develops in a predictable mid-pace recalling the Jews Orphaned Land quite a bit on the mellower moments, also offering a similar to the latter "gruff-clean" vocal duel. Needless to say, the delights for the moshers are very few: "Going Under" comes to mind being an intense death/thrasher, but the rest is plagued by gothic, ballads, groove, folk, etc. A diverse blend as a whole, which will definitely find its audience, but the thrash metal fan will not be fully pleased.

Rise Up EP, 2003
Seven Sins Full-length, 2004
Chaos Breed EP, 2007
Harbinger Full-length, 2010

Official Site


Very cool headbanging old school thrash comes from Denmark all of a sudden, of all countries, for the country to give its contribution to the awakening of thrash metal. Unfortunately, it's done in the form of four tracks only which, despite their furious classic thrash nature, are far from enough to turn Denmark into a major contributor to the process. The guys play fast and tight, with sharp riffs and timid nods to the more technical style of their renowned compatriots Artillery ("The Glory") which never developed further since soon after the release of this EP the band went their separate ways.

The Firstborn EP, 1998


Atmospheric semi-technical thrash/death which is not far from Pestilence's "Testimony of the Ancients" and Assorted Heap's "The Experience of Horror". The guitars are lower-tuned here, and the singer is less audible his gruff death metal tone not getting much exposure. Otherwise the guys play with inspiration producing clever intelligent progressivisms on the closing "Prison Of Insanity". Later some of the musicians went onto bigger glories by forming the black/dark experimental metal formation Bethlehem.

Demo Demo, 1991


Based on the last split, this band play a raw vicious mix of black, death and thrash metal with low-tuned death metal vocals. The music favours black metal most, but some sharp thrash riffs could be heard, which may remind you of Absu's "Tara".
The "The First Desecration" compilation is a really brutal affair, and will not delight the thrash metal fan too much. This is bashing black/death for most of the time with a very bad sound quality and grunting very low-tuned, absolutely unintelligible, vocals. The guitars form one impenetrable wall of sound without any solos or melodic hooks.

Death Desecration Demo, 2004
Ritual Sacrifice Demo, 2004
The First Desecration Best of/Compilation, 2006
Chainsaw Death Fuck Demo, 2006
Akerbeltz/Avangh Dhfcr/Morbid Yell/Hellthrone Split, 2007
Korgull The Exterminator/Morbid Yell Split, 2008


The "Ideas Desfiguradas" demo: four tracks of heavy proto-groovy thrash sounding not as stale as the Pantera followers of the same time, if we exclude the throaty angry vocals. The music has an edge, and adheres to some 80's gimmicks ala the Bay-Area. Certainly, there's groove to be "enjoyed", but "El Placer De La Vaciedad", on the other hand, is a good headbanging fun although on the others the heavy, slightly monotonous, mid-tempo dominates.
The self-titled demo is rough retro thrash with dark morose overtones as evident from the pounding "Oscuridad", the cool lead melodic sections gracing most of the songs here, among which "Los Despojos" is a brooding near-doomy experience, and "Devastacion" is a crushing headbanging winner with a more complex veneer. The singer is a shouty deathster who tries to emit more passion here and there.

Morbida Demo, 1995
Ideas Desfiguradas Demo, 1996


Dark ominous old school death/thrash which steam-rolls onward with a steady up-pace, the intense spat-out vocals assisting to the best of their abilities, including on the brutal death-laced "Renaissance". More bouts of aggression later ("Evil's Winter") aggravate the setting, the stomping ponderous "Red River" calming the ball down, before a string ("Black Truck") of short blitzkriegers sends the delivery into the realms of death permanently.

Red River Demo, 1995
Black Moon Demo, 1999


Quite a good effort seeing a band moshing with competence and professionalism despite the muddy sound quality. The delivery is a mix between thrash and proto-death the vocals trying to stay within the death metal camp as the approach clings towards the more technical with clever shredders like "Dead By Dawn" and "Deadly Disease" keeping the fans on their toes with their intricate rifforamas. "No Cure" is a more thought-out, nearly progressive piece, and "Behind the Gate" is an impetuous speedster with beautiful melodic embellishments which are replaced by more technical developments on "Have To Forget", the highlight here, a nearly flawless exhibition of the "technicality meets aggression" hybrid.

The Curse Demo, 1989


The "Seed of Pain" demo: this unknown band play dark evil thrash/death which comes served with a cool stylish progressive flair on "Transitional Changes" despite the thin lead guitar. "Phallic Seasons" is a more direct basher with Slayer-esque overtones matched in terms of intensity by the bonus track "Born to Die"; and the title-track is another more complex shredder with some really inspired lead guitar work which occupies almost half the space. The vocalist is a gruff, brutal semi-death metal shouter ensuring the lasting brutal appeal of this deeply underground recording.
The "Distant Seas" demo is surprisingly more death-based, the band stylish Nocturnus-esque "Schizophrenic Mysteries" laying the foundations for the intricate entangled approach epitomized here, a tapestry-like conundrum marred by the very muddy sound quality, which also leaves its trace on the virulent semi-blasting "Past Life", the title-track carrying on in the same direction, toning it down in the riff-department with a more measured thrashy trot. "Jaded Images" is a more twisted miasmic composition that also brings echoes of Demilich and Morbid Angel.

Distant Seas Demo, 1992
Seed of Pain Demo, 1993



This is a side-project for the Municipal Waste lads who are here in team with the Finn Vreth (...and Oceans, Finntroll, etc.), the vocal authority who supervises this showdown threatening mirth, his raspy witch-like tirades the perfect accompaniment to this highly dynamic classic black/thrash/death fiesta which also serves murky more laid-back dramas ("Universal Funeral"), the symphonic roller-coaster a full-blooded black metal cut. "Deaththirst" justifies its title with a more accentuated deathly veneer, and "Borne of Phantom Vessel" is an ethereal operatic march, closing this saga with a fitting orchestral aplomb. Those looking for some brisk frolic thrash/crossover fun ala Municipal Waste, will be left gravely disappointed.

Ov Mournful Twilight Full-length 2022

Official Site


Based on the first demo, this band plays good edgy thrash metal with nice flashy lead guitar work and forceful deep clean vocals. The guys mix faster and slower numbers, the former delivering a bit better, especially those coming with a touch of crossover (the excellent speedster "Truth Or Consequence"; the thrashcore happiness "Sh(italy) Wops").
The "Strange but False" demo is clumsier and mechanical-sounding, and despite its more playful character doesn't entertain as much except for the catchy roller-coaster "What Could You Repeat That". Later on the guys just have fun pulling out merry carefree punk/crossover which reverts for a while to the more aggressive thrashier formulas on "Fear Of You" near the end.

C.R.D.K. Demo, 1989
Strange But False Demo, 1991


Based on the debut, these three Peruvian lads serve an intense brutal blend of black, thrash and death metal which holds no bars ("Evil Never Rests") in the aggression department although "As One With Death" is a relatively tamed proposition with heavy mid-tempo riffage. The short galloper "Vices and Sodomy" is another less intimidating cut, but watch out for "Orgy of Diseases", pure death metal madness, and for "Ceremonial Fornication", a short blasting violator. The vocals are harsh guttural death metal shouts, a rowdy threatening presence without being overtly annoying. The band members are also involved in the black metallers Beheaded Saints, the retro thrash cohort Heretic Bastards, and the black/death formation Recrucify.

As One with Death Full-length, 2018
Versus Christvs EP, 2020
Necro Perversion Full-length, 2020



This is aggressive fast old school thrash with nods towards late-80's Kreator, so expect also a few more technical moments among the fast, but intelligible, downpour which comes assisted by forceful husky vocals not too far from more recent Mille. The Brazilians' infatuation with melody is bigger, though, resulting in a couple of more memorable melody-driven ("Alchemy Of Pain") passages.

Alchemy of Pain Demo 2003


This Brazilian trio specializes in simplistic retro thrash metal with proto-death shades. This isn't totally fast stuff, but comes served with slower breaks and more optimistic crossover-laced tracks ("Corrosion Death"). The guitar sound is very thin, and the singer is an awful synthesized shouter.

Thank God!!! Full-length, 1994

Official Site


Based on the debut, this talented Iranian outfit offer diverse music crossing thrash and death metal on a more complex progressive base. The title-track is an intense speedy hectic opener, a very good start for this album with vigorous sharp riffs despite the decrease in speed from the beginning to the end the latter coming in the form of a nice acoustic guitar which stretches into a whole track on the following "Psychotic Depression" which is a cool balladic instrumental. "World Of Vaccum" is intense technical thrash/death, again quite jumpy and occasionally very fast. "Phrentic Dream Of Earth" is a calmer Oriental-infused composition of the atmospheric type, and the final "Ascenssion" (yes, this is a very short full-length) is a doom/balladic instrumental. There are only 3 full-blooded songs here, and overall this effort may be considered a draft for something bigger to come soon.
"Room No.X" elaborates on the death metal side of the band's repertoire by also adding more imposing heavier riffage (the doom gloomer "Open Your Eyes, Then Close'Em") full of appetizing Oriental digressions and battle-like passages ala Bolt Thrower (check out "Rebel's Cry"). The wider appeal of the album is later ensured with the tender semi-acoustic ballad "Suicide And Redemption", and the more technical aspect of the guys' music eventually springs up in the 2nd half with the dynamic jumper "Cursed Palace" and the wild shredders "The More I ..." and "War". The last string of tracks is a tribute to the more pensive progressive side of the genre (think Opeth) with another portion of balladic moments served on the closing peacer "Empty Room". As a whole this effort doesn't quite deliver as well as the more inspired debut, but is still a decent achievement with more influences incorporated.

Darker than Grave Full-length, 2008
Room No.X Full-length, 2012

Official Site


This obscure act provide surprisingly classic-sounding for the time of release speed/thrash which begins in a restrained power metal fashion with the complex opener "Dark Age Of Reason" this semi-balladic epic mid-period Blind Guardian-esque composition not promising much in terms of thrash thus not seen as a real addition to the technical/progressive thrash metal scene which was flourishing in Germany at the same time. But comes "Utopia Within Reach" and things start moving around with fast sharp riffs, still more in the speed metal camp with echoes of the Angel Dust sophomore effort, another reminder about this album being the good soulful clean singer who recalls none other than John Arch (Fates Warning) on the higher tones. "Lies" is a tribute to the semi-ballad, and "To Sleep (Perchance To Scream)" only shares the title with the triumphant Helstar number from "Nosferatu"; no shades of any technicality here although the listener may be caught with his pants down in the second half where the guys start thrashing wildly also adding some of the best melodic leads around at the time. When the next "Scars" "flirts" again with the ballad one may lose interest to a considerable extent, and he/she wouldn't be blamed since this effort has been moving up and down the whole time. "Law And Order" is a nice little thrasher, and "In God We Rust" just a tad less intense again scoring high in the lead sector. "Advanced Humanity" is standout speed/thrash in the vein of Paradox and Manticora erasing many stains from the band's face, not without the help of the nice closing opus "Colour Life By Numbers" which is a stylish take on more elaborate progressive thrash with references to the Sieges Even debut even on the more puzzling sections with the lead guitarist again stealing quite a few points with his dazzling performance. Despite the several mild moments this album is a fairly good achievement and could have definitely been a winner if released 5-6 years earlier or later. Neither of the six musicians (there's also a keyboardist present although he's never heard, at least not on this album) involved in the band has ever been seen in any other act after they split up.

Scars Full-length, 1993


The EP: this is just two tracks of atmospheric gothic-tinged thrash which suffers from a production point-of-view which gives the guitars a very noisy edge which could have worked if the guys were bashing with vigour and without any more proficient pretensions. But this is an effort more on the musical side, and consequently the musicians' efforts are hampered by the constant noise. Some of them were later seen in the death/thrash outfit Burial.
The demo contains intriguing semi-progressive, also atmospheric, thrash/death which is high on the melodic leads which are quite a wonder to listen to whenever they aren't hampered by the muddy sound quality. "Chronicle Agony" is a nice short technicaller, and "Lonely" is a stylish jumper with some great bassisms. The closer "Violent By Nature Or Nurture" is a nice wink at the Pestilence heritage with gorgeous melodies and a few twisted rhythms.

Mortals Slow Decline Demo, 1992
The Progressive Downfall EP, 1993


Three songs of modern groovy thrash/post-thrash which isn't bad recalling Xentrix's "Kim" as well on the more dynamic moments. The sound quality is quite muddy but the vocals aren't bad unleashing a cool semi-clean/semi-shouty timbre coming up like a more throaty and angrier Chris Astley (Xentrix again).

Mordant Hate Demo, 1993


Based on the full-length, these Danes play modern thrash/death sustained in an up-tempo the better moments recalling Paradox's output of the new millennium ("Acts Of Aggression", "Silhouette Of God"). "Monarch Of All" is a surprising slower number placed in the middle giving the album a nice officious doom flavour. The speedy character of this effort is "broken" once again with "Contrapasso" which is a more complex progressive piece with great soaring melodies. The guys exit the scene in a more brutal death metal tone with the closing "Treachery" which lashes fiery riffs which "duel" with the gruff semi-shouty death metal vocals. This is not a trite offering, like so many others nowadays, but has a fresh and diverse feel which will keep the listener interested throughout.

Slaughter EP, 2010
Violence, Fraud, Treachery Full-length, 2012

My Space


This act specialize in choppy crunchy old school thrash which borrows tricks from both the Bay-Area (think Defiance, above all, the heavy title-track) and Anthrax (the vivid mosher "Show and Tell"), the cool semi-declamatory vocalist doing a good job all around, including on the brisk headbanging proposition "Habius Corpus", a semi-technical twister with a meandering staccato rhythm section and quite cool melodic leads.

Sinfusion Demo, 1991


Typical for the country Gothenburg thrash/death metal which develops in a calm, friendly fashion not far from mid-period In Flames so expect a lot of melody to flow from the speakers often missing more dynamic riffage to support it. The singer croaks like a raven creating the only more macabre moments on this peaceful uneventful recording.

Where The Angels Fall Full-Length, 2015


Based on the full-length, this band play pretty cool melodic classic power/thrash/crossover which easily picks intensity with intense shredders like "The Puppeteer" and "From First To Last", but this is generally welcoming stuff save for the semi-shouty deathly vocals, the elaborate roller-coaster "The Butcher" raising the lathe higher, the latter reached by the stomping choppy wonder "Resurrection" and the elegiac semi-balladic "Dusk". The closing "I'm Free, I'm Now" is an invigorating short mosher, adding more mirth to this nice recording.

Politician's Sitcom EP, 2018
The Idiotic Principle Full-length, 2021

Official Site


Based on the debut, this is quite cool old school thrash with harsh semi-declamatory hardcore vocals which has the potency to shout high at times. Music-wise this this is a classic/modern hesitation with a couple of dynamic pieces ("Enterrado Vivo", "Cria Cuervos"), the funky joke "Jodiendo Funky" an awkward occurrence, ruining the monolithic atmosphere which is immediately captured on the pretty cool progressive saga "Mas Estrellas que en el Cielo". Watch out for "Sherezade", a pulverizing semi-technicaller with proto-deathy overtones; and for the stylish energizer "Veredicto", another vehement vitriolic piece.
The sophomore is an even better recording, the guys unleashing a lot of aggression with "Entrada-Nuestro Mundo" and "Guerra Probeta", the retro thrash fiesta later acquiring a more lyrical shape ("Tentando a la Muerte") with dazzling virtuoso leads also coming to play, the galloping immediacy of "J.A.S.P." another positive appearance, before "Horizontes Vacios" thrashes the neighbourhood with fiery unbridled riffs. A breath-taking balladic interlude on "Cancion de Odio" will melt the soul, but rude awakening is provided on the short explosive "Prepotencia", the band again taking care of a wide gamut of fans, retaining their high quality arsenal.

Hogar, Dulce Hogar Full-length, 1994
Evolucion? Full-length, 1997

My Space


Mordred were kind of pioneers on the scene who, along with Death Angel and Re-Animator, started adding funk-elements into their music. On their debut these elements are very few, and for the most part it is really well-done, mid-paced to up-tempo thrash. "State of Mind" is a great fast-paced opener with sharp intense riffage and nice melodic vocals. "Spectacle of Fear" continues the riff-fest with full force, slower, but with a more clever technical guitar work and strong bass support. "Every Day's a Holiday" brings forward the experimental spirit which would later be the main driving force, on the band's next effort: a funky, jolly number, scarily non-thrash. But once the introductory riffs of the next "The Artist" hit you, you will have no problems forgiving the guys this innocent deviation; what follows is another hard-hitting intense thrasher that will make you jump around in no time. "Shatter", apart from the great riffs, has a very catchy chorus, and is arguably the most memorable song here. "Reckless Abandon" is another mighty, up-tempo piece, again coming with a more catchy chorus, followed by the rock-ish cover version of Rick James' "Super Freak", which at least this time doesn't abandon the thrash metal idea completely, and is quite cool. Another big excuse is brought in the form of the marvelous aggressive thrashing closer "Numb", graced by superb leads (which, by the way, are on a very high level throughout the whole album, but here they beat anything); there's no way you won't accept it. This was a truly impressive entry for the band, and they hardly needed to go into a much more adventurous sound on the follow-up, at least not as much.
"In This Life" is where the band let loose their experimental spirit, and showed that a mixture of two contrasting styles could not produce very good results. The music has lost its thrashy appeal almost completely, being some "funk meets metal" mish-mash. Their last effort has very little to do with the past, and is a failed, disorganized attempt at a more ambitious progressive song-writing with a modern alternative flavour.
"Volition": another veteran is attempting a comeback here; as the last album was nothing more than a tepid emulative tribute to the Seattle wave (Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, etc.), any vestige of it was going to repel the diehard fans… and some more provided that the entire line-up from the old days have re-teamed for this new spell with the music industry. “The Baroness” wasn’t much to salivate over, to put it mildly, but here comes “Not for You”, a nervy semi-technical thrasher which jumps up and down in restless fits, recalling the flexible layout of the sophomore. Not too shabby at all, but comes “What Are We Coming To” and throws this effort into a weird minimalistic semi-rappy rabbit hole, no guitars, no metal… no life either. Yep, what the guys are coming to is to no one’s taste, but we will sit still, if for nothing else at least for “The Love of Money”, and for our hard-earned cash we will receive a funky dynamic merry-go-rounder, a hard’n heavy crowd-pleaser that may make one nod uncertainly before this “Baroness” again comes to mess things up as an epitaph. If this is some kind of a warm-up for the eventual full-length, then the hopes for this full-length aren’t high at all. The vocals: if this is really Scott Holderby behind the mike, then the man has lost his voice completely, or he preserves it for the full-length, or has probably decided that music of the kind doesn’t deserve his lofty tirades of old. He seldom actually sings, but mostly recites or semi-whispers (on the mentioned rap-ish joke) in a hoarse vacillating fashion, not feeling extremely comfortable in this compot of stylistic incongruencies.
"The Dark Parade": the preceding EP didn't raise the hopes very high with its unfocused nature, but here the band perform in a slightly better way... to an extent, though, as this is still far from the high standards of their first two full-lengths. The albums starts quite promisingly with the first three cuts, "Demonic #7" being an enjoyable crunchy semi-technical thrasher, the main pullback again being Holderby's not very emotional, plain indifferent at times, mid-ranged vocals. Otherwise, the music delivers the guys thrashing with style, nearly reaching the levels from their beginnings. "Malignancy" is a more playful speedster, but the old school spirit is retained all over, the stomping quiet breaks perfectly legitimate, including the nice melodic lead sections. "I Am Charlie" is a really enjoyable Bay-Areasque thrasher with jumpy not very predictable riffs, the funky nature of some of their older material coming to the fore for a thrilling more intricate ride. However, after this lofty triptych the band drop the ball with the clumsy bluesy "Dragging for Bodies", and the sprightly rock-ish vaudeville title-track, those two nods at "The Next Room", despite the latter number's more intense character. "All Eyes on the Prize" is a cheesy funky rockorama, and "Dented Lives" is another feelgood quasi-metallism, the final "Smash Goes the Bottle" going straight into foxtrot territory, being an unpretentious frolic bubblegum. Not much to praise the band sky-high here, the way to the bottom well paved after the arresting beginning.

Everyday's a Holiday EP, 1989
Fool's Game Full-length, 1989
Falling Away EP, 1991
In this life Full-length, 1991
Vision EP, 1992
Grand Summit EP, 1994
Splinter Down EP, 1994
The Next Room Full-length, 1994
Volition EP, 2020
The Dark Parade Full-length, 2021

My Space


Only one musician, the name Lekarz, is responsible here for all the drama which is based on intricate progressive thrash/death the music on offer covering a wide range of nuances, Lekarz aggravating the drama with screechy blacky diabolic vocalisms. "Fall" is a fascinating death metal opera, a lofty mid-paced shredder with addictive melodies galore, leaving the more aggressive histrionics for "Diagnosis Positive", a hectic Atheist-esque twister which refuses to stand still even for a split second. "Social Sickness" combines the two sides into one mazey whirlwind of time and tempo changes, with plenty of gorgeous melodic decisions again provided, those reaching a climax on "Numb", a moody creeper with sudden faster jolts both sides overlapping each other all the way to "Endgame", yes, the final composition, but a fairly disappointing waste of whole 10-min as this is just an ambient noisy all-instrumental epitaph, nothing to do with the previously heard exploits. Aside from this last cut, everything else is very close to perfect, Lekarz possessing all the skills to become one of the prime providers of intricate, technical musicality from his homeland.

Mordzuma Full-length, 2018

My Space


Rough muddy-sounding thrash/crossover with noisy guitars and angry shouty vocals; the band don't play very fast relying on mid-paced stomping rhythms which become plain boring and repetitive at some stage "courting" the so popular at the time groovy tendencies. Still, one would do no wrong ordering "more beer" on this kind of music... at least let's keep drinking!

Some Wrong? Demo, 1994


Heavy abrasive thrash/death metal with touches of doom/gothic; soulful solemn stuff in mid-pace with rough death-ish vocals and heavy hammering guitars.

Diluted Souls Demo, 2005

Official Site


Based on "Smuta", these guys offer a not very convincing blend of intense fast retro thrash and modern groove. Certainly the former is the more appealing side of the album, and there really cool sharp riffs can be heard on quite a few times. The singer is not bad, either, assisting the music with good mid-ranged clean vocals, which do not really suit the slower modern passages, but nicely become more aggressive on the faster ones.

Russian Album Full-length, 2002
Smuta Full-length, 2003
Monastic Days Full-length, 2005


Morfeus have been wandering the Brazilian metal underground for quite a few years, having released two capable aggressive thrash demos in the late-80's, and when they finally got lucky to sign an album deal, it was the mid-90's, and the thrash metal scene had almost retired. However, this didn't prove an obstacle for the band to provide us with very cool stylish semi-technical classic thrash, one of the finest achievements of the Brazilian metal scene, and one of the best works of thrash metal from the 90's. The music is intense, aggressive and fast for most of the time, but the band never forget to serve it with a certain doze of technicality. The guys start lashing from the get-go with "Rigor Mortis": fast tight thrash with nice both melodic and technical decorations plus a strong bass-bottom. "Hopeless" excels in the lead guitar department, and is another very fast technical thrasher. "Witness" focuses on the twisted technical play, and is consequently slower with the leads reigning supreme again and a super-fast ending which will make your head spin. "Human Degradation" is speedy thrash from beginning to end with a more aggressive proto-death metal edge; "You Die" is equally as fast and relentless, but adds more technical guitars which on the slower passages are quite head-spinning. "The Creep In My Grave" is just a tad slower, but the technical edge of the guitars has been increased; it goes another level up on the progressive thrashterpiece "Dead Gods" which sacrifices some of the aggression again, for the sake of impeccable technical performance, still finding room for melody (there is one short balladic moment near the end) and a few more direct headbanging passages throughout its 6.5-min. "Ratkill" closes the album in a brutal direct manner with the bass scoring really high with a virtuoso mid-section. This gem sums up the best from earlier works of more technical aggressive thrash metal, like Midas Touch's "Presage for Disaster", Invocator's "Excursion Demise", Gammacide's "Victims of Science", Anacrusis' debut; it doesn't really reach the more extreme proto-death heights of the last three, but in terms of musicianship it's probably only second to the Invocator effort.

Disbelieved World Full-length, 1993


Based on the "Preda" demo, this band pulls out modern thrash with elements of stoner/doom; heavy stuff with crushing riffs and rough semi-hardcore vocals. The sound of the guitars is too buzzy, which takes away some of both the sharpness and the melody. Still on "Ha Ugy Akarom" they manage to sound interesting and even semi-technical, with the exclusion of the very fuzzy screaming leads.

Bfbnf6d e9s hibe1d Demo, 2002
Preda Demo, 2003
Ellenfrzes (Control) Demo, 2004
Reg Seten Demo, 2006
A Mester Alkot Demo, 2009

Official Site


This act deliver intense retro thrash its volcanic effect a bit dissipated by the fuzzy guitars. This is still not a detriment for the guys to thrash out on full-throttle (check out the perennial headbanger "De Cadaver a Zombie" which echoes Paradox and early Angel Dust with ease) also excelling in the lead department where the leads alternate between screamy and more technical. "El Circulo De La Explosion (Destructor)" is another speedy delight warming up the listener for the coming of the super-energetic ball of fury "El Bosque" which also boasts the best leads on the album. This is a really good effort which should have no problems climbing all the way to the top of the Mexican metal scene: a short dedicated fist in the face with all the right attitude and professionalism.

Existe Me1s de lo Que Ves Full-Length, 2012

Official Site


Based on the "Monolith" demo, this band play aggressive thrash/death of the modern school with frequent blast-beats spiced with slower groovy sections. On "Buried" the guys continue the carnage in a more controlled manner considerably increasing the presence of the groove which disappears for the excellent mid-tempo semi-technical "Strife" at the end.

Enter the Morgue Demo, 2004
Return to the Soil Demo, 2005
Buried Demo, 2006
Monolith Demo, 2007

Official Site


Based on the full-length, this act provide wild aggressive black/thrash which finds time for more lyrical digressions, like the atmospheric melodic "Kaarmesielu", and the imposing dirgy hymn "Serpent of Fire". The singer is a raspy, also quite screechy at times, raven who leads the show making a lot of noise as a result on top of the not very clear sound quality.

The Azazel's Throne EP, 2015
Kaarmesielu Full-length, 2016

Official Site


Often considered one of the "holy three" (Iced Earth and Nevermore, in case of some you wonder which the other two are) of the darker, more aggressive side of the modern power/thrash movement, this act began their career at a time when the style they had chosen to pursue was quickly going underground, and not many were those who enjoyed their excellent debut back in 1990, which was a potent blend of power, thrash and doom metal with a heavy dark sound similar to the Candlemass thrashier compositions (particularly those from "Ancient Dreams"), with the singer Charles Rytkonen adding a great semi-high passionate melodic blend, not too far from Savatage's Jon Oliva. They persevered through those hard times, and three years later were ready with two more albums: the faster and more thrash-fixated "Knowing Just As I" and the less dynamic, but equally as effective doom-laden "The Secret Doctrine", which was way heavier and truer to the 80's than Candlemass' previous year's shaky "Chapter VI". 1995 was a time for some retrospection, done with the "Past Present Future" compilation, which collected songs from their 3 full-lengths, as well as two cool cover versions: one a tribute to their pop music compatriots ABBA ("Voulez Voux"), the other one a nice take on Crimson Glory's ballad "Lost Reflection". A few months later another LP was released: "Sanctified", which was a bit disappointing, serving a more epic/power metal sound, straying away from thrash and doom. The guys quickly went back on track with the great "Maleficium", considered by many their finest hour. Just when they literally hit the top, with their sales steadily increasing, and their having started sharing the stage with the most popular acts at the time, internal frictions led to the band's demise. Rytkf6nen and the guitarist Tony Eriksson were determined to continue, but since they did not possess the rights for the band name, they had to modify it a bit, to Lefay, and under this moniker they released three more albums, the first one a re-mastered version of Morgana lefay's debut; the style there is more conventional power metal, without too many borrowings from other genres.
Suddenly in 1999 another full-length sprang up from their camp, self-titled, done by the other half: those who didn't take part in Lefay, with the only purpose to clear them of any contractual obligations towards the label; don't bother to track it down: it has nothing to do with the band's old style, being tedious dull groovy nu-metal. With this obstacle put aside, Rytkf6nen and Co. were ready to resume their career under the old name, the Co. part consisting of members from the Swedish groovy metallers Fantasmagoria, who have already worked with him (and Eriksson) on the Lefay albums. On the first album with them ("Grand Materia") their groovy past shows clearly on a couple of tracks; the sound after the return is more "updated", more complex, bordering on progressive on the longer compositions, bearing resemblance to Nevermore and the Germans Courageous and Psychotron. Needless to say, there is a lot from their old days present, too, which, combined with the new elements sounds almost as good and compelling.
A harder course has been taken with their latest offering "Aberrations Of The Mind", which is their most aggressive work to date, which in this case doesn't mean the best. "Delusions" is the most fierce opener the guys have ever composed, and although later on such speed is nowhere encountered (with the possible exception of the cool speed/thrasher near the end "Vultures Devouring"), the album remains within the thrash metal realm for most of the time. The modern implements are here, the sound at times taking an angrier, almost Pantera-like attitude, but there is an increased presence of more peaceful semi-balladic sections, which sometimes too strikingly contrast to the hard-hitting guitars, and are not very well embedded into the overall picture. Some fillers roam around as well: the modern alternative post-thrasher "Where I Rule", the heavy semi-ballad "Over and Over Again", which is miles away from the high standards in this field witnessed on their older material ("The Secret Doctrine", in particular). There are no longer songs, and consequently there is nothing too complex or progressive going on, a tendency which was nicely started on "Grand Materia", but here not even hinted at. If the previous album had quite a few ties to their past, this one tries to pull the band's style into a new, and not a very desirable direction. Hopefully this new vision reaches further than the "comfort" of ending up like any other modern power/thrash metal act.

Symphony of the Damned Full-length, 1990
Knowing Just As I Full-length, 1993
The Secret Doctrine Full-length, 1993
Sanctified Full-length, 1995
Past Present Future Best of/Compilation, 1995
Maleficium Full-length, 1996
Morgana Lefay Full-length, 1999
Grand Materia Full-length, 2005
Aberrations Of The Mind Full-length, 2007

Official Site


Based on "Rebellion", this band provide groovy post-thrash which is too predictable to make one stay with it for more than 10/15-min. The music never leaves the mid-pace, and the few melo-death sections later ("Desecrated") don't improve the situation too much except for making the following groovy passages even more annoying. The singer is the expected shouty aggro-death metaller who further adds to the album's trite and derivative nature.

After Dark Full-length, 2011
Rebellion Full-length, 2013

Official Site


Abrasive crusty thrash that blends early Venom with the dispassionate chugs of Amebix which still emits quite a bit of energy ("Embrace Hate"), not to mention the openly punky aesthetics of short bursters like "Hectic" and "Fucked". The patiently-executed, not so quiet mid-paced chugs on "Quiet" are vintage early Sacrilege but this kind of stolid patience is only witnessed once elsewhere, on the brilliant diverse doom closer "To Each Their Own" which is ruined by the excessively shouty hardcore-ish vocals.

Destroy & Neglect Full-Length, 2019

Official Site


This Far East trio comes up with very cool retro thrash in the Germanic tradition (based on the full-length), and more particularly, early Kreator. The music is fast with sharp riffs, sparse more aggressive proto-death sections ("Mutation From Devastation"), and light joke numbers ("Broiler Price"), typical for acts like Sodom, Tankard, Necronomicon, etc. "Independence" is a more laid-back track, a good speed/thrasher in the spirit of Warrant and Paradox. "Warmth of Blood" is a nice touch: a slower, mid-paced track, with good melodic licks. But, as if to compensate, the band place the most aggressive song after it: "New World Prosecution" which, apart from the furious riffage, doesn't forget to add some melodic tunes. Having fulfilled their responsibility towards the thrash metal fans, the guys take it easy, producing one more crossover-laced piece ("Scumbag"), and one noisy sinister outro ("Dead Souls in Abyss").
The "Cruelty Devastation" EP is a small version of the full-length, with half of the material also included there, the other two new tracks ripping in a way pretty similar to the rest being fast tight thrashers with a very good sound quality, with the formidable steam-rolling cover of Slayer's immortal "Postmortem" a valuable addition at the end, the only drawback being the vocal choice which on this particular song are low-tuned death metal ones contrasting to the high-pitched black-ish rasps featured on the others.

Cruelty Devastation EP, 2006
The Eye Of Gorsha Dimmag Full-length, 2007

My Space


These not very known Poles had to drop their moniker after claims made by the more renowned German act of the same name. Music-wise they are more in the thrash metal camp playing in various tempos with sparse adherences to proto-death. The sound quality isn't very clear although the inspiration behind the music is more than obvious and the band do their best to deliver the goods in spite of the obstacles. The vocalist is not very rehearsed, though, and his declamatory antics are hardly intelligible always secondary to the better music. After the friction with the Germans the guys adopted the name Indulgence and released one more demo in 1992 with a more aggressive, more death metal-oriented sound.

Apokalipsa Demo, 1989


This obscure act provide amateurish heavy thrash which very seldom changes the buzzy heavy guitar sound which would wear thin on the 2nd track already. After a string of samey unimpressive numbers comes the final "Hellstorm" which sees the guys miraculously finding a way to produce something more sensible resulting in more complex and diverse rhythms. Still, a big damage is done by the awful shouty death metal singer who deafens the instruments when in action, and is ultimately annoying with his ugly unrehearsed rendings.

In the Trenches Demo, 2000


Base on the EP, these Ukrainians play heavy abrasive modern post-thrash with both alternative and groovy elements, plus a couple of faster more dynamic moments. There are also a few melodic gothic-laced hooks and gruff death metal vocals.
The full-length is a better affair being heavy dark thrash metal in mid-tempo with less adherence to groove, but with an increased presence of melodic hooks bordering on stoner/doom ala Down. Near the end the sound gets mellower, and the guitars lose both the heaviness and the speed trying to capture the doom metal atmosphere more fully; they succeed, but those last moments will be a total waste of time for the thrash metal fan.
"Pain Shreds" is heavy, intense stuff which doesn't sound terribly different from the previous efforts, but the groovy crushiness at times is nicely interrupted by more energetic cuts (the deathly shredder "Fragments of Thoughts"). "The Outlaw" is a cool alternative melodic piece, and the closing "Truth and Lie" boasts some of the finest melodic leads around. As a whole there is a slight tendency towards modern melo thrash/death ala the Gothenburg school, which in this case would be a good move, judging by the appropriate insertions here.

PSY. Full-length, 2009
Clouded Mind EP, 2010
Pain Shreds Full-length, 2011


A modern mix of thrash and death metal with interesting stylish guitar work present, but with brutal grindcore sections as well. This is really wild at times stuff, especially when the more aggressive passages sometimes come suddenly, without warning, to break a cool thrashy one. Still, some hooks are quite melodic, and are a nice contrast to the very heavy music, and as a whole this style will have a wider appeal, not strictly to thrash and death metal fans.

No Light Ahead (Upcoming Full Length) EP, 2006
No Light Ahead Full-length, 2007

My Space


Based on "Only Death", this outfit indulge in vicious no-bars-held thrash with a shouty death metal beast behind the mike. The moshers will have their fun on short fierce cuts like "Conservative Punks" and "World Sick", but also expect a few relaxed crossover walkabouts ("04 Flat Earth Bollox") plus the obligatory nod to Motorhead (the title-track), the abrasive semi-galloper "Famine" diversifying the palette further at the end.

Into the Void Full-length, 2016
Only Death Full-length, 2020

Official Site


This is an early recording of these black/death metal stalwarts, dating back from the times when they were playing some vicious, aggressive thrash/proto-death with echoes from the early efforts of Messiah and their compatriots Assesor, including in the brutal, death metal vocal department (Messiah), only that the guy here is more clearly heard. The music at play here makes more sense, though, and the guitar proficiency is by all means bigger than the one of the aforementioned Swiss, descending at times to more coherent speed/thrash graced by stylish leads. This is a live recording, but the guys make good use of the settings sounding almost as convincing as when in the studio, with audible guitars and drums, the only pullback being the boosted vocals which stifle the instruments at times.

Live At Death Metal Session Prague Demo, 1988

Official Site


An obscure release of melodic power/thrash with classic echoes seldom branching out into something more modern. This is moderate stuff with a few more technical touches ("Reject Yourself") recalling Destruction's "Cracked Brain", and several references to the ballad including a cool full-blooded one ("Blood of Your Lips"). "Death with Dignity" is a surprising vigorous headbanger which soars above the dominant mid-paced material. The singer is not bad at all singing in an attached semi-clean manner pulling out really cool clean vocals on the balladic sections, then recalling Hansi Kursch (Blind Guardian) and Lars F. Larsen (Manticora).

Black Thoughts Full-Length, 1996


Dark melodic stuff which clings between power and thrash metal on a modern base. It starts quite promisingly with the creepy gothic thrasher "Extrano Despertar" recalling the excellent French one-album-wonder (at this stage) Skeleton Crew in a very good way. "Re-Existe" isn't far behind crawling forward with stylish technical riffs, but they kind of disappear later replaced by more ordinary modern power/thrash which remains until the end. The other flaw for some may be the consistent mid-tempo without too many attempts at a more dynamic play; and probably the singer whose low-tuned death metal growls may be annoying to some.

Instinto Full-length, 2010

My Space


Based on the full-length, these folks may be one of the most unusual acts to ever grace the scene since the beginning of the new millennium. A mocking superhero band name, a retarded album-title, not to mention the ridiculous obscene pseudonyms the guys have chosen for their artistic endeavours, and the funny masks they use for disguise: sounds like some amateurish thrash/crossover along the lines of Gwar... But no; this is a very stylish take on progressive power/thrash, a no-brainer reaching heights previously accessible to heroes like Watchtower, early Fates Warning, Mekong Delta, Psychotic Waltz, and Realm. "Predator or Prey" is the first shock along the way, a prime technical shredder with great leads also introducing the singer, the "8th wonder of the world", a very high-strung cleaner very closely resembling none other than Rob Halford, a piercing wail looming over this ultra-complex rifforama which is a bit more restrained on the short creeper "Voices in the Dark". "Deus Nefarius" is just a sinister operatic interlude, but "Dracula's Bride" continues the elaborate shredding done on a more quiet semi-balladic base. "O Demons of Darkness" is a 9-min progressive power metal opus with shades of Fates Warning, above all, before "Disfigured Little Face" introduces more aggressive, still fairly intricate, riffs the latter growing into the formidable 16-min saga "Melekron", an encyclopaedia of complex arrangements with beautiful balladic sections intertwining with fast-paced speed/thrashisms, not to mention the very wide range of vocal exploits which could make the frontman, after whom the band has been named by the way, the new king of the metal vocalists: a really versatile throat who doesn't spare himself also leaving enough room for his colleagues to do their thing. Hearing the music, one will have no chance but to take these folks seriously; this is a really strong reminder of all the greats from the technical/progressive metal scene of the late-80's/early-90's.
"Friends and Relatives": "friends and relatives" will all join together merrily on this expected slab of intricate rifforamas and interesting, mazey song-structures. "Vlad" opens the "feast" with creepy semi-galloping riffage which grows into more officiant epic passages and swirling lead sections. "Skorzeny" is a jumpy shredder with restless rhythms which are deafened by the very high-pitched vocals on this one. "Bughuul" is a weird surreal composition with elusive technical riffs superseded by the imposing orchestral beginning of "Tall Man" which is an otherwise sinister proto-doomster with outstanding technical decisions ala Confessor, not to mention the excellent emotional vocal performance and the beautiful leads at the end. "Hell Priest" is a diverse thrasher with intricate arrangements galore in the vein of Watchtower and Spastic Ink.; a lengthy quiet passage arrives in the second half to inaugurate a string of short balladic variations with sparse vocal participation, but with a tasteful use of the leads again which are by all means the highlight in this final chapter of this entertaining saga with a downbeat ending.

Christmas with Morlok EP, 2013
Flippity Fuckity Doo Full-Length, 2015
Friends and Relatives Full-Length, 2016

Official Site


This Italian trio comes with four tracks playing laid-back modern gothic-tinged thrash with a clear concentration on melody as opposed to the very low brutal death metal vocals. This isn't fast stuff, and the nods to doom are more than passing.

5th Rebirth EP, 2010

My Space


The debut: this act specialize in dynamic hyper-active retro speed/thrash which is reflected in short raging cuts, with late-80's Sodom a very close soundalike save for then mean vicious shouty deathly singer. "Withering Nation" is pure unadulterated speed metal, and "Thoughts and Prayers" picks on this infectious approach and turn the second half in one uplifting merry-go-round pogo the latter rudely interrupted by the brutal thrash/death/grind atrocity "Not from This World" at the end. Some of the musicians are also active with the black metallers Nazghor, and the death metal purveyors Circle of Chaos.
"Proclamation of War" is another lashing affair, the guys shooting short explosive cuts to no end, the belligerent neck-sprainers "World Wide War" and "Endless Pain" throwing both crust and hardcore into the fervent melee, whereas "Nuclear Homicide" attempts a more brutal death metal physiognomy as a finishing touch.

Omens of War Full-length, 2020
Proclamation of War Full-length, 2023

Official Site


Melodic thrash/crossover with a strong punk-ish attitude; this is enjoyable music with memorable catchy songs, but might not be to the taste of the more hard-boiled thrash metal fans. The band later took an unexpected turn to death metal where they changed their name to Morpheus Descends.

More for Us Demo, 1990


A diverse offering built on classic power/thrash, but featuring more including more brutal death metal rhythms. The opening "Omens in the Storm" is an impressive beginning with its atmospheric undercurrents and the steady main riff-motif. "Wrath of the Exiled God"" is more dramatic with the intense death metal sections appearing for a short while, and later on the epic power metal shades increase for the sake of the sharp thrash ones. The vocalist is a cool clean throat who could have pitched it up a bit here and there, particularly on the rousing closing hymn "Epilogue (As the Fates Weave)".

Defiance Divine Demo, 2015

Official Site


The full-length shows an act willing to pursue the generic modern thrash idea, and although the execution is by all means proficient and all, it leaves a strong sense of deja-vu hanging in the air the guys just bashing with vigour and reckless abandon, the overshouty death metal vocals another addition to the predictability. "Warfare" is an impetuous melodic speedster, and the closing "Hour Of Reprisal" serves a belated twist to the trite formula with a portion of nice atmospheric balladic sections.

Neurotic State EP, 2013
Colony Collapse Disorder Full-length, 2016

Official Site


A very bad sound quality leaves little to be heard from this dark old school thrash/proto-death with very brutal death metal vocals. The overall delivery recalls early Messiah with similarly-styled speedy bash which on the closing "Ilusao" turns into pure death/grindcore madness.

Tormento Urbano Demo, 1995


These guys unfairly passed unnoticed, since they were one of the more extreme practitioners of the genre from Finland in the late-80's/early-90's offering intense speedy thrash/proto-death metal with an almost hardcore intensity on the faster material. Both demos are sustained in an aggressive all-out speed manner, with very few moments breaking the brutal formula, in the form of odd joke punk/hardcore passages. After the split-up some of the band members were seen in the much more melodic progressive heavy metal formation Ancient Dawn in the 90's, with which the guys keep on releasing demos on regular bases up to present times apparently still waiting for their chance for an official release.

Sick Standard of Living Demo, 1989
And the Pain Is.. Demo, 1993
Thrashing Relics Vol. 1 Split, 2006


Based on the "Marches for the Condemned" demo, these French offer typical late-80's/early-90's thrash/death metal sounding more restrained than the outbursts of their compatriots Agressor and Loudblast consequently ending up with better more proficient execution recalling another French effort from those times: No Return's "Contamination Rises". The music switches from fast intense to slower pounding passages the whole time as the former lead the pack except on the more laid-back power/thrasher "March of the Condemned" which is unexpected, but is a pleasant deviation. The following "Dark Obscenity" is another unexpected, this time turn towards technical death metal: a really stylish mix of twisted technical and brutal blasting sections. The outro "The Sentence" isn't too far behind, pulling the demo into the other extreme being ponderous slow doom with funeral guitars.

Condemned to Thrash Demo, 2004
Marches for the Condemned Demo, 2006

Official Site


Bassed on "A Face of Leather", this act plays an intense classic-sounding mixture of thrash and death metal not far from the Japanese Torture Squad, so expect a more death metal-fixated sound, but without many blast-beating elements. The speedy numbers follow in quick succession until the coming of the hammering mid-pacer "Buried in Your Own Blood", a cool epic track with good screaming leads. Things get back to normal after it even reaching grinding proportions for a while on the short furious piece "Crucifixion", and the closing remake of "Necromaniac" features Mr. Paul Speckman (Master, Abomination, etc.) who lends his vocal abilities to make the song even more "necro".

Der Blutmond EP, 2006
The Chopping Block Full-length, 2009
A Face of Leather Full-length, 2011

Official Site


This is the beginning for Karl Sanders, the Nile frontman, who here exercises some quite inspired old school thrash in league with other comrades of his from Nile, the drummer Pete Hammoura and the bassist Chief Spires. The vocals are vintage David Wayne (R.I.P.), perhaps a bit gruffer and less melodic, but the music is both more aggressive and more complex than the one of Metal Church opting for lengthy, elaborate thrashers where the mid and the up-tempo alternate the whole time. The more monotonous material ("Black River") may get a bit on the nerves, but furious pieces like the excellent closing technical shredder "Let the Sword Descend" are more than welcome to keep the listener on track.

Let the Sword Descend Demo, 1987

Official Site


Based on the "Purgatory Cries For More" demo, these guys offer your average melodic Swedish thrash/death metal with interesting folkish melodies ala the Finns Gandalf, and even mid-period Amorphis. The band prefer to play it mid-tempo with retouched melodic riffs which also smell gothic on the more romantic moments.

Demo Demo, 2005
Purgatory Cries For More Demo, 2007

Official Site


Based on the full-length debut, this act indulges in your average melodic thrash/death metal, the main difference coming from the drier, compared to their Gothenburg counterparts, guitar sound which doesn't carry a lot of melody, if we exclude the sparse nods to Amon Amarth ("Human Waste Compressor"; the officiant epic cut "Entrance Of Sickness"). The tempos change quite a bit within one song, leaving just one pure headbanger ("S.C.S.") to keep the dynamics.
"Degeneration" holds no surprises for those who have already heard the debut except that the melodic "excursions" are more frequent (check out the crowd pleaser "End Complete") including a short acoustic instrumental "release" ("Release"). There's seldom a more dynamic moment to be savoured the album developing in an uneventful mid-tempo not leaving a very memorable trace in the listener's mind.
"Into the Pitch Black" contains too many choppy groovy breaks to be considered a good listen even for the band's older fanbase. In fact, more than half the time the guys spend grooving around uneventfully, with the diverse deathly "Defeat" trying to move things a bit in a more dynamic fashion. "I, God" is the other piece that breaks the groovy post-thrash idyll, but such outbreaks of evil fury are simply not many at all their significance ultimately stifled by beautiful semi-balladic walkabouts like "Shadows".
"Extinction Era" returns to the more dynamic patterns from the earlier instalments, and although banal groovy boredoms ("The Enemy I Know", "Strain") still roam around, this effort isn't exactly a waste of time, with the industrialized disturber "Parasites" and the imposing doomster "Into Eternity" leaving a generally positive impression.

Sound Of Spite EP, 2009
Human Waste Compression Full-length, 2011
Degeneration Full-Length, 2015
Into the Pitch Black Full-length, 2018
Extinction Era Full-length, 2020

Official Site


Based on "The Myth Of Purity", this act, who is fronted by a beautiful Iranian girl, offer intense thrash/death which lashes fiery riffs to no end topped by the vicious venomous death metal vocals of the beauty, who is a bit higher-pitched and more expressive than Angela Kosoff (Arch Enemy). Music-wise the band also operate in a similar niche to the aforementioned Swedes, only that their approach is more aggressive with a certain adherence to blast-beats. Heavy steam-rollers like "The Heights" are a rarity, but they bring the desirable atmospheric colouring to the proceedings. The second part is less impressive, the speedy arrangements kind of disappearing for the sake of more lyrical ones (the semi-balladic elegiac "The Myth Of Purity"), and less serious crossover throw-ins ("Im Not Interested In Being Interesting"). Some technical prowess springs up unexpectedly on "By Default", but the rest is way more conventional, the closing "That Which Is Humane" bringing back the aggression with style, jumping with wild tempos all around wrapped in haunting atmospheric escapades of the surreal kind with a few grand melodic orchestral-like hooks.

Pnademic Paranoia EP, 2011
The Myth Of Purity Full-Length, 2012


This is classic power/thrash which offers a little bit for everyone, friendly bouncy mid-pacers ("In The Middle Of The Night"), more epically-executed rowders ("Babylon's Flag"), dynamic speedsters (" Double Face")... including a good romantic ballad ("The Great Spirit "). "The Art of Soul" attempts a few stoner/doom rhythms for a change, but generally this isn't very varied stuff, the steady semi-clean mid-ranged vocals providing the requisite background without shining too much.

Rupert The King Full-Length, 2019



"Trench for Evolution": excellent 80's speed/thrash metal in the tradition of Exumer's "Possessed By Fire" and early Destruction; this is explosive music which will sweep you with its brisk speedy guitars; it has its more quiet moments, of course: the mid-paced, almost Slayer-esque "Dead Again", and the heavy stomper with nice Oriental tunes "Misery Existence". The guys heroically keep a very intense aggressive pace on the 7-min long smasher "Bastard Race", the highlight of the album.
"The War is Not Over": the speed/thrashing saga isn't over, neither is "the war" as evident from this headbanging roller-coaster which sole intention is totally exhaust you from moshing around. The guys grab you by the throat from the very beginning, "Storm Of Fire" being the best possible opener with its fiery speedy riffs. The music has now moved up the aggression scale aiming at legendary works like "Extreme Aggression" and "Scream, Bloody, Gore" although here the concentration on speed is admirable. There would be no rest for the wicked here, speedy guitars will pour over you from all sides, some coming with a more overt death metal edge ("Kill The Human Being To Clean Up The World"; the sparse blast-beating moments on the closing "Victims Of Faith"). The singer is a good assistant to the relentless music with his vicious subdued semi-death metal timbre.

Trench for Evolution Full-length, 2006
The War is Not Over Full-length, 2011

Official Site


This is retro speed/power/thrash that is very closely modelled after the works of the guys' homeland's holy three (Horcas, Lethal, Hermetica), the uplifting speedy "Manifiesto" pairing well with the heaving pounds of "La Maquina Humana" and the steel precise riffage of "Eterminio", the highlight on this not very pretentious recording which also features the speed metal winner "Naci Para Ser Lucifer" and the soulful ballad "Vientos Del Sur" on which the vocalist surrenders his mid-ranged clean antics for a more romantic lyrical croon.

Mortal Full-Length, 2023



Based on the demo, this act indulge in vicious bashing thrash/death; badly produced stuff which straddles between all-out deathsters ("Dia De Muerte") and more lyrical thrashers ("Sepultado"), the throaty death metal vocals not producing a very positive impression, sometimes barely heard. "Que Es La Muerte" is a surprisingly mellow atmospheric number, and "Ansias De Morir" is an attempt at more ambitious, near-progressive thrashing.

Demo 1 Demo, 1991
Cementerio de esperanzas Full-length, 1995
Ensayando el crimen Full-length, 2002


Crisp concise classic thrash with cutting knife-like riffs ("Knife In Your Ear") which clearly concentrate on the headbanging idea, with high-octane outbursts like "Untouchable" exploding around, mortifying attempts at more atmospheric expression ("24 Injured"), both sides finding shelter on the more ambitious odyssey "Cavern (To the Other Side of the World)". The vocals are acceptable semi-clean shouty, leading the show with more than just the requisite attachment and pathos.

Unprovoked Slaughter Full-length, 2018

Official Site


Modern thrash topped by vociferous death metal vocals; more serious progressive excursions ("Abandoned Commander") take turns with more linear mid-pacers ("Hierarchy"), the maddening "Leaders of the Lie" racing with the speed of light to everyone's surprise. The singer is a harsh shouty deathster, more of a noise maker than an actual asset.

The Backlash Of Thrash EP, 2020

Official Site


Based on the full-length debut, this is intense Slayer-esque classic thrash which knows both its heavy pounding ("Burn You") and urgent fast-paced ("We Turn to Dust") side, the quarrelsome death metal vocals missing from the two stylish short near-acoustic instrumentals, those also influencing the stylish tenebrous semi-doomster "Devil on Your Tail".
"Hatred Ahead" is a tad less intense than its predecessor, but the band lash with little mercy throughout, the abrasive sound quality not such a big detriment on the heavy stomping "Burn You" which heavily influences the second half, the guys failing to capture the sizzling energy from the beginning, "Unspoken" breaking the monotonous mid-tempo hegemony with an array of fiery moshing rhythms.
“Until Death” is a decidedly noisier fare than the earlier instalments, the overall sound a tad more dynamic than the predecessor, the guys settling for a not very striking but steady mid-paced trot, “Jacob's Ladder” trying to electrify the setting with rowdier more bellicose riffs, “Buried” following suit, bringing back the Slayer-esque aggression of old with a pinch of proto-death. “Hunting Down” is another less controlled piece, the band notching it up towards the death metal confines, “Traffic Fumes” pouring more headbanging fuel into the fervent furnace.

Burn You EP, 2021
Unspoken Full-length, 2021
Hatred Ahead Full-length, 2022
Hunting Down EP, 2022
Until Death Full-length, 2023

Official Site


Based on the "Tame the Beast Within" demo, these folks create a lot of noise here playing brutal thrash/proto-death which is reflected in long messy compositions which are at times more on the bashing side ("Exodus Of Life"), at others are slow and pondering with a doomy flavour ("Tale of Two Cities"). Both sides take turns as the tracks remain quite long (7-9min), but the girls' skills are quite limited except for the lead guitar player who manages to pull out a few intriguing leads. "Tame the Beast (Within)" is an admirable achievement, though, a progressive opus with beautiful balladic interludes and some hard impetuous thrashing involved, too. The person behind the mike rends her throat no worse than Sabine Classen (Holy Moses) herself, but there's no evidence whether we have the girl performing here.

Blessed Death Demo, 1990
Tame the Beast Within Demo, 1991


Progressive, but also lashing thrash with Bay-Area overtones suffering enormously from the awful dispassionate, semi-declamatory vocals; the songs are long and meandering with a lot happening within including a few rock/country tunes ("Fuck the Sticker") thrown in for good, or not so good measure. To these ears the shorter, more immediate ("Power Games") compositions work better and totally overshadow the 13.5-min closer "Souls in a Delirium" which is nothing more than a timid, tedious mid-pacer and seriously pulls this not so bad effort down.

Sticker Demo, 1990


The debut: this new outfit specialize in modern dry mechanical thrash which can be both more surreal ("Moving Among You") and melodic ("Do Not Be Afraid"), and moderately energetic (the final "Final Call"). The singer is a dispassionate semi-shouter who sounds convincing without straining himself too much. Some of the band members are also active with the black metal formation Morgart.
“Where to from Here?” treads the same waters some ten years later, only more laid-back overall, the earth-shaking steam-roller “Spirit Soul” backed-up by the bouncy trots of “You Do” and the friendly elegiac lustre of “The Road”. Don’t bother with the rocky filler “Whiskey Stream” and the banal groovy trots of “Broken”, but make sure you pass by the doom-laden quirkiness of the final “Good as Gold”.

No Lessons Need Learning Full-Length, 2014
Five cc of Pure... EP, 2018
Where to from Here? Full-Length, 2023

Official Site


Based on the full-length, this band play cool semi-technical thrash/death of the old school, with some tight infernal shredding (“Shroud Before the Eyes”) befalling the listener, the death-esque roller-coaster “Emotional Devour” another eyebrow-raiser with steel implacable riffs. The very shouty high-pitched death metal vocalist can’t possibly be a highlight, but his comrades leave a positive impression all over, “Philosophical Mind” playing with a wider array of time and tempo-changes, whereas “Imposing Fairness” is an exemplary technical aggressor with arresting twists and turns, including an alluring balladic break. The title-track breezes by with speedy less fussy guitars, and “Misunderstand” is a compelling diverse epitaph with complex, also quite brutal on occasion, labyrinthine decisions.

Death's Tarot EP, 2022
Selfish Society Full-length, 2023

Official Site


A pleasant surprise from the German underground which sees an act with a taste for the more progressive expression nicely exemplified by the opening title-track, smashing speed/thrash with more intricate decisions ala Paradox's "Heresy" and Holy Terror which continue through the whole demo a prominent performer being the bass player who plods in the background incessantly to a positive effect. The same can't be said about the singer who is an awful semi-reciter ruining the show with his ridiculous unrehearsed semi-shouts. Nevertheless, the music largely compensates for his lack of skills either with spasmodic direct thrashers like "The Mirror", or with engaging melodic progressivers like "The Last Challenge". The last track is a live instrumental called "Dreams In the Forbidden Zone" the guys bashing with reckless abandon to produce another impressive shredder regardless of the not very clear sound quality.

World's Brutality Demo, 1991


Based on the Split, these guys play good thrash/death metal of the classic school with meaty heavy riffs and cool semi-technical licks. The music stays closer to death metal bringing to mind Bolt Thrower on the slower sections.
"The Reckoning" is more ordinary-sounding now a typical modern thrash/death metal affair with a Gothenburg flavour. The affair becomes quite aggressive ("Forsaken Graves") mostly on the shorter material where fierce vitriolic riffs dominate the landscape for a while. Melody is not "a stranger" to this effort, either, although it's mixed into the intense moments and is also aptly reflected in the stylish, albeit short, lead guitar work. The singer has a subdued, not very shouty, voice which belongs to the death metal field recalling Karl Willets (Bolt Thrower again) at times. Some of the band members also take part in the death/black metal formation Her Enchantment.

Evil Reborn Full-length, 2002
Arnhem Trolleymetaal Split, 2003
Taste the Blood Full-length, 2009
The Reckoning Full-length, 2013

Official Site


The EP: three tracks of competent old school thrash sustained in an up-tempo all over with harsh quarrelsome vocals ala Simon Forrest (Cerebral Fix) topping the music up with a couple of stylish melodic leads "roaming" around.
The full-length carries on in the same uncompromising fashion the only annoyance being the vocalist's more strained and more shouty blend. The band cross fast-paced "bullets" with calmer compositions the former dominating making this effort a close companion to the more recent Cripper and Holy Moses releases. This is hardly "the sound of brutality", like the title of the closer suggest, but is well-constructed old school stuff with appropriately boosted modern production.
"Final Death Denied" is a similar "beast" exuding energy in spades plus several more carefully plotted numbers ("Under The Serpent Tree", the diverse but also quite intense, shredder "Hell Is A Crematory") with a shade of more recent Exodus. "Neurotoxic Fire" is another more stylish offering, but nothing beats the final 10-min closer "Dystopia" which is a fine twisting number with an interesting atmospheric outro and a few quirky decisions.
"In Cold Blood" doesn't betray the winning formula, the moshing fiesta deftly covered by the bursting "Dream Crusher" and the more frolic speed metal-prone "Ghost Ship Sailor", with bigger ambition displayed with the atmospheric slow-burner "Repulsive Messiah" and the pounding quasi-doomster "Silent Assassin (Champion of War)".

Eternal War EP, 2010
District Destruction Full-Length, 2012
Final Death Denied Full-Length, 2015
In Cold Blood Full-length, 2019

My Space


This is diverse modern thrash spearheaded by over-the-top shouty death metal vocals which change their pitch to a lower-tuned semi-grunt at times, not to mention the much better cleaner Jello Biafra-like (Dead Kennedys) insertions. "Ghosts" is a merry power/thrasher, and "Social Zombie" is a pounding doom-laden drama. Expect more progressive decisions on the varied "Burn Church Burn", as well as alluring Oriental tunes on the otherwise dynamic "The Eyes Are Cut".

The Mortal Maze Full-Length, 2021

Official Site


Two tracks of intense thrash/death metal with concentration on atmosphere and mood, quite similar to early Nightfall; this is very good music with intense thrashy sections intercepted by intriguing atmospheric slower passages filled with great melodies and swirling melodic leads, the picture slightly ruined by the gruff low-tuned death vocals.

Mortal Pain EP, 1992


Based on "Invisible Invaders", this band is a representative of the classic thrash metal revival witnessed so far in the new millennium. The music has this uplifting, punkish attitude typical for the Sodom albums from the 90's. The vocals are also close to Tom Angelripper. The last song "Drink And Drive" is a joke reminding of the Tankard side project Tankwart.
"The Last Will Be The First" comes with a slightly more aggressive sound: "Cursed to Destroy" will tear you apart with its sharp brutal proto-death riffage, but to balance things up, the band still have included more laid-back tunes: "Intoxication". The predominant tempo is quite energetic, with some numbers speeding up admirably: "Diving Into Emptiness" is another very good example of the latter. It looked as though through the years the guys have found the right way to thrash, but this was their swan song. Or...
"Undere" isn't miles away from its follow-up: energetic, mid to up-tempo thrash with a classic edge, with catchy, not very sharp riffs. "Army of Darkness" is a cool change with more aggressive guitars and a brutal, death metal break in the middle, followed by the similar, but shorter "You Can". These tracks are placed in the middle, and after them the music returns to the previous formula, mixing more interesting dynamic thrashy pieces ("Have You Forgotten") with pure punk/hardcore ones ("Dark Paradise").

Undere Full-length, 1998
Invisible Invaders Full-length, 2002
The Last Will Be The First Full-length, 2003

Official Site


Based on "Digital Idol", this band provide a decent blend of classic and modern power/thrash not far from more recent Kreator, a couple of mid-paced heavy rockers ("Don't Forgive", "People of War") betraying the thrash idea, but all good on the more belligerent moshers "Monster" and "End of Days" although the mellower material dominates recalling Kreator's "Outcast" including in the vocal department.
"Walking on Hellish Trails" is a more intense affair, the band moshing with bigger verve and gusto as evident from the brisk opener "2 Step Crew", and although said number is only matched in terms of energy by the bursting rager "Devil's Seed" later on, there's not much wrong in steady vibrant power/thrash marchers like "Eye Killer" and the slow-burning semi-epicer "My Inner Condition", the short brutal deviation "Warcult" another spasm of less controlled virulence.

Of Black Days and Cruel Alliances EP, 2012
Walking on Hellish Trails Full-length, 2015
The Legacy of War Full-length, 2016
Digital Idol Full-length, 2020

Official Site


These are the same guys as the ones who performed on Mortal Plague (see the review below). This new opus sees them playing much much better music than the one displayed on the only Mortal Plague demo. What we have here this time is quite cool retro thrash with Sepultura the main target for worship. The guys lash fast ripping riffs to no end by also thinking of the more relaxed speed/thrash metal movement with the more melodic roller-coaster "Killer Mafia". "Hunters" is a brilliant technical shredder, and "Painless" later on is another less ordinary headbanger. "Mutilation" rages on reaching death metal-ish dimensions handsomely supported by the following tornado of vitriolic guitars called "Against the Beast". Then a cover of their idols arises... sorry, arrives of "Arise" played quite faithfully without any particular alterations. This appetizing saga is ably finished with the short explosive "Trauma" which also unleashes a couple of stylish melodic hooks to make this effort an ever surer pick for all thrash metal fans.
"Anthology of Horror" follows the same path the band moshing with vehemence at every opportunity, unleashing short biting bullets like "Carnivore Machine" and "Blood Trail", seldom pacifying the situation with the odd stomping moroser ("Abstract Anatomy"). The more technical excursions on "A Call for the Rotten" are surely worth hearing, but it's wayward speedsters like "The Curse of Pazuzu" and "Decomposed" that shoot this album into the front echelon.

Universal Hatred Full-Length, 2016
Anthology of Horror Full-length, 2019

Official Site


"Thrash is Back", or at least the title of the opener here announces. So shall we trust these Mexicans? Let's, especially after the explosive initial riffage of that same opener which shows the guys ready to bring thrash back, despite the numerous hindrances along the way, like the muddy sound quality and the not very high musical skills of the musicians. The riffs fight for domination with the omnipresent screamy leads the whole time, and the noisy drums deafen the situation being quite chaotic and thundering. On top of that we have a very brutal death metal shouter behind the mike who has barely rehearsed a day or two before stepping up. There's a lot of inspiration behind this naive semi-amateurish music, but since thrash is back with full force, the guys should be able to find the time to bring themselves closer to at least the mid-standards.

Demo Demo, 2012



Based on the "The Last One" 3-song demo, this outfit indulge in right as rain classic thrash which is pure bash on the uncompromising "Despair", the semi-declamatory death metal singer stepping aside towards the end for the entrance of really convincing female vocal inclusions. "Dying Slowly" is heavy slow-building music nice lead-driven sections, and the title-track is vehement proto-death barrage with a couple of intriguing semi-technical whirlwinds, the few tempo-changes in the second half more signs of bigger musical proficiency.

Escathologyc Times Demo, 1992
Mortal Profecia EP, 1994
The Last One Demo, 1998



This band is one of the proofs that quality 80's thrash could still be played in the 90's; dark, almost gothic stuff with heavy razor-sharp riffs and galloping rhythms, similar to what Eidolon started doing a few years later. Both albums are good and are well worth tracking down; "Return to Battle" starts in an imposing 80's American power/thrash galloping tempo, but the guys later slow down with heavy doom-laden riffs for a couple of tracks, before "Have a Nice Day" moves up the speed scale a bit partially abandoning the steam-roller approach. No more faster surprises till the end, the rest crushing in a very heavy pounding fashion ably assisted by the macabre low-tuned semi-death metal vocals.
"No Demons" is the more immediate listen, with generally shorter tracks and a slightly updated mechanized guitar sound, but not wading too much into groovy waters, and with a certain shade of Metallica's Black Album including the good but derivative James Hetfield-like vocals. "Dead Meat" opens in a way similar to the debut with energetic galloping riffs, but again the following material slows down preserving the heaviness which now is even bigger due to the added groove at times. "Dark Side" is the other more speedy moment, but all the "laurels" invariably go to the sweeping speedster "Meet Your Maker" sustained in the best tradition of Attacker.

Return To Battle Full-length, 1993
No Demons Full-length, 1995

Official Site


This album begins in a playful modern power/doom metal fashion, and things pretty much hit the top on the cool atmospheric opus "An Old Man Comes To My House", but all of a sudden things get too wild on the brutal death/thrasher "Ashes" which will take you completely by surprise. The "untitled" track after that slows down again by retaining the edgy thrash riffs, but "Wounds of Time" is eager to take your soul away with another portion of vigorous headbanging thrash. "Faith" will keep the faith of the doom side of the fanbase mostly, and is quite a nice example of the genre, all-instrumental, with stylish haunting melodies. Another "Instrumental" comes later, much shorter and much more peaceful being a balladic semi-acoustic interlude. The closing "The Other Side" has the last word here crossing the doom and the thrash with clear preferences to the former which this time stays close to the morose pensive style of Type-O-Negative except the vocals, of course, which are more on the gruff semi-death metal side.

Mortal Remains Full-length, 1994


A female-fronted thrash metal band from Germany: yes, we've had quite a few of those in the past. If, for some reason, you were left unimpressed by the recent Holy Moses releases, here is a band for you. Mortal Remains are not an exact Holy Moses soundalike, but shades of the Sabine Classen's band are definitely present, the target being the legendary "Finished With the Dogs". What distinguishes this band is the melodic guitar harmonies which work very well with the general dark, almost gothic sound of the album. The other difference is that this girl's vocal style is actually less harsh and somehow more fitting for a thrash metal band.
The debut is another commendable achievement the band sounding more simplistic and straight-to-the-point. The riffage is both intense with a shade of proto-death ("Adrenalized") at times and melodic ("Warhead") with a touch of speed metal. The classic thrash metal idea gets abandoned on the melo-thrash/deathster "Follow Me" which overflows with catchy melodic tunes which are missing from the ripping short closer "In The Line Of Fire", a fitting finish to this cool albeit hardly striking debut. The girl is in shape, delivering her barking subdued death-ish antics with authority and a bit of lyricism. She, by the way, is not a member of the band anymore having been replaced by a male throat recently.

Full Speed Ahead Full-Length, 2003
Next Level Full-length, 2007

Official Site


Based on the full-length, these folks deliver jumpy groovy post-thrash which tolerates atmosphere and side gimmicks like "Pain Elemental" shows so well, a cool friendly shredder with progressive aspirations the latter more evident on the diverse "Heart, Mind, Skull". Still, the majority of the tracks are short and to-the-point the guys failing to give a full shape to their complex visions, settling for immediate, hardcore-prone rhythms in the second half.

Welcome EP, 1995
No Cash Flow Full-length, 1996

My Space


Based on the full-length, these folks provide intense old school thrash/proto-death which at times flies past the listener at the speed of light (the title-track, "Murder the Dawn") with the scales seriously tipped towards the death metal side; at others the situation is pleasantly melodic ("Lust Spells") with a speed/thrash hybrid offered. The full-fledged excursions into melo-death like "The Carpathian Castle" are the least interesting part of the album as they bring nothing new to the picture, their presence solely justified on the larger-than-life over 10-min closer "The Scepter Reigns". The harsh over-shouty death metal singer occupies quite a bit of space, but his tirades are not exactly an obstacle.

As Time Sharpens the Sentence EP, 2015
Where Light Suffocates Full-length, 2019

Official Site


The most famous Australian thrash metal band; they forged their reputation with two nice releases more in the Bay-Area tradition, with Metallica and Exodus being more obvious influences on the heavier material. "Mayhemic Destruction" is a decent debut, which starts promisingly in a heavy crushing heavy manner with "Women In Leather". With "Lebanon" the music becomes more technical, although it remains in the mid-tempo parameters. "Liar" is a softer thrash/crossover number, and when "Blood, Death, Hatred" is just a bit edgier, one may start wondering where the Bay-Area thrash from the beginning went. Well, it never returns in the form of a whole song, as the predominating sound is more melodic, even touching heavy metal on "Into The Fire". The closing nod to Metallica's early days that is the title-track restores some faith with more aggressive riffs, but would hardly win the listener for the band's cause.
"Face of Despair" begins in an imposing way with the good mosher "I Am Immortal", but the next "Voyage Of The Disturbed" is already a different story, much slower and more melodic. "The Infantry Corps" picks more intensity, but the following couple of tracks are milder with "Martyrs Of Eternity" switching onto full-blooded doom at some point. "Innocent Torture" adds some fire into the proceedings being a better Exodus-like thrasher. The Exodus influence stays until the end, providing mostly mid-paced riffs, but the closing "Terminal Reward" thrashes out in a faster fashion, recalling early Metallica again. Still, based on those first 2 albums it's hard to justify the high status this act has as the leading Australian thrash metal act during the genre's peak.
"Every Dog Has Its Day" is less heavy, sounding close to Death Angel's "Act III" on the more eclectic parts, but without the funky sections, including a nice ballad "Wasted Days", which could be considered the highlight. The beginning traditionally promises more with the intense "Access Denied", and the title-track is not a complete waste with its consistent heavy mid-paced delivery. The experimentation, which is never annoying, by the way, starts afterwards, stretching into a couple of songs occupying the middle. Then the aforementioned "Wasted Days" comes to free space for the really cool headbanging thrasher "Behind The Lies" which puts an end to the classic "temptations", and till the end we have proto-modern thrash which at least on "Rebellious Youth" sounds appealing and semi-technical. "Why?" deserves to be the closer, trying to mix the modern funky sections with more straight thrashing, sounding like a cross between Mordred's "Fool's Game" and Death Angel's "Act III". This album showed the guys capable of adjusting to the modern tastes in a way more convincing than quite a few of their American and European colleagues, but they sank without a trace soon after.
"An Absence Of Faith" is a return to the Bay Area-influenced sound of the first two albums, but this time there are more modern shades ala the Black Album present, and the overall sound is less hard-hitting and more restrained; still smashing thrashers like the 9-min epic "Tears Of Redemption" and the much shorter blitzkrieg "Say Your Prayers" save the day.
The guys lost inertia once again, but better late than never, and here comes "Psychology Of Death" "burying" you under a hurricane of fierce Bay-Areasque riffs from the opening track "Psychology Of Death", but not for long since the next "Blood of My Enemies" (which is not a Manowar cover) is already more laid-back, with slower rhythms and very cool melodic leads. A string of disappointing songs follows, with barely a shade of thrash, clinging towards the power metal field, waking up for the odd faster section on the radio-friendly anthem "Burned Into Your Soul". "Deny" is a merry speed/thrasher, growing into the formidable headbanger "Doomed To Annihilation", which is vintage early Mortal Sin, putting the 2nd half on a higher, more dynamic, level. "Kingdom Of Pain" is a pounding mid-pacer, rich in both melody and sharpness, with "Down In The Pit" being another faster-paced piece raising both the Bay-Area and the early Overkill flag sky high. They closing "Hatred" is a ripping closer, thrashing far'n wide with minimal melodic deviations. The album as a whole is not miles away from the previous one, the guys settling for a sure-handed style, not taking any risks whatsoever, which is not going to make them the stars of the show on the contemporary scene, but will at least keep their both new and old fans happy.

Mayhemic Destruction Full-length, 1987
Face of Despair Full-length, 1989
Every Dog Has Its Day Full-length, 1991
Revolution of the Mind EP, 1998
Out Of The Darkness EP, 2006
An Absence Of Faith Full-length, 2007
Psychology Of Death Full-length, 2011

Official Site


An early mix of power, speed and a little bit of thrash, energetic and catchy, but the singer has the bad habit of screaming too high in not very appropriate times. The music will remind you of the Germans Tyrant, and Vectom in the more intense parts.

Death on Arrival Demo, 1985


Based on "For the Loud and the Aggressive", this band play brisk modern thrash with a pinch of crossover which pours steel hard-hitting riffs over the suspected listener, and rippers like "Outburst of Fury" and "Mg 42" will be a regular on the menu of every self-respected headbanger. "Smash the Tyrants-Storm the Gates" adds some death metal intensity, and "Strike" nails a few more nails down with with a portion of aggressive blitzkrieg rhythms. It's on the final "Unleash the Hounds of War #2" where one can hear more moderate riffage with an epic flavour, but only for a while, since near the end the band return to what they can do best: thrash like demented...

Unleash the Hounds of War EP, 2012
For the Loud and the Aggressive Full-length, 2014

Official Site


This formation indulge in right as rain classic power/speed/thrash that occasionally comes out with all the guns blazing ("Hades"), but both the more atmospheric "Black Death" and the creepy minimalistic "King Tyrannus" have their moments, the genuine filler here being the lethargic semi-ballad "Hollow & Alone", the shouty harsh vocalist acquiring much cleaner parametres on this one, if this is the same singer. The scond alf is way more laid-back, coming alive a bit on the dramatic varied closer "End of Eons".

Mortal Tendency Full-Length, 2023



The debut: death metal which sounds like mid-period Gorefest (including in the vocal department) with a considerable doze of thrash; the music is heavy and crushing with the occasional speedy outbursts. "Evolving Self" is a very heavy proto-modern effort, rubbing shoulders with doom quite a bit, with one sole exception in the faster sector ("The Cognitive Triad"), and partially the frantic technical "World in My Hand" which is a stylish track, but remains unsupported by the other more ordinary material.
"Posthuman" is even doomier with balladic stretches and gothic overtones ("Silence Is Silence", "Belief"), and the faster sections ("Social Suicide", which is lightning speed death metal at some point ala early Dark Tranquillity) sound awkward and unnecessary. A weird choice for a cover version is made near the end: Eurythmics' "Sweet Dreams", and it has to be heard to be appreciated- a very slow funeral doom take, and the listener definitely has to have a very vivid imagination to recognize this hit; still, in terms of originality this song scores very high.
"Creating Destruction": the band sound way more furious this time even on longer pieces like "Too Old To Die Young". Certainly, don't expect raging thrash ala Slayer and Devastation; this is more along the lines of early-Exciter and the Germans Vectom, but is still energetic and uplifting. "Speed Demon" by all means deserves its title being an impetuous speed metal anthem, but in the second half the guys return to their seismic roots with flashes of fast-paced play scattered among the long plodding opuses, the darkness largely dissipated by the closing headbanger "Mortal Terror".
"Bite of the Underdog" exudes marginally more serious musicianship, the speed/thrashing vigour of the title-track nicely matched later by the speed metal roller-coaster "Die at full Speed" and the vehemently moshing "To the End". "Black Church of Rock'n'Roll" will welcome you with an array of memorable melodic tunes, neither black metal not rock'n roll here; and "Hate for the Haters" is another dynamic proposition with heavy dramatic accumulations, the more diverse veneer of the closing "Warheads" bringing to mind the veterans Hallows Eve.

Evolving Self Full-length, 1994
Posthuman Full-length, 1995
A Strange Harvest EP, 1998
Graveyard Anthems for unhappy Teenagers EP, 2001
We Set Your Thoughts on Fire Full-length, 2003
We Are the Damned Full-length, 2010
Creating Destruction Full-length, 2016
Bite of the Underdog Full-length, 2020

My Space


A 2-track demo of cool American thrash metal mixing intense Slayer-esque riffage with a Bay-Area one. The full-length is a sure-handed slab of old school thrash which sounds close to early Exodus ("Bonded by Blood", above all), so get ready for a non-stop mosh with several pounding slower breaks along the way ("Guilt after Life"). The short blitzkrieg numbers ("Justice of Mind", "Ironic Trust") are the cream of the cake thrashing with force making this album a sure pick for the headbangers all around the world who shouldn't expect any sophistication here, but a relentless rifforama also scoring high in the nostalgic area, accompanied by forceful semi-declamatory vocals.

Trapped Inside Demo, 2006
Psychotic Paralysis Full-length, 2011

My Space


Raw amateurish thrash/proto-death coming as less rehearsed early Necrophagia; this is messy music alternating tempos the whole time even switching to some epic metal on "Reign Your Life" to an ultimately awkward effect. The vocals are as bad as the music being thin semi-clean/semi-declamatory ones. A few years later the guys re-emerged as Gotterdammerung and started playing more sensible death metal for a string of demos.

Christian Terror Demo, 1989


This is ravaging aggressive retro thrash spearheaded by intimidating growling death metal vocals. Fans of early Kreator and mid-period Sepultura will be the happiest with this hyper-active slab which takes no prisoners thanks to remorseless cuts like "Eternal Hatred" and "Raw Poison", the exhausting closer "Devastated Existence" hinting at some more brutal deathly possibilities.

Mind Manipulation Full-length, 2021

Official Site


This Greek trio pull out modern thrash/post-thrash which is performed in a subdued anti-flashy manner, the more energetic shenanigans on "Waiting for Execution" only slightly exacerbating the setting which wins a few more points from the stylish diverse instrumental "0845 ", and the interesting hectic shredder "Scatastronaut". The vocalist is a not very expressive semi-death semi-reciter, his articulate parsimonious antics never outstaying their welcome.

Haunted Past Full-length, 2019

Official Site


Vicious roughly-produced thrash/death of the old school, accompanied by a venomous shouty death metal throat. The incessant bash, most of which is presented in a live setting, lets a couple of more melodic tunes ("Sed De Destrucción") slip through, but don't expect those in heaps here, the stomping "Pacto De Muerte" a more restrained proposition, the hyper-active melee finished with with the Sepultura cover of "Beneath the Remains".

...en concierto Demo, 1993


A decent demo of crushing retro thrash in the vein of Sacred Reich and Evildead's sophomore effort. The songs are blends of fast and slow passages, "Death's Black Rider" going away with all the laurels for being a ripping, dynamic piece all the way. The sound quality is very clear, but the singer spoils the picture a bit with his forced, vociferous hardcore-ish delivery recalling Wattie (The Exploited) quite a bit.

Starting the Killing Demo, 2005


Expect energetic retro thrash/crossover played simplistically and to-the-point with a few more brutal grindy inclusions which in their turn are compensated by merry punk-ish rhythms which are all over the demo. This music played for fun and as such will create a good pogo/moshing atmosphere especially at the end where one will encounter an invigorating cover of Agnostic Front's "Victim In Pain". Some of the musicians practice the other extreme of the metal spectre with the doom metal act Condenados.

Mundo Decadente Demo, 2008

Official Site


This very obscure demo shows that apart from brutal raw black/thrash/death the Brazilian scene at the earlier stages had something more to offer; these guys play quite good speed/thrash metal on the more melodic side with cool leads, in various tempos. Two of the four tracks are unadulterated speed/thrash at its finest (think the Angel Dust debut), one is a more laid-back mid-paced power/thrasher, and the opener is a nice melodic speed/power metal instrumental.

Demo Demo, 1986

Official Site


This trio's line-up features two girls, one handling the bass, the other one... the keyboards; the band uses a drum machine. Otherwise this is fairly satisfying classic thrash with a strong technical edge. The girls (and a guy) keep a good tempo throughout, thrashing hard, even blast-beating on the opening "Den Gneva", before taking a more technical, but no less intense, turn on "Igra", which is an intriguing meandering number, even recalling the style on the great "Alice in Hell". "Instinct" raises the speed, but the technicality remains to remind of their compatriots from the distant past Aspid; a seamless blend of aggression and technicality, also touching another Russian act: Koma. "V Ogne" is an excellent technical thrasher, another one worthy of "Alice in Hell". "C.C.C." abandons the more complex arrangements, and blasts out with sharp fast riffs, slowing down only for a short twisted Coroner-like section in the middle. More deviations, and bigger surprises with "The Doom", which is brilliant gothic/doom thrash (the title says it very well) with mesmerizing female vocals (could be one of the girls in the band, but which one?), but the dominating technical tone of the album is all over on the great closing instrumental "System Error", which lashes steel technical riffs from beginning to end for more than 8-min, recalling the Leather Wolf speed metal monster "Black Knight" in the faster more swirling parts. The drum machine may annoy those who are for a purer classic sound, but rest assured that there will be no dull moment on this very enjoyable debut which does a lot to bring the technical side of the genre back to Russia (another very good newcomer- Immoralist, can also help here), after several of the still operating main practitioners (Valkyria, Koma, Trizna, the Lithuanians Katedra) have already given up the thrash metal idea.
The demo is a much less polished effort, with a much worse sound quality the guys thrashing in a less controlled, less technical manner. The songs are long, the opener "Zatmenie" alone being more than 9-min offering purely instrumental stuff in up-tempo. The remaining tracks are straight intense retro thrashers, with "Vremia Platit" only slightly hinting at the band's bigger technical potential.
The self-titled would be a big disappointment for fans of the debut; for the large part this is ordinary 90's groovy thrash/post-thrash that outstays its welcome way before the end. Livelier cuts like "Moia Svestennaia Mest" and "Activist" create the illusion that this may as well turn into another technical roller-coaster in the vein of the first instalment, but there aren't too many highlights of the kind if we also exclude the cool progressive thrasher "Den Vseh Svetih", a stylish way to finish this otherwise not very imaginative effort.

Vremia Platit (Time to Pay) Demo, 2005
V Nedobrui Chas Full-length, 2009
MOrtalitas Full-Length, 2019

Official Site


Retro thrash on offer here, bashing vitriolic stuff that serves both hyper-active all-instrumental pieces ("Nailed to the Cross") and vocalized stomping dramas ("Lost Freedom"), the curt spatout deathly singer gracing fast-paced cuts like "Furious Insane" and "Endless War" where proto-death is always vigilant to interfere with panache, leaving "Uncalled Prisoners" the only more laid-back mid-tempo occurrence.

Watch Out Demo, 1992


Three striking demos of high quality 80's thrash; the music throughout is quite energetic and will bring to mind several standout acts from around the same time: Slayer, Vio-lence, Exodus, Metallica, Wargasm, etc. All three demos nicely capture the essence of the American 80's thrash metal scene; "When Barbarity Reigns" is probably the best one with the most aggressive and technical guitars and a strong nod to late-80's Metallica.
"For Whom the Bomb Tolls": despite the allusions made towards Metallica with the album-title, these risen from the ashes thrashers manage to find their own face with melodic, dynamic riffs which at times resemble the early works of their compatriots Raise Hell. With "Madness of Devotion" they touch greatness this number being a prime slice of melodic semi-technical thrashiness reminiscent of Artillery at their best. "Tyrant" comes with both a touch of crossover and epic arrangements, an appetizing blend which is followed by a string of shorter, faster cuts until the final "The End" which notches up the epic side again, not without the help of several fine melodic lead sections as a finishing touch.

Demo 1 Demo, 1989
The Prophecy Demo, 1990
When Barbarity Reigns Demo, 1991
For Whom the Bomb Tolls Full-Length, 2016

Official Site


The debut: this formation specialize in heavy classic power/thrash which doesn't hide its fascination with the 80's scene in their homeland, the guys displaying their valour first with the impetuous gallops on "Night of the Living Dead" before upgrading to the more vigorous speed/thrashing on "Day of the Dead". A string of heavy mid-pacers occupies the middle before "Here We Go!" stirs the dormant spirits once again, warming the setting for the arrival of the closer "End This Pain", a diverse opus with a couple of cool fast-paced boosts among epic dramatic arrangements those greatly enhanced by the very good clean emotional vocals.
"We Are Human" is another heroic achievement, the guys alternating fist-pumping battle-prone epicers ("Battle Born") with doom-laden musings ("Battle Born"), the title-track a vintage power metal hymn taken straight from the 80's, staying head and shoulders above the cheesy cover of Kenny Loggins' "Danger Zone", the hit from the blockbuster "Top Gun".

Heart so Black Full-length, 2018
We Are Human Full-length, 2023

Official Site


Two tracks of modern melodic thrash which comes with a curious technical edge, among other pleasantries, like clever borrowings from the Gothenburg scene which carries plenty of catchy melodic tunes. The singer does his best to ruin the good impression left by the music by quarrelling in a harsh semi-death metal manner with undecipherable semi-shouts.

Demo Demo, 2011


This album opens with the furious "Triangulum", which will remind you of early In Flames or Dark Tranquillity, with a more technical edge. Later the music introduces the thrash metal elements as well as a Sentenced's "Amok"-like sound, and things really become interesting on cool tracks like "Influence" and especially on the last one: the instrumental piece "M33" which comes with nice guitar work.

M33 Full-length, 2007

Official Site


Raw fast speed/thrash metal similar to the Whiplash debut, based on the 1st demo. The 1990 demo calms down, and takes turn towards the power/speed/thrash scene which at that time has said its final word in the USA. The sound is slower, with a heavy bass-bottom, and recalls Liege Lord's "Master Control" quite a bit. It's only "Contradiction" which recalls the debut demo, speeding up, again in a more controlled manner.
The "Created" demo offers a heavier and more technical sound, with longer and more complex songs, not miles away from Metallica's late 80's period, and Defiance. Again there is one faster number: "First Fallen", a nice intense speed/thrasher.

Conquering Armies Demo, 1988
Demo Demo, 1990
Created Demo, 1992

Official Site


The demo: three songs of classic heavy thrash metal having shades of Metallica's late 80's period, but this demo is more melodic, and less dynamic. The music never leaves the mid-range, and the use of clean alternative vocals quite frequently isn't the most appropriate choice. The lead guitar, however, saves the day, but is used sparingly, and a bit more space given to it for the future would be a sure step in the right direction.
The full-length is a decent effort with crisp hard-hitting guitars, accentuated by moderately dynamic headbangers (the title-track), the established mid-paced hegemony in the middle ("Friendly Fire", "Before We Die") killing then inertia quite a bit, the band failing to find the magic to mosh afterwards, except for the excellent more technical Bay-Areasque shredder "Longest Winter", a true revelation which is partly supported by the vigorous closer "A Good Way to Die". The singer is a hoarse semi-cleaner who lacks passion for most of the time despite his sincere attempts at singing at times.

Introduction Demo, 2005
Morte Silmoris Full-length, 2020

Official Site


Dark doomy thrash/post-thrash, more on the classic side with a few less impressive groovy implements; this is clumsy not very eventful music with brutal death metal vocals giving the ponderous musical approach a more aggressive boost.

Course Demo, 1996


This Russian act pulls out interesting technical thrash/death with twisted song-structures, vicious extreme passages, and very brutal throaty death vocals. The bass work is particularly good, and some room for sentimentality has been left: the much slower gothic number "The Viscious Beauty". Still, you will cringe on the brutal grindy outburst "Cotzit", although the closing "I Love You" is again much calmer (after all, it's "I Love You" we are talking about), even semi-balladic with much more melodic guitar work.

Three Months Of Eternal Night Demo, 2000


Based on "The Roots of Ignorance", this act play not bad retro thrash ala Slayer; so expect plenty of prime headbanging fun spiced with more simplistic hardcore rhythms ("I Will Kill") from time to time plus the more brutal death metal section ("The Roots Of Ignorance") added for maybe not such a good measure. The singer is a shouty semi-death metaller and his rendings tear the air deafening everything around when in action. Reportedly the debut is more on the black metal side, a kind of a continuation of the guys' previous act Impetus Malignum where the style is pure second wave black metal.

Dechristianization Age Full-length, 2004
The Roots of Ignorance Full-length, 2012

My Space


Two songs of heavy retro thrash with angry death metal vocals. This is decent music with crunchy riffs in various paces which comes with a good sound quality coming as a bit monotonous at this stage.

Demo Demo, 2011


This EP is a cool entry into the Argentine thrash catalogue, done by members of Malicia as a side-project, with its clever moderate delivery which sits between the classic and the modern school adding the necessary more technical lick as well as the more intense speedy passage. The singer is a bit of a detraction with his angry semi-shouty timbre but otherwise this is a nice little effort which doesn't walk the well trodden paths carved by those before them.
The full-length raises the lathe high with the impetuous opener "Humo Negro" which logically leads to the 8-min shredder "Basurero Humano" the latter providing numerous reasons to mosh. Later on the band thrash with passion also pulling it off in the lead department ("Plegarias") with tasteful melodic passages where the spirit of the 90's speed/Power metal movement can also be felt among the sharp thrashing carnage.

Regimen De Sangre EP, 2012
Basurero Humano Full-Length, 2016

Official Site


These guys were earlier known as Snuffleupagus (one demo released in 1995) when the style was death metal. Here they have switched to a more thrash-oriented approach by preserving the hellish semi-shouty death metal vocals. The delivery is on the semi-technical side with the not very predictable "Speak of the Dreams" leading the proceedings, the interest surely heightened with the twisting "The Forest" before the short deathy explosion "Dick Drip" flattens everything. Time for some post-death ala early Six Feet Under with the groovy "Land of Extremes" before the bigger and more serious complexity takes over once again with "Forgotten Ages" and the atmospheric/doom "Golem". Some of the musicians later founded the short-lived death metal/grindcore "monstrosity" Stump.

...Where All Dividing Lines Become a Blur... Full-length, 1996

Official Site


This Brazilian outfit serve crunchy modern thrash which varies the tempos also notching it up to more brutal death metal dimensions ("Birth Of The Flawless") at will. "Frightening Lights" is more serious bash which leads to more thoughtful moments later on: the crushing doom/deathster "Drowned", the excellent creepy "Consuming", etc. The singer shouts in a more attached for the genre fashion, and his rendings are intelligible and even touching at times. The band were previously known as Overlook where they only managed one demo in 2009.

Where Everything Shall Die Full-length, 2014

Official Site


This act specialize in capable ripping classic power/thrash, the melodic nature of the title-track pairing relatively well with the wilder less tamed rhythms of “Nespim” and the more uplifting speed/thrash riffage of “Spirala”. "Pani, KtereVerim” is a modernized quasi-groover, its heavy squashing riffs drowned in the soothing lyrical instrumental piece “Question Mark”, which misses the attached semi-declamatory vocals.

Mary Demo, 1996

Official Site


This act play modern thrash the musicians combining fast-paced roughers ("Relentless") with stomping mid-tempo trots ("A Taste of Evil"), the former side clearly prevalent, also enhanced by the vitriolic curt "Fake Religion" and the surprisingly stylish, both melodic and technical, "Decaying Society". Welcome also "Burial of Pain", a downbeat but effective macabre doomster; and the closing "All Endings Must First Begin", a chaotic but compelling blend of sinister doom-laden walkabouts and sudden speedy intrusions. The vocals are guttural death metal ones, not making much noise, but threatening enough to keep the delivery within the more extreme confines.

One With The Darkness Full-Length, 2022

Official Site


Based on the "Genetic Blur" demo, these guys pull out cool thrash/death, with meaty heavy guitars, mid-tempo, with one short, more dynamic number ("Psycho Genesis"), and one smashing very good instrumental piece ("Stygian Shore").

Terminal Terror Demo, 1989
Genetic Blur Demo, 1989


Three tracks of noisy abrasive modern thrash/death with very brutal low-tuned vocals; heavy proto-doom riffs roll from all sides to produce something recalling Mindrot and Beyond Belief, ruined by the heavily industrialized edge of the guitars, which "quarrel" with the grunting singer for domination the whole time.

Demo Demo, 2005


A typical product of its time; groovy post-thrash/post-death with unusually brutal death metal vocals. The delivery sides with doom quite a bit as the energy hasn't been covered very well the band feeling more comfortable with pensive gothic cuts like "The 5th Season".

Posteuphoria Full-Length, 1997

Official Site


Mortifer released their debut during the late boom of thrash on the Russian metal scene in the early 90's, and then got lost. Seven years later, when the times looked good for thrash metal again, they re-emerged and have released four solid albums of consistently potent old school thrash so far. Their style is clearly old school being a combination of Slayer, Kreator and Sepultura.
"If Tomorrow Comes" arrives after an unwisely lengthy break, but sees the band thrashing with confidence once again, with vitriolic speedsters ("I'm Your Fear", the maddening Kreator-esque "Crematory's Yard") alongside more moderate stomping propositions ("Slave Of Fate") and a surprisingly soulful lyrical ballad ("Don't Say Never"), the cover of Running Wild's "Realm of Shades" done in the same unimpressive monotonous mid-paced stride, the only relative spoiler on this otherwise entertaining recording, which also boasts admirable authoritative shouty deathly vocals ala Max Cavalera.
"Total Darkness" is a slower mellower offering, the guys largely relying on laid-back mid-paced strolls ("Better Escape", "Deliverance from Disgrace"), the heavy romantic ballad "Guilty" a debatable presence this time, provided that there isn't much aggression on offer. "Killed by Destiny" is a more interesting semi-progressive composition, but from the rest it's only "Nuclear Demon" that goes out with all the guns blazing, the Black Sabbath cover of "Digital Bitch" sustained in a samey frolic playful manner akin to the original.
"Cybernized" is a vast improvement over its somewhat lacklustre predecessor, the band moshing with verve, the title-track and "Recharge of Morality" serving plenty of hard-hitting razor-sharp riffs for the audience to enjoy, "Ivan The Terrible" recalling Russia's arguably greatest historical figure with heavy seismic rhythms, the more intricate flair of "Cryogenic Dream" a surely welcome implement, before "Re-Generation" thrashes the neighbourhood with wild uncontrolled riff-patterns. "Roll the Dice" is another vitriolic fast-pacer, the more restrained chugs on "God Kills the Towns" also coming with a slight modern sniff, "Agony Is Wired" dealing with those with vehement determination, a potent neck-sprainer and a fitting finish to this cool energetic old school affair.

Euthanasia Full-length, 1993
If Tomorrow Comes Full-length, 2000
Blind Faith Full-length, 2002
Total Darkness Full-length, 2004
Cybernized Full-length, 2006

Official Site


This is excellent classic power/speed/thrash which immediately grabs the listener with the epic early Skyclad-esque opener "War Cries", a speed/thrashing roller-coaster which more entangled histrionics are simplified for the more minimalistic atmospheric "On a Mission", and the fairly effective melodic speedster "Human Decay" all those numbers graced by really good passionate semi-clean vocals with a hefty sniff of Mike Howe (Heretic, Metal Church). "Dying Heroes" switches onto wayward gallops for a change also bringing back the complexity from the beginning the latter also in full swing on "Distant Shores" before "Who are You" turns the tables towards more introspective progressive power metal; a really cool change of scenery which doesn't last long as "Hallucinating" brings back the thrash in an appetizing dramatic, more technical setting, the disputable highlight here with "Destiny" providing the rowdier, more stripped-down epitaph to this highly entertaining affair which sees a bunch of young hopefuls bending it like the finest veterans out there.

Mortifex Full-Length, 2019



Vehement vicious old school thrash/death the band bashing onward with simplistic one-dimensional riffs, the gurgling declamatory vocals barely comprehensible for most of the time. The music makes sense at times, though, the twisted rhythms on "Rottening Verdure" vintage early Immolation, "Mortified" an evil death metal rager that gives the bass player more room to reverberate at will. Some of the band members were later seen as Mesentery where the style was full-fledged death metal; and as The Choir of Vengeance later on, the genre this time being black metal.

Mortified Demo, 1991


Based on the demo, this act specialize in lashing classic thrash/death with shouty death metal vocals and a nice semi-technical vortex stirred on the title-track, with "Now I Hate" going up the aggression scale with ripping riffs, leaving the thrash idea behind for the sake of a full-on take on the fully shaped at the time death metal.

Darkened Truth Demo, 1992
Reborn Through Hatred Full-length, 1999



Mortification have changed several styles during their existence, but their beginnings are firmly in thrash metal. Both the demo and the debut are good examples of the genre, more on the aggressive side, with nods to death metal. The demo is perhaps the lesser achievement being a bit scattered with the delivery jumping from thrash to death metal all the time, and despite the fairly aggressive delivery, leaves something to be desired, the better material from it later featured on the debut. Said debut boasts a tighter sound; the music is still fast, but not as aggressive, and closer to thrash despite the brutal death-metal vocals. "Satan's Doom" is a slow track in the middle but doesn't reach doom metal waters, like the title suggests, and remains quite a cool stomping thrasher. The fields of doom, however, are reached with the last song, the slow brooding "Pathway of Reconciliation". These guys could have done an even better job if they had stayed within the thrash metal limits. With "Scrolls of the Megilloth" they entered a full-fledged death metal territory, and although their subsequent efforts betrayed the deathproof idea with all kinds of stylistic dissipations, thrash hasn't been able to re-capture its premier position in their repertoire.
The EP is hardly a new beginning for the Aussies who thrash in a diverse uneven manner with death metal, crossover and hardcore summoned to help the blend occasionally producing something worth hearing: the wild hectic technicaller "The Jaws of Life", the melodic thrash/deathster "Scribe Of The Pentateuch".
"Realm of the Skelataur" is a decent offering from the veterans who try to reinvent themselves, and manage to pleasantly surprise with several cool melodies ("Feed Your Hungry Ears"). Their death metal past shows its head on the shorter material ("Extrinsick Forces"), but what's more interesting is the few attempts at a more stylish progressive play (the title-track, "Our Anthem") where, despite the audible reduction of speed, the guys try to show their more serious side. Still, the show is completely stolen by the weird technical delight "Total Thrashing Death" which is a consummate thrash/deathing shredder totally overshadowing the remaining numbers. This effort is again a hit-and-miss affair, but at least it offers some admirable musicianship on occasion and should keep the band fans hooked for another couple of years until the next instalment from the Mortification saga.

Break The Curse Demo, 1990
Mortification Full-length, 1991
Scribe of the Pentateuch EP, 2012
Realm of the Skelataur Full-Length, 2015

Official Site


Based on the debut: another retro thrash monster (there's an epidemic out there... but who's complaining?) which thrashes in a Rigor Mortis and Razor manner with aggressive short tracks, adding the casual more light-hearted speed/thrasher: "Black Plague". There is no speed lost on this commendable debut, where the guitar work takes more intriguing dimensions at times, not too far from Mike Scaccia (Rigor Mortis, Ministry): "After the Fall of Man", "Wizard Trees". Everything here is close to perfect, with no breaks from the intense pattern, if we exclude the silly closing "Vocal Struggggleeeee" where some people are talking, wasting about 2-min which would have been more than enough for another thrash bomb.
The 3-song EP diminishes the speed although the tempo is seldom below the up, but there is not too much all-out speed to be heard, and the slower breaks grace every track with the guitars taking a cool melodic, even semi-technical, edge on the final "Lord of the Seas".
"Anatomies Undone" is another commendable effort, providing a similar concoction of straight headbanging and more stylish technical cords, admirably mixing both sides at times (the excellent roller-coaster "Nails in the Coffin"). "Into the Abyss" is a great short virtuoso lead-driven instrumental, after which the guys really start to shine; first with the technical melo-death/thrasher "Death Brings Life", and then with a string of fast'n furious tracks, "Tortured by the Night" bringing the culmination with a portion of hyper-blasting passages with a black metal shade. Near the end come the addictive melodic hooks on "Anatomies Undone" and on the closing "Untold Terrors", which are served among a whirlwind of fiery riffs and neck-breaking tempos. This is a second fairly strong offering from the band, and one more of the kind could catapult them straight to the top, and well deservedly so. Well, some may argue whether the minimalistic low-tuned death metal vocals are a suitable companion...

Underground Noise Full-length, 2008
Tales of Torture EP, 2009
Anatomies Undone Full-length, 2011

Official Site


Based on the debut demo, these folks unleash aggressive retro thrash ala Slayer and their state patriots Devastation. This is very good stuff with ripping, lashing guitars which at times calms down recalling Slayer's "South of Heaven": the cool brooding title-track, the quasi-doom depressor "Suffering". "Now I Hate" moves towards more full-fledged death metal, a tendency deepened on later efforts including on their only full-length.

Eternal Pain Demo, 1994
Torture Syndrome Demo, 1997
Reborn Through Hatred Full-Length, 1999

My Space


Two girls (the singer and the bassist) take part here, and based on the full-length debut, they have assisted their comrades in the recording of an energetic catchy tribute to Detente's cult debut "Recognize No Authority" with a pinch of early Nuclear Assault. The vocals (courtesy of Cara McCutchen, who also sings for another thrash metal outfit: Minax) are a tad more melodic and emotional than the ones of Mrs. Crosby (R.I.P.), but the musical approach is pretty much the same, merry uplifting thrash/crossover full of moshing rhythms and catchy melodic tunes, and also strangely recalls the collaborations between the Bulgarian hard rock/punk star Milena (resemblances in the vocal department as well) and the Bulgarian power/thrash metal act Era. Switches onto more serious speed/thrash ("Outbreak") are not excluded, neither are slower, more power metal-tinged (the longer and really "serious" "Voracious Undead"; the excellent sing-along galloping hymn "Without Weapons"; an infectious cut) compositions. This is really catchy stuff, not a very common phenomenon on the scene nowadays, with plenty of memorable hooks and riffs to lift your mood up, which will make you jump around just having a good time.
"Origin of Extinction" is considerably more serious the Nuclear Assault influences now left far behind the band speed/thrashing with gusto varying the pace alternating fast with slower numbers reaching heights like the dramatic speedster "Creature Possessor" and the classic Germanic speed metal delight "F.O.A.D." which compensate for the string of less inspired, less dynamic, songs in the middle. The choppy "Maniac" is a nice reminder of their compatriots Messiah Force, and the closing "Sunday Morning Slasher" is another sophisticated mosher which nicely sums up the overall character of this fairly melodic, but also intense, listen. The girl is in a very good form behind the mike singing passionately without stretching her voice a lot aptly assisting this enjoyable old school roller-coaster.
"Shapeshifter" is fast ripper of an album which bravely crosses over the borders towards hardcore and crossover, and one shouldn't overestimate the moshing power of cuts like "Bullet" and "Mantis" the latter even introducing the wilder death metal-ish element. The thrashing carries on unabated with "Black Friday" and "Wendigo" before "At the Gate" suddenly switches onto friendly epic Iron Maiden-influenced heavy metal to everyone's surprise. No more surprises of the kind till the end although the final "Shapeshifter" is another heroic semi-galloper with pleasant echoes of the 80's American power metal scene.

Mortillery EP, 2010
Murder Death Kill Full-length, 2011
Origin of Extinction Full-Length, 2013
Shapeshifter Full-Length, 2016

Official Site


This is the early incarnation of the guys behind some of the finest technical metal outfits on Dutch soil, Creepmime and Rhadamantys. The style here is more immediate focusing on sheer speed, above all, with "Condemned to Expire" mildly complicating the environment, placating the wilder "Dead By Dawn" and the semi-intricate thrash/death wonder "Eulogy of Mankind". The singer is an intense shouty timbre, trying to reach the vociferous scary antics of Martin Van Drunen (Asphyx, Pestience, etc.).

Return from the Hereafter Demo, 1990


This is heavy modern thrash/proto-death metal with brutal grunting vocals. The overall approach may remind you of early Six Feet Under with its adherence to groove and death'n roll. Still, it doesn't lack dynamics completely, and the final "Metal Ride" is a sure headbanging winner.
"Shoot 'em Up" will "shoot you up" to the same modern thrash/death waters where you ended up while listening to the debut sinking even deeper overwhelmed by those low-tuned brutal death metal vocals. The approach bears no surprises mixing the tempos a bit more this time although this slight shift is hardly of the very exciting variety the band going through the motions slowly, but surely with a few "trigger happy" tracks providing the headbanging fun ("Trigger Happy" which also has a cool melodic tune; the rough dramatic mosher "Whiskey Surgery"; the classic thrasher at the end "Point Blank").
"Burn Up the Dead" is the next in line modern thrash/death metal affair which provides a wide gamut of tempos as the more dynamic side delivers better with the title-track leading the pack. The slower compositions ("Pleasure of Hate", "Sold to Bleed", etc.) remind of Amon Amarth, and their dominance here may be a sign of moving towards calmer ways of execution in the future.

Metal Ride Full-Length, 2010
Shoot 'em Up Full-length, 2012
Burn Up the Dead Full-length, 2017

Official Site


This is the early incarnation of the death metallers Illdisposed. The music is wild chaotic thrash/death which is still surprisingly listenable with several more stylish touches ("Synthetic Abuse") suggested bordering on the technical including a not very successfully pulled out funky interpretation at the end. The vocals are rending hysterical shrieks which would have been more fitting for a black metal recording. Some of the guys also tried to form another thrash metal act, HellEvator. a few years back, but only survived for a solitary demo in 2015.

Officers Bygningen Demo, 1991


Based on the "Agression Bestial" demo, this act plays vicious aggressive thrash/proto-death ala Morbid Saint and Gammacide. The guys waste no time nailing you down from the very first notes and seldom let the tempo drop below the up-point. "Extrema Violencia" richly deserves its title being an extremely fast cut with raging guitars and screaming leads. "Terror Y Dolor" is a slight relief being vintage German speed/thrash akin to early Destruction, and is the most relaxed track on this super intense effort which suffers a bit in the vocal department: the guy has a subdued, semi-declamatory style which sits between the black and death metal approach, and at times can't be clearly heard.

Valle de Muerte Demo, 2006
Agression Bestial Demo, 2008

My Space


This is decent retro speed/thrash metal with rough semi-death metal vocals. The band rages on with cool energizers some of which come crossover-decorated ("Vidro Na Cara"), others are short shooting thrashers ("Barriga"), others are happier speed metal numbers ("Porcaria"), all blended well into one monolithic dynamic picture boosted by a clear modern production with an emphasis on the cutting guitars.

Vidro Na Cara Full-Length, 2010


Wild untamed retro thrash/death that is one big wall of miasmic brutality at times, with short violent bullets flying by without leaving a very lasting trace as individual pieces, the not very comprehensible guttural deathly vocalist latter replaced by a more audible still death-peppered throat on the semi-technical piece of chaos “The Revelation”, the delivery easily bordering on grind on a couple of less fettered numbers (“Path of Decadence”). The band members were/are also busy with other acts, like the black metallers Pazuzelhomet, the black/death hybriders Wolfslair, the black metal formation Offerkult, etc.

1990-1991 Demo, 2022


A 3-song demo of excellent aggressive technical death/thrash akin to Invocator and Hellwitch; the music is quite fast at times, but never falls apart; on the contrary, these guys manage to come up with stylish interesting and very appealing guitar melodies. Later bands like Suffocation, Decapitated, Necrophagist, etc. have continued the legacy of this very obscure, but highly worthy band.

Here Won't Be Life Anyway Demo, 1990


A not very known formation who "acquit" themselves with very raw, noisy, amateurish thrash/proto-death which is one big brutal mish-mash with messy guitars and awful shouty, sometimes screamy, vocals. This is early Messiah blended with very early Massacra when the guys barely knew how to play their instruments.
"The Autophagous Reign" offers an alluring old school thrash/death fiesta the guys moshing with vigour and gusto as evident from relentless cuts like "The Sapiens Order" and the more death-fixated "Dominate Modus Operandi". The headbangers will rejoice on short ripping bullets like "Disposable" and "Eternal" the band also inserting a couple of intriguing melodic tunes to relieve the tension, the latter reaching a boiling point on the maddening proto-deathster "Onwards to the Terminus". The final "Memorial in Vivon" attempts something more progressive, and the choppy rhythm-sections succeeds in convincing the listener that the guys possess what it takes to play a more prominent role on the more demanding metal circuit in the future.
"Sublime the Decline": the familiar death/thrash fiesta goes on on full-throttle, the band alternating between short hyper-active pieces (“Love with Clenched Fists”) and more complex roller-coaters (the title-track), the death-based madnesses “Some Meat to Eat” and “Postponed Miracles” stressing out the listener in the middle, the brief violent gust “Specimen Zero” another intimidating extreme occurrence. There’s very little respite here, the guys customarily ravaging the scene with frequent hyper-blasting (“Screens and Mirrors”) insertions.

Rejected by Death... Demo, 1989
Nothingless than Nothingness Full-length, 2016
The Sapiens Order EP, 2019
The Autophagous Reign Full-length, 2019
Sublime the Decline Full-length, 2023

Official Site


Thrash/death metal with a strong classic spirit; it sounds like a cross between Death and Slayer; aggressive, but also technical music, exquisitely done, probably the finest thrash metal work to ever come out of Mexico. "Abyss Angel" is an awesome starter with great pounding riffs, speeding up little by little, until it explodes into a smashing death-tinged thrasher. Later on the attack continues with no mercy, with shorter, but very effective thrashing pieces, which will make you leave whatever you're doing, and mosh around like crazy. Few are the albums that can capture the essence of the thrash/death hybrid so well; on top of that often do the guitars have this genuine technical edge (the brilliant "Reign of Dead" and "Blood Storm") which would make you wonder what would happen if the guys decide to concentrate on this side for the future. Don't expect any slower breaks; they come in the form of occasional sections from separate songs, sounding dark and heavy, along the lines of late 80's Slayer, but are very short. This is a masterpiece of aggressive fast-paced thrash/death metal.

"Shine of the End" arrives after a 3-year hiatus, and sounds more restrained and decidedly slower, and closer to death metal. Still dark, haunting songs like the title-track and "Dead Life" are quite interesting; certainly the band haven't forgotten about the more aggressive side of the style, and here comes "Decaying Kind" which, among the fast thrashing, comes with a stylish slower technical break ala Morbid Angel; "Negatively Alive" is a great speedy technical death metal number which slows down in the second half, followed by another intense deathster "Retroevolution", again accompanied by great technical, Morbid Angel-like hooks. "The Arrival" recalls Pestilence's "Consuming Impulse" with a great bass support ala Death's "Lack of Comprehension". "The Prey" is a very nice short technical death metal delight, but "Imperfection" is slightly off-focus, being slower and not on par with the rest. Apparently at this stage the band have given up the faster play, and "Fantasy Fall" is another slow and dragging track after which you may lose interest in listening to the closer, "Frozen Flames", which embraces the doom/death idea even tighter despite the faster break in the middle. Not even half as great as the debut, this album is still a fairly decent effort, coming a bit late to save the dying, both death and thrash metal, genres.

Blackened Images Full-length, 1992
Shine of the End Full-length, 1995

My Space


This band offer dark atmospheric thrash with sincere borrowings from Moonspell both in the music and vocal department (sparingly). As a result we don't exactly have the headbanger's paradise here, the approach is mid-tempo with doom/gothic "ornamentations" topped by deep guttural death metal vocals except for the times when the guy "unleashes" his cleaner timbre.

Rites Demo, 1996


This is aggressive intense thrash/death metal in the tradition of the Merciless debut, early Massacra, and the Mexican band with the same name (their debut: see the review above). Relentless heads-down assault with gruff low-tuned death metal vocals often crossing the border towards pure death metal ("Affected Sufferance", which also features a nice stomping mid-section ala Bolt Thrower). Kudos should be paid to the guys for playing so fast and tight without pausing for a break.

Void Full-Length, 1991


Based on the "Nocturnal", this band offer hard-hitting thrash, still pretty classic-sounding, which mixes fast and slow passages in equal dozes. The guitars have a characteristic dark sound reminiscent of Deathwish and Forced Entry, and the singer delivers with his deep semi-declamatory approach.

Death Trap Demo, 1991
Nocturnal Demo, 1992

My Space


This band have made a name for themselves with their atmospheric, larger-than-life, brand of black metal which has won them many fans around the world. Still, one couldn't possibly talk about their breaking it really big due to the disputable at times musical qualities of their efforts until their fourth, and last so far, album. The typical macabre intro is followed by 6-min of outstanding razor-sharp retro thrash on "Unfading Revenge", a great track sustained in a vigorous headbanging tempo which will catch you with your pants down, if you have listened to the band's previous output, ornate by very cool melodic leads. The guys' staple deviations into many other influences and styles before may make you think that the beginning was just to get you in the mood, but once "Deep Void" starts lashing out with those fast, unbearably cutting riffs one will have no choice, but to embrace the thrash metal idea fully since apparently this is going to be the order of the day this time. "Ectoplasm" develops in a peaceful balladic way, but later turns into stylish technical thrash in mid-pace again graced by some of the finest leads around. "Mistery... Guide Us To Death" finally introduces the prototypical for the band keyboard decorations which sound even more compelling blended with the lashing guitars which near the end move towards the proto-death metal sector with a furious portion. "Look Behind" is an engaging progressive composition comprising of plenty of tempo changes also hinting at the black metal movement, where the band supposedly belong, with a short blasting mid-section. "Who Calls Me" is more brutal death/thrash akin to more recent Infernal Majesty, a fast uncompromising number with nice atmospheric insertions ala Nocturnus near the end. "Spiritism... Around Us" is crushing mid-paced thrash with nice melodic decorations brought by the balladic beginning and again, the fine lead guitar work. "Animism" is energetic fast-paced technical thrash which grows into another more progressive song: "Your Last Cradle" which, despite the more elaborate twisted arrangements, still holds quite a few speedy surprises including a raging grinding break at some point. This magnum opus is finished with "Crosses In Graveyard", another ambitious progressive, this time death/thrasher recalling early-90's Messiah and again, Infernal Majesty, loosening it up a bit on a couple of more brutal deathy passages here and there. Listening to the great stuff on offer here, one may want to revisit the guys' back catalogue immediately just to look for any hints at such great musicianship. There's an obvious shift in style towards a more aggressive thrashy approach which may delineate some of the band's die-hard fans, but it will surely win them many new ones: music of such a calibre would not leave many people indifferent.

Buried in Time Full-Length, 2004

Official Site


This act was earlier known as INRI; otherwise this is a 4-tracker seeing a gang willing to try their hands on dark brooding, classic thrash with subdued death metal vocals akin to Killjoy. The musicianship is a bit amateurish not really helped by the very buzzy sound quality, but the delivery is energetic and "Homeless Dog" is a fairly vivid thrasher. The singer is just a subdued semi-death metaller who doesn't really try to sing, not for a split second, feeling content enough to recite through the motions.

Insect Killer Demo, 1992


Based on the debut demo, this band indulge in aggressive thrash/death which suffers from the very bad sound quality, but the inspired musicianship rubs shoulders with early-90's Messiah and Merciless also bringing more sinister atmosphere with a smell of doom (the title-track) not far from Asphyx. The singer is a guttural shouty death metaller who manages to make himself understood for most of the time. The guitar players also founded around the same time one of the first melodic death metal acts in Argentina, Manga de Bestias.

Smell of Tombs Demo, 1994
Decease in Silence Demo, 1996


This act pull out abrasive modern thrash/post-thrash supported by harsh semi-declamatory death metal vocals. There’s some moderate complexity (“RatuPantai Selatan”) running around, but most of the time the guys just march in a steady mid-tempo fashion (“Prahara”), the vivid rhythms of “Erotis” passing for at least a semi-headbanging fest, the most dynamic occurrence on this tank-like steam-roller recording.

Bencana Full-length, 1997

Official Site


Based on "Human's Dilemma", these Poles play nice retro thrash in a fast tempo with slightly unsuitable death/black metal vocals. "Protector of Reality" breaks the demo into two being a slower more technical number with good twisting leads. Then comes the ultra-speedster "Holy Hate" and the very well done cover of Metallica's "Fight Fire with Fire".

Ready to Kill Demo, 2008
Human's Dilemma Demo, 2009

Official Site


This Croatian outfit provide thunderous steam-roller modern thrash which acquires more aggressive death metal tendencies at times, thanks also to the deep semi-shouty death metal vocals. The riffs squash and nail to no end, supported by a pretty good sound quality and the few more dynamic sections ("Sound Of Underground", the punk joy at the end "Peharcek").

Blood(s)pit Demo, 2010


Heavy dark thrash/death with very low, guttural death metal vocals; the pace is mid with rare brutal escapades ("Dzieci Bafometa"), but both sides show a band having a long way to go before reaching the high standards of both genres, on top of a very muddy sound quality.

A Mortui Excitare Demo, 1993


Based on the demo, this band plays modern/classic thrash/death metal, pretty intense fast stuff with very few slower breaks along the way recalling the Swedes Defleshed and the Germans Ravage, only without the blast-beats of the latter. Earlier the guys were known as Mortifier and managed to release one demo, the style pretty much the same. Some of the band members are also playing in another melo-thrash/death formation, 4.6.
"My Dystopia" arrives after a lifetime of hibernation, and it shows the musicians having outgrown the simplistic death/thrash gimmicks, and have settled for for creepy progressive extreme metallisms, "Jester's Downfall" served with a hefty doze of industrial, and "Black Noise" courting the fields of doom. This isn't thrash-oriented at all, and will satisfy fans of the Poles Unexpect, the Norwegians Ram-Zet, more recent Atrocity (Germany) as well...

Let the Fist Do the Talking Demo, 2004
Mortyfear/Achren Split, 2005
God's Skin Full-length, 2006
My Dystopia Full-length, 2021

Official Site


Fairly dynamic lashing classic speed/thrash with epic ornamentations and intriguing semi-technical hooks which grace the longer numbers (the exquisite instrumental "Dark Angel"). More moderate stompiness arrives with "Homicidal Maniacs" which also speeds up in the second half. More straight-forward speed metal gets introduced on the shorter material ("Screams of Death") which oppose to more carefully-crafted ragers like "Code Red" and the more melodic, progressively-laced, "Show Me to Hell". At the end the band provide a cool cover of Running Wild's "Merciless Game". The singer is not the very right choice, though, his rending antics staying closer to the death/black metal camp.

Rise of the Tyrant Full-Length, 2013

Official Site


Based on "Sickness of Memory", these Austrians try to resurrect the dormant spirits of thrash metal in their homeland by adding a healthy doze of death resulting in an intense sound showing an obvious fascination with the Floridian school with the obligatory deviations from the fast-paced delivery to these ears way too many: the doom metal delight "Stillbirth", the merry Motorhead-worship "Liberation of his Madness", the nice short lead-driven instrumental "Dawn", etc. The band continue the "carnage" on the final trio of tracks which are uncompromising lashers played on constant high speed topped by the brutal low-tuned death metal vocals.
"Deathlike Thrash 'n' Roll" betrays its influence from the very title although the band have taken care of the more aggressive side of the genre with merciless moshers like the aptly-titled "Thrash Assasination" and later the support is not far from it the riffs being hard-hitting and sharp all the way reaching the culmination on the smashing riff-fest "Angel's Piss And Devil's Jism" and the frolic headbanger "Tales Of A Diarrhoea Werewolf" near the end. The guys continue to deliver in their staple way the only seeming difference being the more laid-back character of the vocals which are more shouty and less brutal.
"Screwing the Devil" retains the playful nature of its predecessors, but steps on the pedal harder which results in several admirable headbangers ("From Rare to Done", "BBQ", the closing proto-death violator "Metal Maniax" which could really "screw the devil", and not only him...) staying proud beside more serious, engaging compositions ("Booze, Boobs and Bedroom Battles") the latter not that many, but show a cool, more thoughtful side of the band.

Sickness of Memory Full-length, 2009
Deathlike Thrash'n'Roll Full-length, 2012
Screwing the Devil FullLength, 2015

Official Site


The self-titled debut: the noisy production boosts the guitars too much, but the attached shouts of the singer, who's a dead ringer for Russ Anderson (Forbidden), top the proceedings without losing their dramatic melodic blend. Music-wise the band take no prisoners thrashing like demented on numbers like "Blood of the Tyrant" and "In Dollar We Trust" which are vintage early Forbidden. Their presence is balanced by the slower and not as impressive cuts among which "The Serpent" is the highlight with its varied paces and progressive leanings, the razor-sharp dramatizer "Wicked Messiah" a close second. "Dark Angel" is almost a tribute to the American legends of the same name being a major exploder with some very cool virtuous leads. Hectic technical thrash is offered as an exit on the final "Posers Genocide" which also thrashers with force making this album one of the better propositions to come out of the Balkans in the past few years. "Mosh-pit justice" has by all means been restored, and some more...
"Justice Is Served": more "justice" comes "served" here as the guys continue their conquest of the Balkan metal scene with another portion of the good old speed/thrash. No "mosh" is lost on this effort and the opening "A Free World Will Be Born" throws you immediately into spontaneous headbanging with its vitriolic impetuous riffs which this time come with a more epic colouring. "Locked Away" is a short hammer before more epic metal comes forward again on "I Invite The Ripper". The alternation continues although the last string of songs is by all means on the aggressive side "I Laugh In Your Face" smashing everything in its way. "Chauvinist Control" is the next winner, a glorious reminder of Artillery's heydays; and the final "Cut My Restraints" is again a more technical exercise in crushing old school thrash without too many fast-paced excursions, but engaging and totally appropriate. The singer excels again his antics being more dramatic and higher-pitched, to assist in the making of another very good album which continues the guys' ascension towards the metal Olympus.
"Stop Believing Lies" is another winner all along the band not betraying their highly energetic delivery the opener "Burn to Live" a vintage early Forbidden worship. "To Hear My Name" engages in more intricate, technical thrashing, but "Rest in Flames" is a raging headbanger with more dramatic proto-death accumulations and a great melodic mid-break. "Till Death" reduces the speed, but the more progressive build-ups, the lyrical deviations, and the impetuous gallops in the second half make it a sure highlight. "Mosh-Pit Justice" carries on with the "assault" right after that on full-throttle, but "Left for Dead" is again a calmer mediator with an epic flavour and overt power/speed metal tendencies. The closer "The Battle Within" tries to walk similar ground, but the hard-thrashing riffage makes itself heard more often making this epitaph a really cool progressive speed/thrash saga ala Manticora and Paradox. Three in a row seems like a proverbial formula for success, and the band can rest assured that there's hardly any thrash metal act from The Balkans right now who rank up there with them.
"Fighting the Poison": well, the band simply can't stop excelling at their game with a fourth consecutive strong offering which follows the same path as the one of its predecessors, the technical Forbidden-influenced fiesta carrying on on full-throttle, a few more progressive epic embellishments ("Feed Me To The Flames") turning the tides towards the less active parametres. Sure "Twisted into Form" leftovers like "God Wills It" and "State Of Damnation" are nothing short of awe-inspiring with the constant linear/intricate alternation while "The Serpent's Call" and "In The Final Of Days" ensure the more speed metal-based galloping side of the album. Sophisticated bashing is the name of the game on the invigorating saga "Prove Your Faith" before the final "Forging Our Fate" notches up the atmosphere with a portion of effective heavy semi-balladisms.
"The Fifth of Doom" is the next-in-line admirable offering, the band not changing the appetizing formula too much, "Designed to Suffer" starting the proceedings with fast intricate riffs with "Destined to Row" embracing a heavier mid-tempo approach. The two sides alternate throughout, the speed metal-ish clout of "Into the Light" recalling late-80's Helstar, with more complex arrangements arriving with "Down We Bleed" and the semi-balladic title-track. The thrashing contrivance of "To Find Peace" is close to being the highlight here, with the final "My Transgressions" trailing behind with another array of more entangled riff-patterns.
"Crush the Demons Inside" would be sure-handed another delight for the band fans, the guys displaying their penchant for intelligent contrived moshing with the expected fervour, the melodic/intense/contrived amalgam "The Endless Night" leading the show which becomes even more ambitious on "Sentenced to Live", another stylized headbanger, its mazey vehemence later detected on the pummeling "Get to the Pit". "Expect More Dead" is a heavy dramatic galloper, and "Crush the Demons Inside" is captivating melodic roller-coaster with Helstar again an obvious influence, "My Prophecy" another nod at the mentioned US legends with a wide gamut of nuances, from intricate galloping crescendos to furious hammering bashing.

The Serpent EP, 2012
Mosh-Pit Justice Full-length, 2013
Justice Is Served Full-Length, 2014
Stop Believing Lies Full-Length, 2016
Fighting the Poison Full-Length, 2019
The Fifth of Doom Full-length, 2020
Crush the Demons Inside Full-length, 2022

Official Site


A forgotten gem from the Brazilian underground which surprises with its solidarity with the 80's scene in the troublesome mid-90's, and the very capable (and quite good-looking as well) female singer, whose hoarse delivery is not miles away from the one of the legendary Debbie Gunn (Znowhite, Sentinel Beast, etc.). The sound is heavy and pounding with a meaty bass bottom all this very clearly displayed on the opening "Behind Locks And Bars". "Private Place" admirably speeds up, thrashing with full force with heavy crushing riffs. "The Scene" is a sudden break: a heavy ballad, where the singer starts to really shine despite the loss of energy in the music department. "Suffocated" introduces modern elements, but the tempo is energetic, and the screaming leads are quite cool. "H.T.K." is another very cool galloping retro thrasher followed by the less intense power/thrash mix "Shake My Bones". "Black Skin" is a great moody, almost doomy sleeper, with a sudden speedy outburst near the end. "Gang Wars" is a speed/power/thrash amalgam, but the closing "Tribal" leaves no place for illusions thrashing in a heavy crushing fashion. Certainly one will be pleased to find another act defying the metal laws of the 90's with their sincere old school approach raising their middle finger high to the groovy clowns swarming the scene at the time.

Private Place Full-length, 1995


Based on the "In the Sign of Mosh Angel" demo, these guys show an obvious influence from the early German metal scene- think Destruction, Kreator, Sodom. This is well-played, mostly fast and energetic speed/thrash metal, topped up by more black metal-based vocals, similar to the ones of Nocturnal from Germany again, and the Italians Vexed.

Grave Digger Demo, 1997
Total Destruction Demo, 1999
In The Sign Of Mosh Angel Demo, 2002

Fan Site


Based on the full-length, this act serve old school thrash/crossover which races with the speed of light ("I Hate Society", "Tears of Sand") at times, the marginally more moderate material ("Alimentos Mutagenicos") ironically smelling proto-death, also with the help of the intense shout vocals. "Necronomicon" attempts some pure death metal for an even bigger brutality, surrendering the laurels for the highlight on the short maddening "The Bloodening". Some of the band members also play with the brutal deathsters Mind Holocaust.

Acid Archives EP, 2015
I Hate Society Full-length, 2022

Official Site


Three compositions of elaborate Bay-Area thrash along the lines of Testament, late-80's Metallica and Heathen's "Victim of Deception". All the cuts are lengthy, complex affairs as the preferences would go towards "To Your Fate" which is a furious diverse headbanger that also finds room for several fine melodic crescendos in the second half. "Scream For Mercy" begins with a nice acoustic intro which gets repeated later making this number a decent heavy semi-ballad. The vocals are not very rehearsed semi-declamatory ones lacking the pathos which goes along with this kind of engaging progressive thrash.

End of Discussion Demo, 1989


This short effort is all about mosh, mosh and... mosh again. While the song titles definitely revolve around mosh, the musical concept behind them is pretty brutal and chaotic often branching out into hard and grindcore which still play the role of "supporters" to thrash. This is retro stuff played without any pretensions at anything beyond the "drunken party rehearsal", despite the fairly crisp sound quality and the generally fair execution which will easily see you "caught in a mosh". The singer shouts in a quarrelsome manner, but this approach should be expected from a dedicated to mosh act.

Thrash Up Yr Azz! EP, 2003


Based on the full-length, this act specialize in right as rain old school thrash the band mixing melody and intensity on almost every track, the mean spiteful semi-death vocalist fitting the monolithic, but not very original soundscapes which also contain a few more technical hooks ("Hang 'Em High") as well on top of the staple for the style intense moshers ("Of Whores and Rotten Money", "Genocide Train").

Pit Philosophy EP, 2017
Tales from the Nightbutcher's House Full-Length, 2019

Fan Site


Classic thrash/crossover with a hard cutting edge; the band bash with passion emitting the necessary moshing atmosphere producing several impressive speed/thrashers ("Firme Intolerancia", "Bola Rapida") along the way. The singer quarrels in a hysterical shouty manner, semi-reciting throughout without ruining the intense frolic feel.

Mosheando La Ley Full-Length, 2012


These "bestial thrashers" pull out (based on the debut demo) retro thrash with a very noisy guitar sound, mostly "courting" the German school, but having this playful jolly vibe ("Hellish Fire") typical for the crossover genre as well. Still, the majority of the songs are major headbangers all sustained in a vigorous up-tempo assisted by indifferent semi-declamatory vocals. Some of the band members also take part in another classic thrash metal act: Violent Death .

Bestial Thrasher Demo, 2008
Armado Hasta los Huesos Split, 2009
Promo Advance Single, 2009

My Space


Based on the "Mosh Till Mecca" demo, this band offer fast thrash similar to Sodom's "Persecution Mania" and Toxic Shock's "Change from Reality". This is good energetic music despite the awful sound quality. "Invasion of the Snobs" contains crossover elements along with the hard-hitting riffage.

Mosh Till Mecca Demo, 1988
The End of the Innocence Demo 1991


Modern heavy post-thrash which sometimes moshes with passion ("Seeds of Hate"), sometimes grooves ("Procriminal") with all the regular 90's practitioners, sometimes boldly goes into more classic waters ("Total Chaos"), the vocals good mid-ranged semi-clean ones, not making much noise when in action. "Invisible Hands" could be skipped, a rappy corrosive non-sense which is totally overshadowed by the stylish ballad "Reign of Fear" and the confrontational Pantera-sque "Psycho Bitch".

Moshall Law Demo, 1994



Based on the "Mosh 'n' Roll" EP, this is exactly what the title promises: playful carefree mosh'n roll which is definitely on the melodic side with not many shades of thrash, if any. The guys just have fun also adding punk and a bit of hardcore into the proceedings, the jolly musical approach topped by even jollier clean semi-punk vocals. Let's party, folks!

Moshpill Demo, 2008
Mosh 'n' Roll EP, 2010


The band's demos are fine slices of classic thrash, but they never got lucky to secure an album deal during the 80's. They returned in the late 90's with "Secrets" which saw the band hungry for some more thrash containing whole 14 songs. With such a big number of tracks, one should expect quite a diversity, and indeed, apart from the intense old school headbangers, one could catch attempts at a more modern play, but not annoyingly many. The new singer has a more hoarse, hardcore voice, and is probably the only flaw, considerably ruining the Jimmy Hendrix cover of "Purple Haze" at the end.
"World's End" is a much better effort, albeit more modern sounding. The songs are longer, and carry this intriguing technical edge typical for works like Invocator's "Weaving the Apocalypse". The album also offers interesting mixtures of classic and modern thrash ("Hunting Demon", "Flesh") which jump from clumsy groovy sections to blistering fast-paced classic ones in no time. The technical side reaches its heights on the best tracks, like "Cold Grave" and "Liquid Killer" which also come with a genuine mechanical edge ala Meshuggah and mid-90's Voivod.
"Behind The Mask" is probably the band's finest hour; the music now is firmly in the progressive/technical thrash metal camp ("Schizophrenia") with shades of Gothenburg styled death metal; for that reason the pace is quite fast, but not the whole time. Even the shortest numbers, like "Perverted Appetite", for example, which are meant to oppose to the longer, more technically charged ones, are filled with puzzling riffs and virtuous time-changes. The guitar work is simply brilliant (check out the amazing title-track, and the magnificent "acoustic-versus-lead guitar" instrumental piece "Visions of a Better World", as well as every other song), especially the leads which are some of the finest to reach these ears in quite a while. The vocals are much more aggressive now typical death metal growls. Fans of late period Death, the Polish Sceptic, the Belgians Chemical Breath, and the French Droys will rejoice. With albums like this one around one knows that thrash metal is far from having said its final word yet...
"Enter New Spheres" serves a more complex sound which still has its more aggressive side ("DNA-Key Of Life") with a healthy pinch of later-period Death-like progressivisms "roaming" around quite closely to invigilate any more straight distractions. The approach is slower, though, and the fans may lose their patience at some point to search for a more brutal delivery. Guitar virtuoso parts are amply provided, though, again working in a Chuck Schuldiner's (R.I.P.) direction with the short instrumental "After The War" echoing the mythical "Voice from the Soul" from "The Sound of Perseverance" quite a bit. From the erst it's probably "The Last Prayer" is worth mentioning with its more twisted rhythms, and perhaps the labyrinthine "Welcome To Eternity" which is more on the moderate side, but will enchant with its dramatic build-ups. Oh, and of course there's a Death cover as a finishing touch, of "Within the Mind", done in a slightly milder manner so as to suit the more laid-back tone of the album. If nothing else, this effort here can at least be viewed as a rehearsal for the much better "Behind The Mask".
The guys now operate under the name Xiom and have one album released in 2011; the style is quite similar to the one displayed on "Behind The Mask".
"Far Beneath the Tombs": the Xiom stint is put an end to, and here are the guys operating under their old moniker once again. Style-wise this is more attractive and more aggressive than the Xiom opus and quite close to their last Moshquito slab, progressive thrash/death with echoes of later-period Death, the deathly vocal duel a bit grating on the nerves with its glaring predictability. In the music department there are fewer things to complain about the band pulling out their staple "melody vs. technicality" tricks, sometimes staying in the calmer mid-paced realms (the title-track), sometimes thrashing with reckless abandon ("Call to Extinction"). The compositions are generally shorter with not much actual progressivenes going on, but this gives the guys more opportunities to lash with intricacy (the excellent "Born of Ashes") excluding the all-instrumental balladic melancholy "Scribe of Khem" which is still a nice touch. "Absolving the Scrawl of Babylon" is a mesmerizing pounding drama, and "Perceptual Bindings" is a sweeping thrash/death drama at its finest, contrasting with the non-fussy urgency of the final "Violence of Evil". This is a fairly good return to form for one of the better practitioners from the German scene who became too melodic and idyllic on the Xiom effort.

No Back to Inferno Demo, 1987
Mosh In Moscow Demo, 1989
Only Death Is For Nothing Demo, 1991
Secrets Full-length, 1998
World's End Full-length, 2001
Enter New Spheres Full-length, 2004
Behind The Mask Full-length, 2008
Far Beneath the Tombs Full-Length, 2019

Official Site


This band is the beginning for the Gorefest guitarist Alex van Schaik. The music on display here is bashing primal thrash/proto-death performed with little sophistication except for the several atmospheric, ponderous moments on "Demons Pact". The singer shouts roughly, quarrelling over the aggressive musical melee to a more horrifying effect.

In Search for ... Demo, 1988


The line-up includes the guitar virtuoso Los, who is also a member of the technical death metal masters Septycal Gorge and also played for the up-and-coming classic thrash metal heroes Endovein. The man and his comrades relax here with simplistic thrash/crossover which is more on the brutal death-tinged side echoing Cryptic Slaughter at times. There are more thrash-fixated moments ("Strike of the Sado-Priest") to be savoured as well as more hectic technical decisions ("Serial Chiller"). There's plenty of energy at display all over and hopefully this act is not intended as just "a one-trick pony" without any plans for future efforts.

Motam Death Squad Full-Length, 2010

My Space


This is a really pleasant surprise: an all-female one-album-wonder helmed by none other than the bass authority Elena Repetto (also Imagika, Taunted, Machine Called Man,, etc.); and not only that, but they come up with excellent classic power/thrash metal during those gruesome for the genre times nicely reminding of its glory days some 7-8 years ago. The approach is suitably heavy the girls dong a good job in all departments the singer possessing a nice deep melodic timbre ala Leather Leone and Doro Pesch. The musicians are not far behind the guitarists acquitting themselves with the good edgy instrumental "Cast The Circle". "Eye Of God" is a stylish "wink" at the past towards the early efforts of Helstar, Omen, and Jag Panzer. Things get nicely thrashy on the dramatic shredder "All Things Connected", but the next "Beyond Dark" is a cool dark doomster. The closing (the album is only 7 songs) "Third Dimension" is an epic pounder which stylishly brings memories of later-period Helstar also suggesting at a not fully revealed potential with its sophisticated technical approach. Alas, the girls didn't last longer to show more to the indifferent to their music at the time world, but they surely have a very high position among the all-female outfits with this very strong release.

Transitions Full-Length, 1994


Based on “Global Parasitic Leviathan”, these folks pull out old school thrash/death which elicits a fair amount of energy (“Cosmic Darkness”) alongside more measured mid=tempo trots (“Corporate Warfare Leviathan”), the more expansive vistas drawn on “The Stars, Already Faded” better epitomizing the harsh shouty death metal vocalist. The galloping vigour of “Debt Crush” is stifled by the melancholic sentiments of “Merchants of Self-Loathing”, some of those still roaming around on the lengthy lyrical “Pillars”.

Suppression EP, 2014
Secular Assault EP, 2017
Age of the Solipsist Full-length, 2021
Global Parasitic Leviathan Full-length, 2024

Official Site


Heavy groovy post-thrash with frequent doom/sludge deviations which are the more interesting side, and to which the low-tuned death metal vocals suit better.

Mother Pile Demo, 2010


Based on "Terror Is Over", this band offers a more aggressive post-thrash version of Evanescence. The singer is also female, and she delivers with her powerful high-strung voice, suiting well the heavy crunchy riffs which will also remind you of 90's Chastain. The music packs a punch, developing in a dynamic mid-pace with "Mental Wreckage" jumping boldly on the faster thrashing wagon. There's a sparse male vocal participation in the form of hoarse death metal semi-shouts, but there's nothing more brutal happening in the music department. The groovy pitfalls are ably avoided for most of the time making this act the more aggressive, and arguably better, option for the alternative side of metal.

Through the Paths Of Insanity EP, 2006
Biolence Full-length, 2008
Terror Is Over Full-length, 2010

Official Site


"What Will Become" is one of the finest metal songs to grace these ears in the past few years. It was very appropriately placed at the end of the album ("Rock'n Roll Terrorist"), otherwise it would have overshadowed everything which came after it. The band's style varies quite a bit: from all-out thrash to classic heavy metal, to modern groove. There are even shades of stoner-doom not too far from bands like Spirit Caravan or Spiritual Beggars. A mixed bag as a whole, but the aforementioned song partially makes up for the flaws.
"Fight the World" is a more entertaining affair the guys again throwing in an ear-catcher from the get-go, the title "Thrash Priest", a promising title although the delivery is more on the playful side, the actual mosh commencing with "One with the Water" although the band go all over the place later thrashing wildly ("Evil in the Devil"), attempting something grindy and deathly ("An Act of God"), courting father groove ("Goodbye Again"), or going for the more complex, more technical side of the spectre on the entertaining "Headstones and Pictures" which is the highlight on this varied recording.

Damned if you do ... Full-length, 2001
4 song EP EP, 2002
Worn Down Dream Full-length, 2003
Rock 'N' Roll Terrorist Full-length, 2005
Motive EP, 2008
I Am Today EP, 2012
Fight the World Full-length, 2018

Official Site


The debut: only two musicians are in charge here, specializing in modern-ish Annihilator-esque power/thrash, with more classic speed/thrashing rhythms ("Away") dispersing the heavy groovy chugs served on "The Past of Tomorrow", the cool clean mid-ranged vocals emitting both gruffer death-prone and more attached higher-pitched tirades. "Souls in Torment" could be considered the highlight, a more complex shredder with a variety of moods and rhythms, with the more lyrical semi-balladic pageant "Undismembered" also worth mentioning, definitely delivering better than the mild radio-friendly sing-alonger "On the Way Down" and the soporific closing ballad "Let It Be Known".
"Renouncement" is a marginally more aggressive achievement, the intricate meanderings of "Dethroned" backed up by a couple of alluring melodic lead sections on the title-track, the semi-balladic leanings of "Septicemia" not alleviating the intensity by much. It's "This Man I Am" that is the main staggerer here, a balladic sprawl which later leads to "Final Hour", another soothing soulful appearance, before "The Storm Within" manages to wrap it on with some noteworthy sharp skirmishes.
Death of the Gunman Full-length, 2020
Renouncement Full-length, 2024

Official Site


The band's efforts from the 80's are mostly hardcore. That's why the surprise was big when they hit hard with "Fatal Violence"- a furious slab of thrash, reminiscent of late 80's Overkill and Anthrax, with nods to the German speed/thrash heritage. The intro is a cool slower stomping piece followed by the raging "Fatal Violence"; later on heavy mid-paced numbers take turns with more aggressive ones making this album a fairly entertaining listen. The guitar work is very sharp and tight, accentuated by the crystal clear production. This is a good effort which put the band's name strongly on the metal map, but it remained their only exercise in thrash.

Hypnose Full-length, 1984
Riot Full-length, 1986
Fatal Violence Full-length, 1990


Based on the EP, these guys play energetic thrash/crossover, which is at times openly hardcore-ish ("Rage and Ruin"), at others is mercilessly fast with shades of death metal ("Fleshcravers"). You will thank the band for the excellent melodic speedster "The Jackal's Mange", a great Oriental piece with a compulsive galloping rhythm. The singer is hardly the star of the show, though, with his brutal low-tuned timbre.

Darkness, Bloodshed, Chaos, Satan Full-length, 2009
Rage And Ruin EP, 2011

Official Site


Classic, but ultimately monotonous, mid-tempo thrash which, if the guys do not make things more interesting for the eventual full-length, will not pass the thrash metal test, with regards to how many great thrash acts swarm the scene nowadays. In the middle there's a nice "intermission" lasting for just one minute-"Set", but with its ultra aggressive riffage it will catch you with your pants down simply because it comes utterly unexpected. If the band manage to find some balance between the two contrasting styles displayed here, they would definitely win themselves a place under the metal sun.

Mangled Lies EP, 2006

My Space


Based on "Far Beyond the Grave", these guys unleash morose modern thrash/death which is more on the atmospheric side without too much speed present. In the second half the approach becomes too elegiac and doom ("Far Beyond the Grave") sounding like My Dying Bride with a breaking thrash engine. The singer is a deep death metal baritone with a slight tendency to shout at times.

Signs of Life Full-length, 2008
Far Beyond the Grave Full-length, 2015

Official Site


This band were formed by two members of the cult thrashers Desexult. The music here is better, much more technical, but more melodic, occupying the progressive power/thrash parametres. However, this is hardly a complaint since this demo still contains enough hard-hitting riffs, but the concentration is firmly on complexity, and all the songs are intricately-assembled pieces with meandering guitars, a great bass-bottom, superb leads, and slower more atmospheric passages a fine example of this delectable compendium being the multifarious atmospheric thrasher that is the title-track. The overall approach reminds of another Danish band, Unleashed Power, their debut in particular, and these guys also sometimes get carried away in a similar manner, absorbed in a winding technical passage (the mazey Realm-esque "Life's Not a Corpse") sounding as though they're never going to end it. Fortunately, on a demo like this such moments can't possibly be too many; watch out for "Night Fright", a marvelous sinister technical shredder filled with macabre guitar melodies and scary whispers in the background, a compelling symphony of horror and dexterous guitar pyrotechnics. This marvel was sadly left without a follow-up, a sheer example of gleaming but unrealised potential.

Welcome to My House Demo, 1987


Based on the full-length, this unit indulge in acceptable classic power/speed/thrash, the choppy crunchy riffage of “Twisted Steel Direct” vintage mid-period Megadeth, the remainder clinging between all-out speedsters (“Charlemagne”) and leveraged energetic power/thrash parades (“F.F.Y.L.”), the latter repertoire again seldom leaving the shadow of the Dave Mustaine gang. The galloping vigour of “Smoke Out” is also well noted, as is the epic melodiousness of the closing “Whisper of Time”.

The Smoke Out EP, 2023
The Metal Invasion EP, 2024
Luck of the Draw Full-length, 2024

Official Site


Based on the "New World" EP, this band indulges in dark atmospheric thrash/death metal, which is both slower and more dynamic (the nice galloper "Ghosts In My Eyes"). The last track is a nice cover of the classic Spanish heavy metal veterans Angeles del Infierno's "A Cara O Cruz", done in a faithful laid-back rock-ish manner, with only the brutal death metal vocals spoiling the picture, despite the clean vocal insertion heard at some point.

Years Thousand EP, 2003 Promo 2006 EP, 2006 Under the Blood Full-length, 2007 New World EP, 2011 Sangre Aztle1n Full-length, 2011

Official Site


This is heavy modern thrash/post-thrash which has a somewhat catchy potential with echoes of Xentrix's "Scourge" and "Kim" and a couple of more aggressive sections ("Sentenced", the appropriately-titled "Aggression Strength Power"). The singer has a hoarse semi-shouty timbre which is more intense than the one of Rick Astley (Xentrix again), and there are several nice melodic lead sections which add up to this obscure effort's slightly unpolished charm.

Beyond The Dust Demo, 1998


Based on "The Downing", this one-man show, the alias Basilis (also the black metallers Call of the Red Forest), indulges in tenebrous cavernous old school thrash which knows both its dynamic ("Jealousy") and more technical "(Arrogant") side, Basilis growling behind the mike in a scary death metal fashion, the cool diverse shredder "Unwanted" mixing both aspects for a thrilling ride that also goes on on the closing title-track, a vivid Razor-esque roller-coaster.
"Unrealistic Results" offers intense classic thrash/death with both technical intriguing ("Swamp on My Feet") and direct non-fussy ("Spirit Trap") pieces, the more overt death metal-ish sentiments ("Feed the Angels with Blood") also clinging towards the more elaborate. Expect neck-spraining possibilities on brief violators like "Creating Misery", but sit down and try to meditate on the soothing balladic segments on the closing diverser "In the Corner of Mind". Basilis accommodates his musical feats with a subdued reverberating death metal baritone this time, a lurking less vociferous presence that still plays second fiddle to the music.

Mask Selection EP, 2021
The Downing EP, 2021
Unrealistic Results Full-length, 2022

Official Site


Ha, Mr. Mike Patton has decided to become a thrasher for a change... well, not exactly as this is a re-recording of the band's debut demo from 1986 which was pretty much unadulterated old school thrash; with a couple of new tunes and two covers added. It never hurts to know the luminaries in your chosen field for the purpose, and here come the legends Dave Lombardo and Scott Ian (you know them) to lend their skills for the execution of this quite cool tribute to all things thrash. "Grizzly Adams" is just an idyllic atmospheric instrumental intro (instro), but "Anarchy Up Your Anus" is already a jumpy volatile thrasher followed by the excellent speed/thrashing madness "Raping Your Mind", with Patton screeching, shouting and rending in equal dozes for a most eccentric over-the-top performance. Blistering melodic leads decorate the hyper-active proceedings which calm down for the playful S.O.D. cover of "Hypocrites Habla Espanol o Muere" from "Speak English or Die", the only stop from the heavy thrashy freighter, the latter carrying on with the metal thrashin' mad hatter "Bungle Grind". "Methematics" is a weird progressive saga, still pretty much thrashed, with speedy skirmishes alternating with heavy choppy breaks and merrier crossover etudes. "Eracist" is just a pounding mid-pacer, but "Spreading the Thighs of Death" is the next-in-line speed/thrashing roller-coaster, a superb hyper-active proposition which is backed up by the thrash/crossover cut "Loss For Words", a cover of Corrosion of Conformity from their sophomore "Animosity"; and the semi-technical shredder "Glutton for Punishment", not to mention the full-on thrash assault unleashed as a farewell gesture on the closing opus "Sudden Death". This is a pleasant surprise from one of the biggest auteurs on the scene, and hopefully it's a sign that Mr. Patton is pondering over giving a few more shots at the good old thrash in the future.

The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny Demo Full-Length, 2020

Official Site


"Leech Ghetto": the old school thrash/crossover flag is raised moderately here, these Poles epitomizing a gruffer deathier vocalist to assist the diverse proceedings which take a turn for the heavier and the stompier ("Born Old", "Detroit Daze") on several occasions, but brisk shredders like "Anti-Ant Entante" and "Billies Grow" keep things interesting and less stale, the friendly tone acquired at times dissipated by pounding seismic rhythms. Earlier the band were known as Kingdom when the style was a black/death hybrid.
"Barbaric Values" is a very different entry, modern post-thrash with industrial overtones, the band betting on atmosphere more, but the monotonous approach and the lack of any fast-paced developments renders this album a not very exciting listen. "Penis Fencing" is the place where more vivid rhythms can be encountered, but overall this is music for the tender souls, including the lyrical balladic closer "The Torun Horse".
"Noetic Collision on the Roof of Hell" is a lethargic dirgy modern metal fare, thrash non-existent for more than half the time, the insistently stomping "Migration Cult" boldly bordering on doom, a path followed by a fair number of the songs here, the slowmotion apocalypse postponed thanks to the more volatile jump-around "Magister Figurae Morte" and partly the suggestive creepy wonder "The Arsonist" where a spasm of fast-paced rhythms enlivens the sterile robotic canvas.

The Basement Sophisma Full-length, 2016
Noetic Collision on the Roof of Hell Full-length, 2018
Leech Ghetto Full-Length, 2019
Barbaric Values Full-length, 2022

Official Site


Based on the full-length: good classic power/thrash metal sounding like a more aggressive later period Iced Earth featuring mostly heavy mid-paced guitars, but the hooks vary and the songs differ from each other, some of them coming with a touch of doom. Ominous galloping riffs can be heard on "Darksoul", and especially on the intense speed/thrasher "Mastermind" which will remind you of Wargasm's "Why Play Around". The closing "War of the Wizards" is a fine epic power/thrasher with excellent lead guitar work and atmospheric keyboard background. The singer Greg Gruben has a forceful mid-ranged semi-clean timbre fitting the heavy music very well. He is the same one who also sings in the traditional heavy metal formation Icarus Witch.

Mastermind Full-length, 2002
Metal Symphony Of Darkness EP, 2006

Official Site


From this popular band's discography, it's these two albums which would be of any interest to the thrash metal fan. The guys provide a cool mix of hardcore and thrash, which is quite energetic and hard-hitting at times. The guitars are quite sharp, and don't have this dissipated hardcore sound which comes with the style; actually quite often the music is pure headbanging thrash, although several soft, punk-ish joke songs are scattered around, but they are quite enjoyable.
The debut is the thrashiest and best effort, the guys shooting short sharp cuts, "Nazichizm" being a particularly ominous pulverizer, "Caddy Killer" and "Innocent's" thrashing high'n low, satisfying the headbangers with ease, "Daddy's Boy" being a cool more lyrical mid-pacer. Expect the opposite side of the spectre to materialize on the grindy outrage "F.U.C.K.", but "A.I.D.S." would be a pleasant surprise, a steady creepy shredder which is superseded by a string of short curt moshers, "Bushpigs" trying something quirkier and choppier, and "Mr. Prezident" breaking the fast-paced fiesta with an array of heavier, crunchier rhythms, the latter swept away by the twisted irregular aggression unleashed on "I.R.S.". Expect intense attached semi-declamatory/semi-shouty vocals to accompany this enjoyable recording, one of the better releases from the thrash/crossover arsenal from the late-80's.
"Boy in a Man's World" is a tad mellower and more restrained, but watch out for the interesting jocund semi-technicaller "Batman", the lighter approach coming with "Someday", a crossover jump-around which turns to pure lively punk on "Reagan Knew". Some of the shorter material ("Landscrapers", "Death By Cholesterol") carries the less bridled spirit of the first instalment, but such moments are hard to stir a revolution, then band having moved on with uplifting rockers like "P.T.L." and "Little Pigs", the closing "Big Freeze" a cool anticlimactic ballad, fully epitomizing the this time cleaner and more passionate vocals.

Can't You Take A Joke Full-length, 1988
Boy In A Man's World Full-Length, 1989


The EP: grungy post-thrash with Load/Reload overtones; nothing special, boring and dragging with awful shouty vocals and very timid attempts at a more dynamic play.
"The Bane of Existence" is more interesting thanks to its alternative flair, but the post-thrash tag now is quite elusive since the band go more towards the desert rock fields akin to Monster Magnet, and although hard-hitting riffs are definitely present (the intense speedster "Anthem"), the focus is by all means elsewhere.

Mudface EP, 2008
Anti- Full-length, 2012
The Bane of Existence Full-length, 2016

Official Site


Based on the "Mindfuck." EP, this outfit serve classic thrash/crossover which can be quite intense ("Brutal Time") at times, the melee never stopping even on the longer ("Inside Me") material, the vociferous death metal-ish vocals creating additional noise on the side, the band's heroics also comprising a few unrestrained grindcore barrages as well as one tamed stomping deviation ("We Can Find").

Get Mud EP, 2018
Mindfuck. EP, 2019

Official Site


Based on the full-length: a multi-instrumentalist named Jim Crow is in charge of this project here, but it hardly needs anyone else involved since this is pretty simple direct thrash/crossover played in a vicious aggressive manner with Jim shouting his lungs out in a fairly angry, quarrelsome fashion. There are some more serious attempts at music ("Clubbed"), but they are too melodic and soft to please the thrash metal fanbase clinging towards the hard'n heavy side.

Aryan vs. Alien EP, 1997
Truth and Tragedy: Life in the Occupied Zone Full-length, 1998
Mediaviolence EP, 2012


The debut: quite good classic thrash along the lines of the first two Lethal (Argentina) albums and the Canadians Sacrifice ("Soldiers of Misfortune"). The music is up to mid-tempo except for "Ira" which is a fine speed/thrasher, and the guitar sound is quite heavy, of a more straight-forward nature, if we exclude the really good leads. "La Maldad" begins as a gentle acoustic ballad, but quickly develops into an aggressive thrash piece, the highlight of the album.
"The End of World" obviously pays tribute to the much-flanked Mayan prophecies which at least in Peru and the region around it should be very popular. As a piece of retro thrash this effort works on all counts resembling the debut on quite a few occasions with more focus on the melodic guitar work which suits the not very adventurous mid-pace established in the 1st half the latter rudely broken on the violent "The End Of World" which indeed sounds as though the "end of world" is coming with its brutal vitriolic delivery bordering on death metal. Later on the guys pull out stylish performance on the dramatic lasher "Traitor" before their headbanging spirit comes back on the vigorous "Bastards" and "Fearless". "Rise Up" will nail you down with its sharp fast-paced riffage, but the excellent playful melodic closer "Embattled" would be another revelation with its merry-go-round rhythms, addictive melodies and the enchanting acoustic outro. It would be a pity if the coming of the "end of world" stops this band from evolving further because they surely have more to show...
"One Look Beyond" is another worthy piece of vigorous retro thrash although the band's palette has expanded towards more progressive ways of execution as evident from the more melodic diversers "One Look Beyond" and "War". "Just Get It" is a nod to the speed metal movement, but bullets like "Our World" and "Kill You Off" are major neck-sprainers alongside more laid-back "excursions" like "What You Say" and the closing instrumental "Mi Mente Torturada" which combines power, speed and thrash into one epic, often infectiously melodic, whole.

He1bitos de Guerra Full-length, 2002
The End of World Full-Length, 2012
One Look Beyond Full-length, 2017

Official Site


These Chileans serve cool old school speed/thrash with interesting melodic decisions (the opener "Latinoamerica" which aims quite high in the lead department) which aren't very well translated on the shorter, more brutal material ("Mito & Castigo", the hectic "monster" "Propiedad"); this same material is quite intriguing and occasionally very technical giving Hellwitch a run for their money on the most inspired moments ("Despierta", "APV"). There's a lot of melody incorporated all around creating the impression that this is something more than the good old speed/thrash, but except for a few isolated more aggressive death metal-ish passages ("Eterna Oscuridad") there's not much variety on offer outside the aforementioned genres. The vocals are of the shouty semi-clean type and take quite a bit of space.

Fuego Full-Length, 2014

Official Site


Raucous rowdy thrash/crossover which still sounds surprisingly classic for the time of release, excluding a couple of more abrasive guitars those overwritten by belligerent thrashers like "Mucho Liberal" and "La Cuchara". The production is too muddy, and the vocalist is a gruff shouty semi-deathster, but the music rocks especially on the more serious diverser "Malos Tiempos" which even throws in a few really stylish melodic lead sections.

Ley de Avaricia Demo, 1994


Another addition to the overfilled pool of groovy post-thrash acts, the guys swaying between fast-paced abrasers ("Victimized") and quasi-doomy dirgers (Demons"), the very shouty quarrelsome singer supporting the banal rehashed show with all the air in his lungs.

Demo Demo, 1995


This is raucous roughly-produced classic power/thrash recording which at times comes served with a covert progressive flair ("Bestias"), and although the thrash wedge gets lost more than now and then, with cumbersome heavy/power fillers ("La Noche de los Muertos") peppering the horizon on regular bases, the not very convincing semi-clean vocals becoming more belligerent on the creepy effective "Sesión de Espíritus", the possible highlight on this not very aptly-stitched effort.

La Noche de los Muertos Full-length, 2023

Official Site


Only one musician, the name Jun Sakurai, is involved in this project which circles around the old school thrash idea, but the not very clear production and the permeating "one man does it all" vibe are hindrances at times for one to fully appreciate this creation. Intense roller-coasters "Apophis" take turns with stomping mid-paced hymns ("Sudden Change"), the man providing mean semi-declamatory clean vocals Something more complex gets stirred on "Black Company", but such displays of bigger musical proficiency aren't very common, the man bashing with moderation also serving a few tender balladic moments on the final "Patient".

First Farewell Full-length, 2019

Official Site


A good debut of modern thrash with the obligatory amount of groove as well as a certain post-industrial sound along the lines of the Voivod albums with Eric Forrest. There's also a slight alternative touch ala Tool brought mainly by the clean vocals which mix with harsher hardcore-ish ones.

...They Never Saw It Coming Full-length, 2006

Official Site


Based on the second demo, this band plays heavy groovy post-thrash of the dark brooding variety in this train of thought touching the Canadians Soulstorm and early Treponem Pal. This is slow-ish music with interesting alternative digressions which sound quiet and balladic, but are a nice atmospheric touch, occasionally livened up by sudden more intense passages.
"Suut Ki'in" would be a pleasant surprise featuring pretty energetic thrash/death with an industrial flavour the overall delivery not far from Fear Factory, but the Mexicans are fonder of straighter tunes, and the music often takes a turn towards modern melo-death to a mostly positive effect (check out the super-speedster "Black Bodies in the Forest"). Slight gothic melancholy sneaks on "Trembling Sky", but the band seldom allow themselves tenderness thrashing wildly for most of the time with blazing solos coming out of nowhere. One may have difficulties recognizing the band who 8 years ago came up with this mild not very exciting demo.

MulucPax Demo, 2002
Demo 2 Demo, 2004
MulucPax Full-length, 2005
Xuul Katun Full-length, 2007
Suut Ki'in Full-length, 2012

Official Site


Based on the debut, this band provide interesting varied semi-technical thrash which borrows ideas from both the old and the modern school. Quite a few tempos come blended on diverse shredders like "Downelirium" where stylish quirks co-exist with heavy steam-rolling rhythms. Patches of groove ("Red Burning Eyes") are inevitable although they don't sound annoying, and also come with a strange alternative vibe. The vocalist is an overshouty death metaller who doesn't spare his vocal chords, also trying to take as much space as possible.

MLX Full-length, 1997
Enter the Area Full-length, 2007

Official Site


These Indonesian "mummies" play aggressive black/thrash metal with a weird avantgarde feeling running throughout reminiscent of Burzum with a surreal, and a bit awkward, vocal "duel" between one of the most screechy semi-whispered apocalyptic vocals encountered on the scene, and angelic female ones which are just a sparse assistance. The guys alternate fast blasting sections (some of the short pieces are sustained entirely in a vicious blasting manner) with atmospheric epic ones, and this whole could have stuck together better if it wasn't for the awful sound quality.

Counting The Death Full-length, 2003

Official Site


The debut: groovy industrial post-thrash, quite typical for the period, unfortunately offering nothing more than that even by the 1995 standards, the already worn-out groovy sound (so the band name was very appropriately chosen, you see): expect heavy crushing riffs which seldom change rarely providing the odd doom Godflesh-esque rhythm supported by the characteristic for the style mechanic semi-shouty synthesized vocals.
"Feeding on a Lower Spine" is pure noisy, industrial non-sense, a total waste of time for the serious music lovers who will run away after the first few minutes. The debut made some sense, but on the sophomore the guys had torn it loose without any intentions on beating their earlier exploit except in the cacophonous, disheveled department.

Seed Full-Length, 1995
Feeding on a Lower Spine Full-length, 1997


Modern post-thrash on the melodic side with catchy guitar hooks and a generally laid-back attitude which edges a bit on the more unbridled hardcore sections which are blended with relaxed groovy ones and a portion of nice melodic leads which are short, but deliver. The singer isn't very angry and shouty, but he raps quite a bit to the listener's big annoyance.

Mundo Tosco Full-Length, 2004


Fast blitzkrieg retro thrash spearheaded by venomous semi-shouty death metal vocals; the initial hyper-active barrage gets craftily mortified by the epic officiant saga "Merciless Sacrifice", an atmospheric/doom proposition which remains one of its kind, but energetic roller-coasters like "Horde of Vultures" and "Sediento de Sangre" retain the sizzling setting, the brutal deathly "666 Sixpack en la Aceria" a truly requisite awakening, the final "Demonios de Moloch Baal" being another fairly cool less immediate multi-layerer.

Fukk Off in Hell! Full-length, 2021

Official Site


This band brought 80's crossover/thrash back in the game in the new millennium. This is furious frenetic music with short, bursting numbers coming straight from the albums of D.R.I., Wehrmacht and S.O.D; a very fast and relentless, but an enjoyable listen.

"Massive Aggressive" doesn't betray the brisk energetic sound from previous releases, but is more hardcore-based, now sounding very close to D.R.I. Still this speedy music will make anyone happy with not a single moment even in mid-tempo, often blasting out in a fairly uncontrolled manner: "Media Skeptic". The closing "Acid Sentence" is a more "serious" attempt at semi-technical Bay Area-sque thrash, a very cool exit from this non-stop roller coaster.
"The Fatal Feast (Waste in Space)" is the next in line hyper-active roller-coaster with instant moshers like "New Dead Masters" and "Unholy Abductor" the latter unbridled hardcorer as well, a description in which at least another half a dozen tracks can fit in. "Covered in Sick-The Barfer" slows down for a bit, but the heavy stomping officiousness is soon replaced by speedy swirls which last till the last note on this energetic, highly vigorous effort.
"Slime and Punishment" is an instantaneous no-bars-holder as the guys have surrendered to the hardcore arena for a large portion of the time, with short bursting cuts flying from all sides the more serious thrashers ("Poison the Preacher") resembling Nuclear Assault quite a bit who seem to be the closest soundalike on those marginally more elaborate moments. Respites like the mid-paced pounding title-track are a rarity as the rest truly overshadows them with the incessant merciless barrage.
"Electrified Brain": the thrash/crossover veterans are here again, and they won't disappoint their fanbase who will mosh around to oblivion on ripping remorseless cuts like "Demoralizer" and "Last Crawl", the notable mid-tempo gravity of "Grave Dive" a cool digression, before the frivolous uplifting "The Bite" restores the gleeful party atmosphere. "High Speed Steel" surely deserves its title, but nearly every other track featured here would qualify for this label, especially the wild frenetic shorter "Crank the Heat", and by all means the closing speed metal winner "Restless and Wicked".

Municipal Waste EP, 2001
Waste 'Em All Full-length, 2003
Hazardous Mutation Full-length, 2005
The Art of Partying EP, 2007
The Art Of Partying Full-length, 2007
Massive Aggressive Full-length, 2009
The Fatal Feast (Waste in Space) Full-length, 2012
Garbage Pack EP, 2012
Slime and Punishment Full-length, 2017
Electrified Brain Full-Length, 2022

Official Site


Based on "Ambition and Destruction", this band play very unorthodox classic thrash/death which marches on by incorporating both hoarse semi-shouty deathly and angelic female vocals, the music landscape shifting from idyllic balladic strolls, those accompanied by the dive, and intense proto-blasting escapades, with a certain sense of weirdness permeating the setting, one that isn't very far from Demilich even on the twisted shape-shifter "Little Men, Big Guns", the chaotic bizarre structure of "Rise to Wealth" easily beating the insoluble equations of early Alchemist. "1984" is a short more direct headbanger, but "Munkill 2" is a flamboyant shredder with echoes of the dazzling brutality movement (Sufocation, Cryptopsy, etc.), with less controlled blast-beats later invading the aura, not to mention cavernous doom accumulations and ethereal quiet balladisms. Quite unique albeit a very acquired taste, especially for hardened thrash fans. Some of the band members also shred with the black/death formation Dark Morbid Frost.
The debut is a messy brutal concoction of death, black and grindcore; not much room left for the good old thrash. This is much inferior to the twisted cleverly-assembled sophomore, chaotic aggression for aggression's sake, and not much else.

Suicide or Homicide Full-length, 2012
Ambition and Destruction Full-length, 2020

Official Site


Based on "A Short Story", this band plays quite good retro speed/thrash with harsh semi-whispered death metal vocals. The guys thrash on with crisp, energetic riffs and several interesting insertions: the flamenco guitars on "Seek For Freedom" and "A Short Story", which culminate on the short 2-min instrumental "Looking The Sky": a great dreamy piece. The guys' infatuation with the balladic springs up more than just now and then, kind of stifling the otherwise aggressive edge of the guitars which are boosted with a slightly noisy background, more clearly heard on the faster material (the headbanging closer "Uncertain Future"). Some of the band members are also active with the technical death/thrash outfit Torment.

A Short Story Full-length, 1998
From Deep Inside Full-length, 2001

Official Site


Based on the debut, these lads serve retro speed/thrash with soaring heroic tendencies. In other words, expect speedy flyovers ("Black Lightning", "Fire and Axe") to pass you by in a breeze, the leveled not very emotional but effective clean vocals leading the show, the latter often clinging towards the early exploits of Helloween. There's very seldom a note below the fast-paced parametres, the harder thrashier vigour of "Ways of Sin" easily stirring fierce pogos on any earth plane. "Haunted by Darkness" offers a more restrained progressive veneer for a change, a nice one on all counts, with "Bloodfields" adding a few points of Agent Steel-esque nostalgia to an already excellent representation. Some of the band members are proudly raising the flag of the epic/death/black metal hybridization with The Unconfessed.

Murder Angels Full-length, 2016
The Spell EP, 2017
Beyond the Dark Full-length, 2018



Based on "Alter Ego", this formation provide aggressive retro thrash/death with a couple of interesting melodic curves ("Santa Sodomia") among the prevalent fast-paced skirmishes, the more tamed nature of "Lineas Adversas" and the pounding urgency of "Sincronia de la Degradacion" cool digressions, the mild semi-balladic "Superbia" not such an exciting interlude anymore, the intense vociferous death metal vocals not making a very positive impression on that last one.

Macabro EP, 2013
Fragamentos Full-length, 2017
Alter Ego Full-length, 2019

Official Site


Run-of-the-mill modern thrash/death metal; nothing new here... the guys shred with the requisite level of competence, generating a fair amount of energy as well ("Philosophers of Doom"), but the laid-back melodic character ("The Ride to the Cold and Blue") of at least half the material doesn't do much to excite the listener who may also nod semi-approvingly on the Swedish school nods like "Fog & Lies", but don't expect any pleasant surprises from the very shouty quarrelsome death metal vocals.

Mental Surgery Full-Length, 2008

Official Site


Modern aggro-thrash which incorporates some fresh ideas, like the speedy delight "The Ripper", to move things around and succeeds, actually with another addition of more aggressive pieces like the short "explosion" "Deadly Fisting" and especially the full-blooded, more classic-sounding, thrash "excursion" "Inferis". The singer semi-shouts in a not very angry manner and even manages to sound attached to the proceedings with his authoritative rendings.

Mediabomb EP, 2012

Official Site


The full-length: retro thrash which is moderately energetic with not very sharp riffage, resembling the speed metal models ("Death Rider", "Webs of Discontent") here and there, but there's also this crunchy semi-technical undercurrent ("Lurid Dream", the jumpy dramatic "Vengeance") which plays with the listener's nerves, the bigger ambition more fully materializing on the closing "Creeping Nuclear Death". The singer is a subdued deathly semi-reciter who doesn't emit much passion, but delivers in a less expressive, authoritative fashion. Some of the musicians are also active with the industrial death metal formation Soniq Armada.
The EP is a thumping roller-coaster which rushes onward with sharp lashing pieces ("Clawing the Casket"), the more complex character of "Factor X" showing a more ambitious side, the latter not materializing elsewhere as the guys thrash with little remorse later on with the ripping headacher "Hatchet Wound".

Murder Van Full-length, 2019
Crooked Smiles EP, 2021

Official Site


Very good 80's thrash metal in the Anthrax-vein, founded by musicians who had been in other more famous bands before and after (the drummer Dave McClain, who has roamed the American field quite a bit, having stopped at the camps of SA Slayer, Sacred Reich, Juggernaut, etc.).

Demo Demo, 1990


Based on "Incinerate", these folks serve wild bashing thrash/death which also adheres to grindcore and crust (the entertaining mosher "D.O.A.") in the beginning, before the approach acquires much more serious dimensions in the second half the guys flirting with stoner/doom ("Overhauling"), and epic progressive ("Chain And Slavery (Scots Wha Hae by Robert Burns)") before returning to the more aggressive delivery for the last two pieces.

Gringa EP, 2010
Manifestation of Evil Full-length, 2012
Incinerate Full-length, 2015

Official Site


Based on the full-length, this band play vicious bashing thrash/death of the old school, the mean spiteful shouty vocals raising some more hell behind the mike. Please, get ready for short lashing numbers some of which ("Housing the Wretched") are close to the more technical parametres. "Smoke and Mirrors" is within the more peaceful playful mid-confines, but watch out for the shattering "Ghosts of the Lesser Known" and "No Way Out", uncompromising headbangers with wound-inducing qualities.

II EP, 2018
Carnal Death Full-length, 2023

Official Site


The full-length debut: first-rate classic thrash of the more aggressive variety, similar to the Slayer and Vio-lence debuts; excellent Tom Araya-esque vocals, too. Slayer have been very frequently emulated throughout the years, but these guys really stand from the pack.
"Dial M for Murder(World)" is a more diverse affair the band now thrashing with more variety running away from the Slayer comparisons with also much longer compositions, and not only that, but "Mindrape" is a first-rate progressive/technical thrasher with several really stylish quirks. "The Long Walk" is an 8-min saga of hard complex thrashing as well, obliterating the following mellow mid-pacer "Line in the Sand". "The Way of Demons and Damnation" is the bigger failure, an 11-min opus of dragging repetitive rhythms excluding the fast-paced exit. "Infected" comes crushing right after with blitzkrieg Slayer-esque riffs, and the closing "Silent Holocaust" is an excellent more technical piece seeing the guys having grown as musicians in all departments sounding more proficient and way more confident.

Out of the Ashes Full-length, 2006
A Sweet Dose of Murder EP, 2013
Dial M for Murder(World) Full-length, 2016

My Space


Based on “Golden Hydra”: this is the brainchild of the multi-instrumentalist Lorenzo Bellia who entertains himself here with abrasive retro speed/black/thrash which either gallops (“Fragile Illusions”) with suppressed moderation or upgrades the staple Motorhead boogie (“Into the Trench”) to the more aggressive blacky parametres. “Garbage Life” is just a friendly rocker, Bellia’s gurgling Tom G. Warrior-like baritone way more fitting to the dark slow-burning title-track.

Unholy Presences Full-length, 2007
All Is Lost Full-length, 2008
Golden Hydra Full-length, 2018
Grim Battles EP, 2024

Official Site


A hellish trio from Medellin who specialize in retro black/speed/thrash which also touches death metal ("Falsos Profetas") on the more brutal material. The whole recording is sustained in a lively, energetic tone with hyper-blasts ("Lord Murmur") overtaking the aether at times. The singer is an apocalyptic black/death shouter who doesn't spare his vocal cords producing the same intense, rending performance throughout.

Funeral Nightmare Full-length, 2018



Muro were one of the "big four" of Spanish speed/thrash metal who started it all back in the mid-80's (the other three being Crom, Legion, and Fuck Off). This band here relies more on speed, compared to the other ones.

"Mutant Hunter" starts in the good American way: mid-paced power/thrash metal ala Liege Lord and early Helstar with "Mutant Hunter", but soon switches onto all-out speed/thrash with the very next "Kill", a tendency later followed by the majority of the songs. "Final Judgement" is excellent galloping speed/thrash metal, a cross between Anthrax's "Death From Above" and Agent Steel's "Rager". "Born to be Wild" in the middle is a very cool cover of the Steppenwolf evergreen, here made in a brisk speed/thrashing fashion. Some of the tracks included here have also been heard on the band's older efforts including a couple from their debut.
The debut is brisk speed/thrash metal all the way through, switching from all out speed assaults (the furious opener "Telon De Acero", "Extrano Poder", "No Aguanto Mas") to imposing galloping thrashers ("Maldicion de Kcor", "Juicio Final"). "Holocausto" is a bit off-context, a mild hard rocker, and "Solo En La Oscuridad" starts in a quiet balladic manner before it starts thrashing with full force pretty soon after.

"Pacto de Sangre" lacks the edge of the first two albums. It begins in the same dynamic way with "Desengancha", but later on it's just "Bebetelo Todo" and "Los Nueve Mandamientos" which equal it in terms of speed. From the rest of the songs only "Voy a Por Ti" delivers with its galloping up-tempo riffs, the others treading heavy metal waters, including "Una Mentira Llamada Amor", which is an overlong ballad.

"Peligro Inminente" arrives after a long 7-year pause, and the good news is that the guys haven't forgotten how to play brisk classic speed/thrash metal. The first four tracks rush through the speakers in a wild fast tempo, and it's on the title-track when the guys slow down, but only in the 1st half. The sound turns to pure hard thrash on "Cierra tu Mente", and "Pesadilla" isn't too far behind despite the balladic intro. The second half is harder, actually, with more vicious guitars and harsh Bay-Area shouty choruses. "Gracias por Nada" starts again as a ballad, and the tempo is mid for most of the time, but the last "Mirada Asesina" is all-out speed making this album way better than their previous one seeing the guys more than ready to lead Spain through the speed/thrash metal renaissance during the new millennium.

Wow, these veterans are still alive? Incredible, but a fact... "El Cuarto Jinete" is catchy sing-along heroic power/speed metal all the way through and as such contains no surprises for the thrash metal fan. Everything is well done, but the music is way mellower than on previous releases finished with another cover of Rainbow's "Kill the King" which has already entered the race with "Ace of Spades" as to which would be the most covered song of all times in metal history. The singer does a remarkable job to pull out more soulful performance on this one as well as the lead guitarist who at least doesn't emulate Blackmore, but encapsulates his own, still attractive, style.

Telf3n de Acero Full-length, 1988
Mutant Hunter Full-length, 1989
Pacto de Sangre Full-length, 1992
Peligro Inminente Full-length, 1999
Corazon de Metal Full-length, 2001
El Cuarto Jinete Full-Length, 2013

Vibrations of Doom


This formation specialize in not very interesting modern thrash which is heavy and crushing with relatively long (5-7min) compositions which develop in a samey mid-paced groovy fashion with several short hardcore outbreaks scattered around to provide the "life" needed. The guys like to experiment here and there with funk and even rap added on some songs, but those passages sound awkward and not very appropriate in consideration of the dominant pretty ordinary delivery.

Combatiendo Apatia Full-Length, 2008


The Sepultura throat Derrick Green takes part in this classic/modern thrash metal outfit who acquit themselves with edgy energetic music which is at times assisted by more brutal proto-death metal passages. The guys know no mercy thrashing with gusto the whole time only slowing down on the crossover-tinged "In the Name of Greed" the latter fully compensated by the following "angry" "The Flame of Anger", a small bullet of raging thrash. Green doesn't stray too much from his delivery in Sepultura, and one can only wish the musical tendencies from this album get transferred onto his main band's future efforts...

Musica Diablo Full-length, 2010

Official Site


Based on the “Cause and Effect” EP, these lads indulge in dynamic lashing classic thrash, the eyebrow-raising proficient lead sections on “My Scourge Sentence” retaining the suspense for the bemused listener, who will later encounter the effective short galloper “Bete Noire”, the ponderous power/thrash march “No More”, and the formidable doom/proto-death/thrash amalgam “Cause and Effect”. The singer is both a shouty/shrieky and growling/deathly presence, the variety in the vocal department nicely matched by the musical histrionics among which the leads are again particularly noteworthy. Some of the musicians are also occupied with the retro thrashers Abadden.
The “Ghost Malevolent” EP comprises the same scintillating music, with some melo-death aesthetics sneaking on the fervent title-track, the bigger dramatic gravity of “One Face Fits All” still keeping the death metal aura in the vicinity, the minimalistic cumbersome “Septicity” pacifying the restless spirits, before “Your Last Breath” raises the tension with a portion of potent intimidating gallops.

Ghost Malevolent EP, 2020
Cause and Effect EP, 2023

Official Site


Black/thrash; the music is mostly black metal with frequently used thrash riffs, but is good with a majestic, epic atmosphere present on the more ambitious sections. The debut starts imposingly with the cool early-Celtic Frost worship "Kunge Tuhaks", and later on those moments are appropriately blended with the ultra-fast outbreaks which grace almost every song. The singer delivers with his comprehensible, authoritative Tom G. Warrior-like timbre.
"Martyr of Wrath" is much closer to thrash, the guys still sticking to the fast parametres but now shades of black metal are very few, the more aggressive cuts sounding more death metal-ish ("Devil's Reject"). The overall approach is quite close to Slayer with the stomping Celtic Frost-like moments still "roaming" around, serving a really cool nod to the old school: check out the instant classic headbangers "Regret or Deny" and "Martyr of Wrath". "Blackened Thrasher Hordes" has an appropriately chosen title since this is a total nod early black metal scene: think Hellhammer and again, early Celtic Frost. The vocalist retains his subdued Warrior-like tone to again, a positive impression.

"The Target of Hate" is already a full-blooded thrash metal offering the band moshing out confidently "courting" Slayer again, above all, with the staple Celtic Frost passages ("The Scapegoat") assisting ably at the appropriate time. Spasmodic blasts can be heard for a while on "Human Target", but this is as far as this sophomore effort relates to the debut, and partially on the less controlled closer "Our Future Is Black" (well, your "future" is thrash, guys; it's obvious): the rest is all-out old school thrash played competently with passion and understanding.
The "Goat of Sin" EP is six songs is still rough around the edges, the guys still holding onto their black metal roots for most of the time. The transition has already started, though, reflected in a slower, more seriously-constructed, delivery on at least half of the tracks with more careless, more light-hearted, cuts thrown in near the end: the blackcorer "Pure Hate", and the closing heavy/power metal hymn "Heavy Metal Bastard".

The "Pure Hate" EP is three songs two of which have been taken from "Goat of Sin" (the title-track and "Heavy Metal Bastard"), and "Overloaded Maniac" borrowed from "The Target of Hate"; all of them unchanged, or at least not very audibly.

Ma Ei Talu Valgust Full-length, 2004
Goat of Sin EP, 2004
The Target of Hate Full-length, 2005
Pure Hate EP, 2006
Martyr Of Wrath Full-length, 2007

My Space


One person is behind this cool project offering slightly updated retro thrash in a dark mid-pace for most of the time, but the riffs are dynamic, and the music isn't stale. It also offers nice more technical deviations ("Utopia", "Eternal Mortal") as well as one fine quiet ballad ("Fortune Keeper"). The guitars have a somewhat computerized sound which may annoy the purer fans, and the vocals are another setback being of the gruff semi-death metal type delivered in a subdued semi-whispered tone.

Liars! Ethics! Jackals! Aesthetics! Full-length, 2010

Official Site


The debut: this is modern thrash/speed with abrasive hardcore references which aren't annoying and give this effort a more sincere groovy colouring. The optimism is high here with energetic uplifting guitars topped by rough semi-shouty vocals. There are a few more intriguing moments ("Corporate Child"), but generally the guys are fond of the roller-coaster side of the genre the final "Thrashback in Time" being more of a wishful thinking than an actual tribute to the old school despite the more retro sound of the riffs on it. This is indeed M.E.C.H. metal, whatever that may mean...
“Think Before You Think” comes with a much more classic sound, the pretty decent consistent mid-tempo opener “Illuminatus” establishing the prevalent mood, and although “Payback” inserts the necessary fast-paced flair, it’s “All Against All” that puts this album on a higher, more dynamic pedestal with its sharp lashing guitars. More stylish, semi-technical thrash with “Channel Change”, “Bad Magnitude” even trying something more complex and progressive on an all-instrumental base, before the guys find their more concrete stripped-down heart with the short cuts “Abortion” and the melodic delight “Groundbreaker”. The power/thrash blend “Metalheads for Hire” is also worth of note, as is the excellent entangled closer “Thrash Primordial”, the near-highlight on this very enjoyable old school offering.

M.E.C.H. Metal Full-Length, 2014
W.H.A.T.S.T.H.A.T EP, 2017
Think Before You Think Full-length, 2024

Official Site


This band, who were earlier known as Mutant Squad (two EP's and one full-length released), play a diverse concoction of progressive, thrash and power metal as the guys manage to mix the more aggressive parts with the more elaborate ones on almost every song ending up with some admirable complex compositions: "Children of the River", "Road to Xibalba". "Twelve Gods" is a more immediate shredder in the vein of recent Annihilator, but "Nahual" is a cool mechanical headbanger, and the closer "Canvas" is a more relaxed modern power/thrasher which mellower nature doesn't quite suit the harsh shouty semi-death metal vocalist.

Pleiades Full-Length, 2016

Official Site


A potent, quite impressive blend of thrash, doom and death metal with cool atmospheric moments and interesting, technical guitar work; the style might remind you of the first two Therion albums, or Nocturnus and Revenant, but is more thrash-based and with a darker, doomier vibe. Very fast, aggressive parts take turns with slower, more technically inclined ones throughout as a really nice balance has been achieved between the two sides ; at times the music becomes wonderfully chaotic with different rhythms changing within a small space quite fast (the spell-binding amorphous shredder "Bewildered Millions") in a nervy hectic manner, but all this gets under control soon. This was quite original music and had a big potential for development, but this demo remained the band's only effort.

The Awakening Conscience Demo, 1988

MUTANT (UK, London)

These young thrashers pull out very cool old school thrash metal, fast and energetic, boasting a crystal-clear production and lashing sharp riffs. The music at times recalls the German speed/thrash scene ("Laserdrome"; this number reminds a lot of the German one-album-wonder Deztroyer; "Turbo Hyper Ultra Mega Power"), at other times it goes head-over-heals towards the Bay Area ("The Rauncher", which exits the whole EP with smashing heavy riffage, the only slower mid-tempo moment here). The leads are good, albeit short, and the singer is convincing with his gruff, at times semi-death metal, tone.

Wreck Your Neck EP, 2006
Laserdrome EP, 2009

My Space


Based on the full-length, this band play old school thrash with mostly the fast-paced formula applied (“Into the Night”, “Black Mass”), the warrior-like battle rhythms of “Final Day” mixing with either brief tributes to the Bay-Area (“Acid Rain”) or lengthy progressive sagas (“For the Sake of Humanity”), the hoarse semi-clean singer doing a particularly good job on the Iron Maiden cover of “Prowler” at the end. Some of the band members are also occupied with the similarly-styled formations Chaos Creation and Nailgunner.

Detonation EP, 2021
Soulsteeler Full-length, 2024

Official Site


The music here is performed by just one musician, the name Aaron Byrd, and the man does a good job paying a decent tribute to the old school spicing his initial venomous blitzkrieg delivery with the odd doomster ("What Really Matters", "El-Orens"). "Comply Or Die" crosses the border towards death metal, but such outrages are a rarity the guy ruining his monolithic sound with bland exercises in blues and ballad, like the insipid instrumental "Secret Techniques" and the dragging doom-flavoured ballad "Spare the Rod". "Borrowed Time"is a capable Diamond Head cover although it does nothing to bring back the thrashy mood from the beginning. Several longer, more serious cuts at the end restore some of the lost inertia the hard thrashing shredder "An Invitation To The Arcane" way superior to the overlong, nearly 12-min, closer "The Invocation of Arioch" which again loses the plot at some stage with long monotonous passages.

An Arcane Introduction Full-Length, 2016

Official Site


This is the band where Paul Konjicija, the guitarist who later played in the excellent progressive thrashers Antithesis, started his career. Based on the demo, this band played energetic speed/thrash metal reminiscent of bands like Sentinel Beast and Blessed Death, but without the semi-technical tendencies of the latter.

Severe Warning/Mutant Soldier Split Split, 1989
Battered Existence Demo, 1989

My Space


Based on the debut demo, these lads serve fast, not very compromising retro thrash which on "Messenger" is a more stylish semi-technical barrage, and on "Driven" it turns into even something more contrived with sharp pulverizing riffs. The prominent bass presence takes a second place on the more laid-back mid-tempo "Chemical Bitch", the shouty hardcore singer doing his job with confrontational authority. Some of the band members were also involved with the numetal groovers Soulcore.

Mutant Speed Demo, 1989
Mutant Speed Demo, 1990
Rawer than Ever but Better than Never Demo, 1990
Metalmorphosis Demo, 1991
Mutant Speed Demo, 1992
The Passage Rite Demo, 1992



Simplistic hardcore-ish thrash metal of the heavy mid-tempo variety with sinister gruff semi-death metal vocals; the abrasive guitar sound may remind you even of Amebix at times, but the atmosphere here is strictly jolly and optimistic despite the sparse attempts at more serious hard-hitting thrash ("Babylon The Great", the closing steam-roller "Mutant Zombie Foetus").

"Celebrity Deathcamp" is a darker effort, still containing merrier punky tunes ("MCP") which mix with more aggressive outbursts (the appropriately-titled 1-min of "Thrash Rage Terror", which is more on the hardcore side, though) also adding shades of a more serious song-writing ("Dead By Dawn"), a longer mid-paced number of a more varied nature) at the end.

Spread the Infection Full-length, 2009
Celebrity Deathcamp Full-Length, 2011

Official Site


Based on the full-length, this band play cleverly-constructed Bay-Area thrash full of speedy headbanging riffs and catchy melodic escapades. There's nothing new on offer here, but the guys play with professionalism and a thin edge of technicality ("Creatures", "How Far The Mighty Fall") which becomes thicker on the progressive opus "Outbreak" the latter also providing very cool dual melodic leads ala Iron Maiden. Still, the "laurels" go to the closing "Hallucicaust" which is first-rate technical speed/thrash with swirling paces and surprising riff-patterns placing the album on a higher pedestal than the one initially intended for it. The vocalist is a high-strung clean shouter and is every bit as convincing as the music. Some of the band members previously played with the retro thrashers Primevil.

Product of Corruption EP, 2010
The Mutation Begins Full-length, 2014

Official Site


These folks play pretty decent Bay-Areasque thrash which surges through with capable fast-paced pieces ("Power Comes from Lies", "Sorcerer of Southern"), the more laid-back rhythms of "Romantic Daggersmen" boding a light crossover atmosphere. "Swamp Surfing Ghoul" is a slow-burning macabre composition, and "Speed Metal Bikers" is, expectedly, pure speed metal joy with echoes of Metallica's first, superseded by the proto-death explosion "BDSM". The singer is a mean shouty semi-cleaner who tries to impersonate Dave Mustaine on the subdued minimalistic power/thrash closer "Berserker".

Mutattack Full-Length, 2023

Official Site


This is a weird unconventional industrial thrash/post-death affair which can be a fairly chaotic listen for the majority of the fanbase. Among the groovy robotic chaos one may catch a few more interesting ideas (the sudden technical death outbreaks, for example), but the adherence to noise and melody-less mechanical shredding is just too big for one to make much sense out of this.

Error 500 Full-Length, 2013


This act should be a predictable fare, having in mind that hordes of Argentine band follow their peers down to the -T- (Horcas & Hermetica, for the less initiated). Well, this isn't exactly the case here: the guys definitely have shades of those two acts, but they spice things up with heavy proto-groovy rhythms and generally more intense songs which seldom leave the mid-tempo, but pound their way in a sure-handed seismic manner. This isn't too monotonous, actually: despite its not very changing nature, the album has its vibe of the pensive doom variety which is anything but boring.

Oscuridad Demo, 2005

Official Site


Based on the "Psychodeath Lunatics" demo, this band are easily one of the first really extreme acts on the French metal scene mixing furious ultra-fast thrash and death metal in a way which makes the early demos of more popular bands like Agressor and Loudblast (from the same country) sound quite mild in comparison. With three songs only these guys will shatter you the way few full-length efforts of the same time would be able to: merciless full-frontal brutal assault.

Psychodeath Lunatics Demo, 1988
Resurrected Demo, 1991

My Space


This Irish trio offers heavy proto-groovy thrash/death metal mixing doom-laden (the definitive doom metal hymn "Skullthrone") sections with more laid-back ones ala Motorhead ("Motorcunt", a direct nod to the Brits (and not only...), also title-wise). The approach, however, is too samey: heavy pounding riffs ably assisted by a deep bass bottom, reaching gloomy early Celtic Frost heights on the most inspired moments, topped by brutal agonizing death metal vocals.

Total Fucking Slaughter Full-length, 2010

Official Site


An obscure late entry into the old school thrash metal catalogue, and a pretty good one at that; the effort starts with the moody creepy stomper "Dead By Dawn", but the "idyll" is rudely broken by the very appropriately-titled "Aggression In Effect", which really puts the "aggression in effect" to a positive impression being a speedy lasher ala Devastation. Both approaches are well mixed on "Last Second Of Pain" with preferences given to the heavy side which recalls Sacred Reich's "The American Way", similarities with this band also in the vocal department due to the deep forceful Phil Rind-like vocals, and the excellent bass work. "No Choice" will leave you "no choice" but to accept the pounding slower side of the genre, but "Psychopathic Mind" will leave you breathless with its super-fast brutal proto-death riffs which also come nicely decorated with a few technical hooks. The "assault" carries on with another merciless piece: "Disbelief", but "In The Flesh" is high-octane doom at some point, before "Nation Under Siege" wraps it up with the last portion of aggressive speedy thrash recalling some of the last masterpieces from the US scene: Devastation's "Idolatry", Evildead's "The Underworld", as well as the Brazilians Atomica's "Disturbing the Noise".

Aggression in Effect Full-Length, 1992


This band don't care about any modern influences, but go head-over-heels into a classic thrash metal territory producing fairly positive results; this is multi-faced thrash which at times sounds like Slayer's heavier period (88-90), "In The Flesh"), at other times it switches onto a more aggressive sound similar to Sepultura's heydays ("Disbelief"), or to slow, almost doomy, numbers ("No Choice"), or to brutal proto-death ones ("Aggression in Effect"); a very good release, one of the last classic thrash masterpieces before the genre's fall into oblivion.

Mutilation Full-length, 1992

My Space


Based on "Demo 1", this band offer quite good energetic speed/thrash metal sounding like a more aggressive Vectom even touching Angel Dust's "Into the Dark Past" on the most inspired moments ("Empire Of Lies"), and even Kreator's late 80's period, when the music becomes more aggressive ("Walk Into The Void"). Even the gruff semi-death metal vocals fit the picture perfectly.

Demo 1 Demo, 1989
Demo 2 Demo, 1989


The band started like many others from the Brazilian thrash scene with raw fast music graced by somewhat sloppy production in the spirit of Sepultura, Holocausto, Korzus, etc. The lengthy more ambitious opener "Memorial Stone Without Name" shows some unpolished musical proficiency, but run for cover later on with "Blood Storm" and "Butcher" lashing with no mercy whatsoever, aggressive on-the-verge-of-death violators which bring the approach to the fever-pitch proportions, the uncompromising stance unaltered throughout, "Mutilator" boasting screamy but stylish short leads, and the title-track calming down with a more moderate less over-the-top bash. Still, such oases are very few in-between, the semi-shouty/semi-declamatory singer spitting fire and venom with badly disguised passion, becoming more hysterical on the extreme near-grindcore closer "Paranoiac Command".
"Into the Strange" is a much more professionally-executed achievement, with a tighter musicianship and very good riffs, check out the intelligent sophisticated headbanger "Vanishing In The Haze", and especially the near-progressive odyssey "Greetings (To the Deads)". The speed and the aggression have been reduced considerably, and the leads sound as though directly taken from the textbooks of Accept or Scorpions, but are quite good albeit too melodic: make sure not to miss the nice 2-min opening lead instrumental "Raise the Strange". Most of the time the music flows in the mid-tempo with "Fighting in the Past" being the only less compromising headbanger, "Lost Words" trying more virtuoso flights of the imagination, largely from the truly proficient lead department again, the final "A Place To Go" calming down with steady hypnotic mid-paced trot.

Immortal Force Full-length, 1987
Into the Strange Full-length, 1988

My Space


This is so fast and brutal, that you might give it a few consecutive listens before you grasp it fully. Seriously, this is the most aggressive and intense recording on the whole scene until the rise of the first Floridian metal legions in 1989. Even after all these years it's hard to point at a band who can play faster than these guys. Imagine Kreator's "Pleasure to Kill" played three times faster, mixed with Hellwitch but not as technical and, again, played considerably faster, topped by super vicious black-ish vocals. Despite the ultra rocket-like speed, the guitars can be clearly heard, and the guys never lose focus, managing to even pull out a few good technical hooks. This trio (there are three people involved in the recordings) unleash hell and, if they had pulled the fans back at those times because of their utterly intense and merciless delivery, had definitely been an enormous influence on the future development of black and death metal.

Omens of Dark Fate Demo, 1987


The "Poltergeist" demo: Three songs of very cool energetic, fairly technical as well thrash which pricks the listener's consciousness with clever ripping riffs, with "Poltergeist" twisting and turning into quite a few directions akin to Terrahsphere and even Atheist, also providing an array of interesting melodic hooks among the fierce intricate thrashing. "Friday the 13th" is a more conventional fare with direct lashing guitars bordering on both crossover and proto-death, and "Taste the Blood" is a brutal proto-deathster with clever entangled breaks the overall approach recalling Rigor Mortis, but this is darker and more complex. The vocals are intense semi-death, and serve their purpose in creating a suitable threatening environment.
The self-titled demo is not as stylish as the first one, a semi-messy contrasting concoction of raw disheveled pieces ("Isolation") and more cleverly-constructed shredders ("Vicious Baptism"). "Concealed Lies" is a bumpy galloper with an expressive bass bottom, and "Insanity" is a weird quasi-progressive brutalizer with erratic speedy proto-death tendencies, smelling Celtic Frost and Dream Death on the slower pounding moments.

Poltergeist Demo, 1988
Mutilator Demo, 1989
The Day of Reckoning Single, 2012

Official Site


A 3-track demo of classic melodic power/thrash ala Meliah Rage and Metal Church, in mid-tempo, with some creepy dark riffage ("End Of Youth") involved, plus the obligatory more intense moments ( End Of Youth ).

Mutilist EP, 2008


Based on the debut demo, this band pull out quite cool technical thrash which suffers from the noisy background. Still, the guys know their craft and provide the necessary intensity with a stylish technical edge: check out the not very predictable shredder "Criminal Apprehension" ala early Coroner, or the pounding speed/thrasher which throws heavy seismic riffs among puzzling technical decisions. The final "Non Compos Mentis" is a bit more straight-forward winking at the Bay-Area with its incessant speedy barrage. The singer delivers with his consistent mean semi-clean tone.

The "Progress in a Kingdom of Fools" demo is another commendable affair the band still thrashing with a lot of thought put as well as more aggression now applied in the riff department. All the songs are lengthy exercises in technical/progressive thrash with more or less overt Bay-Area overtones. The singer is a deep death metal semi-shouter, but he doesn't detract too much from the stylish music delivery. The guys wind their tapestries around a pretty speedy basis adding more dramatic deathly histrionics ("Encounter With...") at times, something which Death and Pestilence will make their staple a few years later. "Gag Reflex/Into The Woods" is a more moderate shredder never leaving the mid-pace dragging a bit near the end due to its over-length (8-min). When another slow and long saga ("Requiem"; this one is almost doomy all the way) follows the listener may start getting annoyed to some extent, but the wide smile on his/her face is guaranteed after the galvanizing fast-paced technical riffs from "No Eating Allowed" engulf him/her. He/She will have to grab the edge of her/his seat for the closing fury "As Black As" which finishes this good effort with aplomb. It's a real pity that the band never managed to translate their potent approach to the official stage; they could have been stars of the show worldwide, and not only of the underground circle.

Don't Wipe It Off On Me Demo, 1988
Progress in a Kingdom of Fools Demo, 1990


Heavy rough retro thrash metal with pounding proto-doom riffs ala Dream Death and even rougher semi-death metal vocals which sometimes semi-scream in a way no worse than Chris Barnes himself. The music, however, is pretty repetitive, and this one-dimensional monotonous stuff will wear thin well before long.

Semeinui Albom EP, 2010


Modern power/post-thrash which doesn't receive too many points from the hoarse shouty death metal-ish vocal department. This is generally heavy imposing stuff which easily swings towards the epic dimensions ("Psychedelic Struggle"), the established mid-paced stride ("Inevitable") either branching out into high-octane doom ("I Am Become Death"), or surprisingly acquires more ambitious progressive dimensions (the encompassing closing saga "Juvenoia").

For the Lost Full-length, 2021

Official Site


Thrash/crossover of the more melodic variety with heavier groovy moments; jolly playful stuff as a whole with energetic vivid guitars. “1 Punch = 2 Deaths”: the unpretentious jumpy “Monster” stepping aside for the punky mid-paced anthem “Revolution for Humanity”. Jump with joy on the effective optimistic roller-coasters “Die Fetten Jahre sind Forbei” and “Generation X”, but nod in stiff approval on the graver “Misguided Anthem”, tre steady declamatory hardcore vocal getting more exasperated on the sprightly thrashcore fiesta “America”.
“None of Them Will Cross” is a more brutal entry, the sizzling “Conflict” overwriting the meek romanticisms on the otherwise pretty effective “Shame”. Expect more unbridled spirits to pour out of the dramatic stomper “Ministry of Individuality”, before the short trippy ‘The Evil Pirate” enters the thrash/crossover realm and takes the entire approach with it, the more serious quasi-progressive title-track closing the proceedings with admirable overt thrashy aplomb.
“The Final Spark” is a jolly good thrash/crossover saga, a melodic fare as a whole accentuated by energetic shorters like “Struggle Within” and “Uninvited Evil”, “Numb Century” moshing harder with bigger determination whereas the closing “Hammerstein” is a more thought-out mid-tempo power/thrashing odyssey with an imposing epic shade.

1 Punch=2 Deaths Full-length, 2006
None of Them Will Cross Full-length, 2009
The Last Tomato EP, 2021
The Final Spark Full-length, 2023

Official Site


One of the best metal bands from Brazil, MX were the first act, alongside Dorsal Atlantica, to produce more meaningful better-constructed thrash from South America as opposed to the noisy brutal affairs which were pouring out at the time, mostly from their homeland. They appeared a bit later than the core pack, but caught up with the excellent debut which featured very well executed fast-paced aggressive thrash metal stripped off the more extreme black/death metal "decorations" of their compatriots. The guys don't rely on all-out speed all the time, and heavier stompers are also included ("Satanic Noise"). The guitars have this unique dark sound which doesn't get lost even on the fastest tracks, an approach also typical for their colleagues and compatriots The Mist who appeared a few years later.

"Mental Slavery" is even better sounding, both more aggressive and more technical with occasional borrowings from proto-death, and gave a stylish finish to the 80's for Brazil, along with Sepultura's "Beneath the Remains". The dominant pace is quite fast again, and some fine "marriages" of technicality and melody can one find here: "Behind His Glasses", "Fake Truth"; the latter unleashes addictive melodies which will stay in your mind. "The Guf" is excellent thrash/death ala mid-period Death with great leads, followed by the mellower crossover-laced "Obvious, Who Isn't?". The most aggressive moments, however, are yet to come: the Slayer-esque explosion "I Will be Alive", after which more variety is offered, on "I'll Bring You with Me", which is a very surprising, and a very good ballad, no worse than the Testament efforts from around the same time; on "Ritual of Strings", which is a 1-min bass instrumental before the closing "No Violence" lashes a few more final energetic riffs.

The band were the first to lay down the "weapons" and retire from the Brazilian pack, and were back at a time when most of their "brothers in arms" have either split up (Vulcano, Sextrash, The Mist) or have mutated into something too remote from their early days (Sepultura, Holocausto, Sarcofago). "Again" could be considered by some the band's finest hour: stylish modern/classic semi-technical thrash with less aggression involved compared to their previous output. The album starts explosively with the first two smashing tracks, which show the guys carrying on in virtually the same vein as before. "Psycho to the Bones" slows down, introducing the more modern and technical moments. Later on the album picks more speed, but doesn't quite reach the intensity of the beginning, staying mostly in the mid to up-tempo sections, and excels in technicality on cool songs like "Buy My Impunity" and "Criminous Command". "Ashes to Ashes" finishes the album in a slow doom crushing fashion with a nice faster outro.
Their "Last File" moves deeper into modern thrash territory even to the point of industrial metal at times, but is another worthy effort. It also makes quite a few heads bang with the great fast opener "The World Is Dying" before it moves onto slower, mid-tempo tracks with some groove present as well, for a while, until the coming of another aggressive bomb, "Gagged by the Fear". One song later another explosion, this time even faster, comes along, "Cut Off Heads", showing that the band really find it hard to bid farewell to their past. After another group of heavier, slower numbers, the album closer "The Daughter of the Bitch" offers the last fine moshing episode.
"A Circus Called Brazil": a very capable return for the guys to the metal "circus", a testosterone-filled old school delight from beginning to end, the band nailing everyone down with the opening trio of blitzkrieg headbangers which will bring the 80's scene right at your door in all its moshing, unrestrained glory. There's no letting off later although "Lucky" is "lucky" to relax a bit with a less serious thrash/crossover layout before "Cure and Disease" and "Toy Soldier" calm the ball down with laid-back mid-paced, more melodic rhythms. "Keep Yourself Alive" injects the album with more complex, semi-technical arrangements nicely reminding of the great "Mental Slavery", and although such more intricate moments are not to be come across later, the fans will have a lot of fun jumping around on carefree, hyper-active shredders like "Marching Over Lies" and the exhilirating closing title-track.

Simoniacal Full-length, 1988
Mental Slavery Full-length, 1989
Again Full-length, 1997
Last File Full-length, 2000
A Circus Called Brazil Full-length, 2018

Official Site


The full-length comprises pretty ordinary thrash/crossover; not very heavy, mixed with some classic heavy metal elements. Mild stuff as a whole and not really intended for the thrash metal crowd.
The EP is a new start for the band who rise from the ashes for the recording of another soft speed/proto-thrash stuff which is quite close to the unimpressive debut developing in a sleepy mid-pace until it hits the closer which is a live rendition of the album closer "Fuck The Neighbors", a more energetic number ala Motorhead and the only memorable moment from the band's very short and very bland discography. So another disappearance without a trace should be expected, or...

Manic Panic Full-length, 1988
Devils Highway EP, 2012

Official Site


This is an interesting new act who make a curious cross between modern thrash, industrial and folk/epic motifs the latter well embedded into the generally dynamic picture. The instrumental part occupies quite a bit of space for the sake of the subdued semi-whispered vocals, and is quite intriguing with numerous nuances included both of the aggressive (don't read fast) and the lyrical (check out the cool epic semi-ballad "Care (Of Battles Lost") type. This is varied music which will make you concentrate in order to savour the several genuinely memorable moments created by the versatile guitarists who obviously have fun effortlessly pulling out this jolly, but engaging, modern amalgam.

The Embers Of The Earth Demo, 2010


Modern 90’s post-thrash with super-heavy abrasive riffs; mid-paced earthshaking stuff with vociferous shouty hardcore vocals. The groovy dynamics (“Face Your Fears”) are all in place, including a few semi-headbanging delights (“Oblivious”), the excellent dramatic basher “Ultimate Revenge” the undisputable highlight ton this otherwise generic recording.

And Now Welcome....Pain Full-Length, 2023



Based on "Kill The Light", this is atmospheric modern thrash/death metal with the quite fashionable these days mixture of clean and more aggressive death vocals. The band rely on heavier slower, but at the same time melodic, riffs and this is where their strength lies, and where the atmospheric shades come from.

"Room for Regret" leaves no "room for regret" pulling out pretty similar stuff of moody modern thrash metal (not much death metal here, if any at all), which this time will wear thin faster since the guys stick to repetitive mid-paced riffage with gothic shades and frequent balladic stretches smelling mid-90's Paradise Lost and Cemetary quite a bit.

Bloodstains EP, 2000
Sinking EP, 2001
Happiness Is Fiction Full-length, 2004
Kill The Light Full-length, 2005
MMVI EP, 2007
Room for Regret Full-length, 2010

Official Site


Based on the full-length, this act plays retro thrash with updated modern production. The guys know their craft thrashing out with sharp speedy riffs producing the several mid-pacers in the second half those coming with a modern shade. Chaotic brutal death metal will one encounter for a while on the closer "Tortured to Death", as well as gruff semi-shouty vocals all over. Some of the musicians are also involved in the more death metal-inclined formation Hostice.
"Thrash Destruction" is appropriate "thrash destruction" done the right way with all the right "tools of the trade" the ensuing "massacre" resembling early/mid-period Sacrifice with touches of the German school as well mostly in the more stylish melodic hooks ala Destruction which the band sneak in-between the inspired, albeit one-dimensional, shredding melees. With the word "thrash" present in half of the song-titles one wouldn't waste too much time figuring the guys' message: classic thrash has already risen to destroy/rule (you choose which one) the world and by the sound of it this act may contribute to the former with their rapid-fire delivery which only slackens for a bit on the merry crossover sing-alonger "Alcoholic Madness".

"Violence Academy": welcome to the "violence academy" where you'll be smitten by sharp "violent" riffs which this time are a tad less biting even on the supposed ode to the genre "Thrash Hammer". Indeed, the band use the word "thrash" on several of the song-titles, but the delivery is less intense with a strong shade of crossover ("Thrash On Your Grave"). "Speed of Death" is certainly the most brutal cut here with slight death metal dramatism sneaked in for good measure. At the end the guys turn to pure speed metal and create good headbanging atmosphere again of the more melodic variety.

Death EP, 2009
Carnal Obduction Full-Length, 2010
Thrash Destruction Full-Length, 2013
Violence Academy Full-length, 2015
Harder than This Life EP, 2016

Official Site


Typical melodic modern thrash/death with a strong Gothenburg flavour. The guys concentrate on the melody more, but this helps them since they're quite good at evoking atmosphere with those melodic sweeps. "Paperwings" is a cool ballad with clean vocals as opposed to the screamy raven-like main ones which in their turn are often intercepted by more guttural death metal ones. The delivery covers all tempos as the calm mid-one is the more prevalent. And watch out for those melodic hooks: they're addictive, especially the leads...

One Last Look at Life Full-Length, 2013

Official Site


Based on the full-length, this act provide retro thrash/death which has both its more technical ("Dux Bellarum") and heavier near-doom ("Torquemada") side. "Ghosts on the Warpath" is a brutal semi-technical violator, and the closer "Empire of the Rats-Era of the Rats, Pt. 3" elaborates on the building skeleton by adding more labyrinthine riff-patterns with a more overt death metal flavour, the latter assisted more fully by the forceful shouty deathly vocals.

Rise EP 2014
Violence Made History Full-length 2022

Official Site


This band don't stray too much from the path chosen by so many other bands from Sweden before them: modern thrash/death metal with a slight twist due to black metal-styled vocals and riffs again belonging to the black metal department.

"Necrology" is an intense, albeit workmanlike, offering thrashing wild most of the time with a strong Swedish shade (think early Dark Tranquillity, above all). This is speedy slapping music without too many compromises with the vocals now even more blacky and screamy.

Unleash Full-length, 2006
Unholy EP, 2007
Necrology Full-length, 2009

Official Site


Good classic thrash metal nicely mixing heavy mid-paced numbers ("Leve Me Be") with faster, more intense "thrash attacks" ("Thrash Attack"). The last song "Holy Wars" isn't a Megadeth cover, but is another cool dynamic piece of direct headbanging thrash.

Away From The Light... EP, 2006

Official Site


The debut: fast ripping old school thrash which is modeled after Slayer's mid-period with rare excursions into death metal. In other words, expect relentless no-bars-held music with curious melodic tunes ("Electric Nightingale") thrown in from time to time, and the casual, more laid-back mid-paced stomper ("Agony in the Garden") the latter much shorter than the rest (2-3min), again reminiscent of Slayer. Needless to add, the vocals are vintage mid-period Tom Araya, shouty and angry with casual more melodic pitches.
"Deranged Patterns" shows no mercy in a way quite reminiscent of the debut, the guys thrashing with no much restraint except on the curious mid-paced pacifier "Off To War" which later finds its partial match in "The Sound Of Dying Dreams", a more diverse melo-shredder with strong shades of mid-period Slayer again. The rest is old school headbanging attack with a slightly abrasive guitar sound.
"Peek Through the Pines" is sustained in a more controlled fashion the band trying new things along the way like the composed mid-paced power metal anthem "Too Many Faces", the playful quasi-groovy rocker "A New Moon" not doing much to raise the level high. "Underneath My Skin" brings back the more belligerent nature of the preceding effort, but there are other not very necessary experiments later like the bluesy overlong non-sense "You Will Never Understand" for which the closing diverse roller-coaster "Unglue My Soul" tries hard to compensate with some remarkable aggressive Slayer-esque strokes.

Dogmas Full-Length, 2016
Deranged Patterns Full-length, 2017
Peek Through the Pines Full-length, 2018



Energetic thrashcore ala more recent Pro-Pain; the music is mostly up-tempo with the typical heavy proto-groovy breaks. The singer quarrels throughout sounding very close to Gary Meskil (Pro-Pain again).

No Challenge EP, 2010


Based on the self-titled sophomore effort, this act, who rose from the ashes of Assassin (the Americans, of course), play classic/modern power/proto-thrash which is way more laid-back than the short repertoire of the Assassins, but excels in the lead department the lead guitarist the clear star of the show and should find himself a more musically prominent outfit. References to Helmet and The Black Album can be heard in the 2nd half which can by all means be skipped with one ear given to the final "Hell or High Water" which is a more intense, cowboy-awakening, galloper.

13 Full-length, 2009
My Victim Full-length, 2014

Official Site


A technical, but very uneven, jumpy mix of classic and modern thrash metal not far from the French Aleister's "Tribal Tech" (released a year earlier) in the first half, but not even half as good. The riffs twist and turn, never speeding up, adding the odd jazzy/funky tune from time to time. The dynamics gets completely lost on the long dreamy Pink Floyd-ish "Sea Of Broken Glass", to be re-captured on the only faster number "The Burning" which offers more straight galloping rhythms. It sets the scene for more aggressive music, with "S.O.S.", a nice speedy technical thrasher, but "Death Is Near" is a serious drawback, a funky Mordred-esque embarrassment. The raging riffs on "Warfare" will bring you back in the game, although some may get annoyed by the lengthy dreamy sequence in the middle. "Part Of Me" is only a bit better lifting up the mood with creepy heavy riffage. The last two songs are nothing special, the first one being a monotonous doom one, the closer being another dreamy balladic piece ruining the second part beyond repair consequently pulling the whole album towards the negative side, displaying a lack of focus as well as a hesitation as to which genre this work should belong to.

Worlds Of Hurt Full-length, 1995


Based on the full-length debut, these German thrashers provide frolic roller-coaster Bay-Areasque thrash ala Exodus. The party never ends here and moshers like "Devastation" and the intense galloper "Nuclear Downfall" will make any fan's day. "Humanity Faded Away" slows down for a couple of more friendly rhythms, but the headbanging fun is present in spades as well as the cool attached semi-clean vocals.
"The Last Sun" is a much more controlled offering than the debut, with fast-paced pieces ("The Imposter") floating by but overwhelmed by the string of meeker mid-tempo strides ("Invincible", "Defiant") which occupy the middle, absorbing the several strives at bigger energy like the urgently pounding "Delusions of Lunacy" and the restless moshing winner "Squire to King", the 8.5-min closer "Epilogue of Existence" diminishing the positive impression due to uneventful dragging balladic/doom decisions, with lethargy and clumsiness becoming synonymous with the approach on that one well by the end.

Humanity Faded Away EP, 2013
Dead End Paradise Full-length, 2015
The Last Sun Full-length, 2024

Official Site


This Indian trio manages to keep the level high on the whole album, to come up with intriguing technical death/thrash metal which could put to shame many acts from Europe or the States. The music is based on the Swedish school and recalls Darkane at times, but the Indians are more hectic mixing more direct with more elaborate parts which creates a lot of dynamics in the process. Shades of Death can be felt, too: the excellent "Altar Ego", which also boasts great lead guitars. "Conditioned: Human" is exemplary technical death/thrash in the best tradition of Pestilence's "Testimony of the Ancients": a riff-fest of addictive tunes and hooks. The Death-worship continues on "Temporal Movements" which concentrates on the more aggressive delivery, suddenly interrupted by a beautiful progressive break. Thumbs up for the marvelous vortex-like "Layers of Hypocrisy": a one-of-a-kind Oriental-laced piece of technical brilliance. "Visionary Realism" is 3-min of super-technical performance which will leave you gaping. "Within a Mind: Mis-Shapen" thrashes with no mercy featuring a great technical main theme with constantly twisting riffs. "Mirror of Nothingness" tones down the technicality, but only a bit, and pulls out more aggression and speed as a finishing touch to this strong debut all this wrapped in a nice Oriental tune coming as a complete surprise from a relatively obscure on the metal map place.

Conditioned: Human Full-length, 2008

Official Site


The debut: this is a really original take on modern thrash metal: the music is very progressive with quite a few tempo changes (including occasional blast-beats), and a sound evoking a strange, almost surreal atmosphere. Fans of the mid-90's Voivod period with Eric Forrest and his later act E-Force will love that, as well as those who enjoy the last two Mastodon efforts. These guys, along with Monogono from Portugal whose style is also quite unconventional, are trying to put modern metal on a new, more interesting level.

"Biomechatronic Intervention": modern technical/progressive thrash can't possibly be better than here; simply put this is "Killing Technology" of the new millennium, only that the music here is more complex and even more "out there" at times. This is wonderfully abstract stuff full of twisted sections, weird illogical guitar decisions, strange coming out of nowhere leads, and excellent indifferent robotic clean vocals sounding like a harsher Denis "Snake" Belanger (Voivod again). Apart from the staple dry mechanical riffage there's quite a bit of melody present as well, almost on every song, nicely interrupting the compelling cold "landscapes". The blast-beats are gone, but the headbangers will be happy with the excellent up-tempo shredder "Supermegagrid" although their heads may start spinning on the vortex-like mid-break. "Malfunction" contains a few very furious speedy passages as well, but the rest is much slower very elaborate music. This Polish trio, who are yet to be recognized, have produced one of the best albums of 2009, an exemplary work of surreal technical metal, generally for the more thinking part of the metal fanbase.

The new kings of technical thrash are back with full force with "Simultaneous Simulations" which is another stellar work of puzzling song-structures, illogical decisions, and precise mechanical riffs. The opening "Time Machine" is already an encyclopaedia of dissonant riff-patterns and cold headbanging rhythms the latter reaching the peak on the chaotic at first listen "Aerth" which is the composition Voivod never wrote: jumpy, unpredictable and quite intense all at the same time. The aggression this time would be higher as judged by the following "Simulations 1" which seamlessly blends hard-hitting with head-scratching moments this "symbiosis" evolving on a spiral-like dramatic base. "Simulations 2" is more moderate and jumpier with cold bleak riffage reaching a Meshuggah-esque abstractism with ease. "Regime of Simulacrum" is a combination of immaculate technical riffs cleverly piled one after another to a strong hallucinogenic effect aggravated by the sudden speedy passages. "Hyperreality" is a "hyperreal" composition, and indeed with its compelling robotic hooks it could be viewed as a precursor for the future development of the genre; you'll be taken out of the "hyperreal" matrix by the melodic lead guitar section, though. "Deja Mort" is slower and dramatic the hypnotic drum rhythm creating another robotic impression. The final "Posthistory" would be a delight to both the technical lovers and the moshers providing a wide gamut of riffage and time-changes which shift the whole time until your head starts spinning trying to follow them. The complexity on this last number is quite big, and this third effort could pass for the guys' most engaging work with its elaborate arrangements and the big musical diversity. One has hardly had any doubts about the band's top position on the technical thrash metal echelon before this masterpiece, but now things go way ahead of the competition. Did anyone say that Voivod were coming back...
The demo is a promising beginning showing the guys proficient shredders from this very early stage. "The Ultra Control" immediately suggests at bigger ambition being a spacey abrasive thrasher with futuristic pretensions which transforms into "Abstract Imprisonment", and abstract mosher that crosses energy with melody on a jumpy robotic base. "Experiment of Elimination" is even more frantic with hectic rhythms overlapping each other to a dizzying effect; and "Imaginary Situation" is an oblivious progressiver with jarring riffs and spiral-like arrangements which come and go accentuated by a few catchy melodic tunes. "The Efficient Process" could be a leftover from Voivod's "Negatron" with its quirky illogical hooks and some of the most outlandish dissonant riff-patterns to ever come out of Poland not to mention the abstract headbanging passage provided later. "Run Shadow" is a pensive progressive number, and "The Time of The Worm" is an offbeat extravaganza with an industrial flavour and a really eccentric rhythm-section which marches onward with dramatic progressive build-ups. "Aristocratic Exterminator" closes the album with bizarre headbanging sections and sterile staccato mosaics which create quite a bit of attractive chaos at some point, this saga completely stealing the show with the exiting slab of supreme mechanical technical knots that send this grand effort into "oblivion".
"Transmyopic Interconnection" is another stellar work of twisted metal art which this time is even more bound to the thrash roster, the restless rhythms of "Myopia The Creature" befuddling the listener with their jarring discordant nature. An eye-opening inauguration in every respect which finds its match in the equally as beautifully chaotic shredder "Biocontinuum Dimension", abstractism at its shining best, before "Solar Flare" restores some robotic discipline with its stiffer march-like approach. "Geomagnetic Storm" attempts some moshing drama for a change, but the choppy unpredictable riff-turns will cause a serious vertigo to anyone who decides to follow them, before a thick Voivod-esque dissonant cloud descents with "Astroannihilation" and "Postapocalyptic", both short disorienting eclectic affairs which leave the melodic excesses for the excellent psychedelic "Myopia The God", a superb melodious shape-shifting anomaly that would make the mentioned Canadian auteurs inordinately proud, not to mention the outstanding jumpy dystopian closure "Underredeveloped", a short hallucinogenic trip that wraps on this grand exhibition of true visionary musicianship.

Subconsciously Unconscious Demo, 2002
Enter Insect Masterplan Full-length, 2007
Biomechatronic Intervention Full-length, 2009
Simultaneous Simulations Full-length, 2012
Transmyopic Interconnection Full-length, 2017

Official Site


The debut demo: this band with this very strange name unleash superb technical thrash with excellent melodic vocals which sound good even when going for the very high tones. The style nicely takes the vacant seat between Forbidden's "Twisted into Form" and Wargasm's "Why Play Around". Like these two albums, the music never gets quite aggressive, but changes the tempo quite a bit relying on sharp technical riffs. "Obliveon Dream" comes splashing at some stage being a full-on speed/thrasher with great leads and a furious tempo (remember Angel Dust's "Into the Dark Past"). The band members operated under the name Strychnine (they like those eccentric monikers) with a few demos released in the mid-80's; good music again on all counts, closer to the power/speed metal movement.

The second demo is another stellar effort, maybe a tad more melodic, with more polished production. The songs are very technical exercises meandering through the tempo and mood jungle with the first two tracks being graced by semi-balladic moments, being less intense. "Father" starts thrashing hard in the middle, a hectic faster technical number. "No World for Angels" preserves the aggression, and is another technical winner, more in the crushing mid-paced department. "Exit This Trance" at the end is a complex progressive Watchtower-like opus, twisting and turning into many directions, beginning and ending in a more dynamic manner, but in-between there are elaborate passages, balladic sections, doomy breaks, and more. The singer is even better here with his dramatic emotional tone this time sounding close to Jeoff Tate at times.

Demo Demo, 1988
Demo Demo, 1990


Based on the "The Well" demo, these lads indulge in heavy dark, dramatic progressive thrash of the old school, "Neo-mental Jam-event" providing entertainment for the doom lovers as well thanks to its seismic nature, with "Hope Instead of Despair" reaching out to more aggressive death metal elements recalling the band's compatriots Occult, a solid monolithic steam-roller aggravated by the hoarse intense semi-shouty vocals. The title-track is a nice atmospheric doom/thrash juxtaposition reminiscent of early Seventh Angel, and "Myriad of Orizons" is a brisk tech-thrasher with sprightly volatile rhythms. "Ommadawn" returns to the more minimalistic doom-fixated walkabouts for a solemn sorrowful closure to this cool anti-climactic effort. Some of the musicians were later seen in the one-EP (self-titled, 1997) stint Solutions.
The compilation contains material that hasn't been released previously,supposedly from a never-come-out demo titled "Naturalism"; alongside the tracks from the second demo. It shows the band having moved towards more elaborate ways of execution, towards a pretty effective progressive death/thrash hybrid which now reminds of the one-album-wonder, Rhadamantys (Labyrinth of Thoughts", 1995), also from their homeland, with its penchant to blend slow-motion doom with sudden speedy technicalities. "Thoughts" best exemplifies this high-brow approach, with the more versatile "Byronical Hero" winking in the direction of the Germans Dark Millennium. Faster-paced escapades are not many at all, the band hitting the balladic dimensions with the very good lamentable "End of Memory", with nicer cleaner vocals accompanying this sheer masterpiece of sorrowful tranquil song-writing.

Cadances Demo, 1991
The Well Demo, 1992
Maior Quam Vita - The Bidi Years 1991-1994 Compilation, 2020



Energetic classic thrash with shades of hardcore; the riffs are sharp and heavy but the playful attitude is all over, providing the necessary more melodic relief: "Dark Moon Falling", but on the other hand "Headless Horseman" and "Back from Below" are bursting uncompromising thrashers. "The Awakening" is a cool mixture of heavy chaotic riffs and brisk speedy ones. "Dawn Of Death" is the only song sustained in a slower mid-paced rhythm if we exclude the merciless speedy ending.

Aggressive Redemption EP, 2002


This is a one-man project, the name is Nick Roberts, who is very prolific in producing constantly-overlapping modern technical thrash with echoes of djent this appetizing "cocktail" served on a jumpy base with obvious nods to both death and metalcore, but the man never indulges in the latter sectors for too long also providing nice melodic leads to alleviate the cold mechanical landscape. The music flows in a consistent mid-pace without too many speedy detractions except on a few occasions where the delivery becomes too emotionally involved with sweeping death metal outbursts for a while. There are quiet meditative moments some of them growing into wholesome compositions with balladic, sometimes also ambient and operatic, overtones, but the concentration is clearly on aggressive sterile guitar tapestries which never become too hard to swallow the alleviating catchier rhythm always around the corner.

"Abstract" is more "abstract" with a lot of dispassionate Meshuggah-esque passages where sterile mathematical riffs ("Defy") fight for domination with more orthodox crushing ones plus a few more lyrical balladic additions. Comes the title-track and things become quite aggressive this one being a prime thrashing shredder which even blast-beats at some stage creating brutal death metal atmosphere for a short while. The middle is occupied by longer progressive djent compositions among which "Towers" is a first-rate intense progressive thrasher with a lot of twists and turns. Roberts has done another good job again and he can be classified as one of the best one-man projects at the moment with his versatile style and admirable musical skills.

Terrestrial Discord Full-Length, 2012
Logic Full-Length, 2013
Partition in Law Full-Length, 2013
Written in Rust Full-Length, 2013
Abstract Full-Length, 2015


Based on the debut EP, these guys play aggressive retro thrash with brutal low-tuned death metal vocals. The band know their craft, and clever more technical riffs can be caught ("Lethal Injection"; the stylish speedy shredder "Unholy Plea") amidst the intense speedy barrage. There are slower, pounding moments ("Ascension") scattered throughout, but overall this is fast relentless stuff.

Myself Am Hell EP, 1996
The World I Died For EP, 1999


An ambitious, but overdone, blend of death, thrash, black, doom and gothic metal sounding like a more diverse and more aggressive Septic Flesh; the music has its epic side as well which isn't bad since this is the time when one can hear enchanting Oriental tunes and cool acoustic implements ("Pestilence of Mind") where the music also comes close to Orphaned Land. There's a lot of music to be enjoyed here, but its abundance may confuse the listener who may not be sure whether he listens to the same song at some point with the frequent change of mood and pace which also shares some of the baroque operatic atmospheric characteristics of later-period Therion.

Temple of The Scorn Full-length, 2008

Official Site


"Orchestr Chaos": this is a weird post-thrash offering, made by just one guy, with alternative and grungy overtones which would remind of Helmet, Misery Loves Co. and even of Blind Justice (the quirky saxophone moment on the title-track). The riffage is quite chugga-chugga, and the melodic relieves aren't that many the singer contributing to the latter with his mean-ish clean timbre. There are stylish moments here and there, but they aren't very well embedded into the overall picture, and surely need more development on future releases.
"Condemned to Life" is only made by one musician, the name Artur Zheleznyak, who sounds much more ordinary without the help of his comrades pulling out pretty ordinary groovy post-thrash which only saving grace are the several more laid-back semi-ballads ("Planet of Hippo's", the good title-track) where Artur also shows his more lyrical, cleaner vocal tenor as opposed to his strained, hysterical shouts that he applies elsewhere. "War in War" is a cool dynamic cut, but the rest has neither melody nor dynamics to really impress.

Orchestr Chaos Full-Length, 1998
Condemned to Life Full-Length, 2016


Frank 'Blackfire'- yes, that same one who was once a part from both Sodom and Kreator (he is yet to play in the third member of the legendary German "holy three": Destruction (pun intended)), has moved to Brazil for inspiration, and there he's formed his own band with the help of two members from the Brazilian power metallers Dark Avenger. The music is classic German thrash, something which 'Blackfire' can do better than anyone else. If the guys carry on in the same direction very soon we might see them sharing a stage with Blackfire's ex-colleagues.

Insane Human Race Demo, 2002
Pre-production demo Demo, 2004

Official Site


This band was later transformed to Mystik (see the review a few chapters below), and under the new name they managed to release two pretty decent power/thrash metal albums. This demo isn't a distant departure from the Mystik's style being the same power/thrash metal mixture.

Come Die With Us Demo, 1989


This band was founded by members of Vendetta who wanted to give classic speed/power/thrash a few more years of life. Some of them were also with the progressive thrashers Tokkata so expect some quirky technical moves here, too. Based on the "Fate" demo, the folks shred with the expected competence and technicality, and the output can easily be placed among the better achievements from the technical/progressive thrash metal wave which was "devastating" Germany at the time. The opening "Crime Or Punishment" is a short engaging mosher, but the title-track is more on the atmospheric side with interesting melodic progressive decisions recalling the leaders of the aforementioned movement Depressive Age. "Confession And Control" and "There's Been A Dream", however, are just heavy ballads, but the last two numbers recapture lost ground with their impetuous hard-hitting riffs which bring back the thrash as a final touch. The vocals are another highlight with their attached clean high-strung timbre reminiscent of Scott Holderby (Mordred).

...and the Story Goes Demo, 1993
Fate Demo, 1994
Those Whom the Gods Love Die Young Demo, 1995


Well played classic thrash metal with sparse modern implements; recalls Sepultura's "Arise" on the faster numbers with the singer being a nice echo of James Hetfield mixed with gruffer tones ala Max Cavalera. The music is fast'n tight on the aforementioned speedy tracks, some of which are major headbangers boldly venturing into proto-death territories ala "Beneath the Remains": "Hiding The Soul", "Dark Mass", "Suicide". The slower material, which isn't that frequent, is the lesser one dragging a bit with a more uninspired musicianship.

Letal Contamination Full-length, 2000

Official Site


The debut: classic thrash with modern production; nothing new under the sun with biting riffs and a few appetizing lead sections. The band mix the pace recalling Sepultura's "Chaos AD" with the odd speedy escapade ("Hellvelations"; the bonebreaking Slayer-ism "Bonebreaker") applied to a positive effect. "Sadistic" is pure unbridled hardcore with good piercing leads, and the closing "Morbid Tales" is another raging headbanger, not a Celtic Frost cover like some of you may have thought. The singer has a forceful semi-shouty tone which he doesn't strain too much, but helps to provide the suitable harsh atmosphere.
“Orthodoxian Hell” follows a similar path, the band thrashing with passion on the title-track and “Exorcism in Christ”, the headbanging proclivities of “Sanctus Est” also well acknowledged, the marginally more tamed character of “Stigmata” backed-up by the more controlled stomps of “The Saviour”, but seriously violated by the unbridled Slayer-esque extremity of the short closing “Amem”.

Alchemy of Chaos Full-Length, 2013
A First Vision of Hell EP, 2017
Orthodoxian Hell Full-Length, 2023

Official Site


The band's debut is excellent speed/power/thrash metal recalling Deadly Blessing and early Metal Church. The opener "Reflections of the Dying" is a very cool speed/thrasher which sets the tone for what is to come. Even some softer, power metal numbers ("Commandment") sound quite appealing with their energetic galloping rhythms. Later the sound is pure headbanging thrash on quite a few songs ("Death To All"). "Method to Madness", which is placed in the middle, is a slower darker, but effective power/thrasher serving as a kind of an intermission because after it the speed/thrash assault continues with full force until the end the closer "Here Today, Gone Tomorrow" being the exception, a friendly heavy metal-ish hymn. The rest is more ordinary, not very eventful modern power/thrash if we exclude the last song "To Be Continued" which features a nice up-tempo rhythm, but finishes abruptly later extended with sample voices, thunder noises and sinister organ tunes; quite a weird piece...
The sophomore is a much less impressive entry the guys acquiring some of the modern groovy tendencies, but not very mitigatedly, still retaining some of their power/thrash roots. Cuts like "Silent Anger" and "Black Thing" carry the less bridled classic spirit of the debut, but slower heavier pieces like "Born To Be Danged" tell a different story with their stomping, also more elaborately crafted rhythms, not to mention pleasant lyrical ballads like "Here Today Gone Tomorrow", and semi-balladic radio-friendly quasi-groovers like "Lord Of The Things".

The Plot Sickens Full-length, 1992
Perpetual Being Full-length, 1994


This band later evolved into Mandator. The music here isn't very heavy being in the power/speed metal department most of the time, with touches of thrash here and there. Regardless, it delivers on all counts with impetuous fast-paced moshers like "Power Of The Law" and "Tarantula" keeping the mosh going on full-throttle, the delivery sitting between the epic waywardness of Savage Grace and the more belligerent histrionics of the German cohorts (think Vectom, Warrant). "Full Speed To Hell" is a total revelation, over 7-min of pure speed metal "carnage", this composition's magnanimity later partially captured by the closing roller-coaster "Demiurg". The vocals are cool, but not very forceful clean croons the guy sticking to the not very passionate mid-ranged confines, not trying anything too adventurous throughout.

The Rules Have Been Disturbed Full-length, 1986

My Space


"The Indictment": Mystrez have a fairly unique, interesting sound which is hard to compare directly to any band; the music is technical thrash with myriads of twists and turns and great up-tempo tracks that all sound different from each other, and despite its complex nature, this album is quite memorable. Not many bands are capable of putting so much technical play into one song without turning it into a little more than a mere exercise in technicality also having in mind the constant adherence to speed. They even find room for one cool acoustic ballad ("The Endless Sleep"). Despite its gruff, but effective vocal delivery coming as a fusion between Chuck Billy and David Wayne (R.I.P.), the singer manages to spit out some interesting choruses: check out "Trouble Shifting". Fans of Megadeth, Despair and even Deathrow will find a lot to like here.
The debut demo is already a commendable slab of forceful hard-hitting thrash clinging more towards the Bay-Area, a bit more straight-forward, starting with the excellent technical moshing speedster "Trouble Shifting", also included on the full-length: a compelling mix of late-80's Metallica and the Forbidden debut. A similar blend is served on the following "Delirious Desert" which is more stripped-down speed/thrash metal with very good leads. Another reminder of the full-length debut: "Schizophrenia", thrashes in a clever technical way again with the leads shining all over, before the closing "Journey into Misery" offers heavy pounding thrash with nice speedy assistance.

"Out of the Blue" comes out of the blue after a gigantic 8-year break, but it's such an embarrassment that the guys should have stayed deep in the underground where they went after the debut's release. Seriously, this is so bad that it would be really hard for one to believe that this is the same act who released such a good speed/thrash-fixated album in the not so distant past. First, this is as far from thrash as U2, or The Cure: this is an alternative form of rock which recalls the Irish band, with frequent balladic intrusions. It's hard to think of another thrash metal act who have made such a radical U-turn from their initial style but in a really unpleasant way...

Delirious Desert Demo, 1989
The Indictment Full-length, 1990
Out of the Blue Full-length, 1999

Official Site


Modern mechanical thrash metal with an audible technical edge, not too far from the more conventional early Meshuggah works, or mid-90's Voivod. When the guys feel like thrashing, they do a fairly good job ("Mind The Gap"), but their slower side is more appealing ("...In Your Face", "Brutal"), coming with a certain Prong-like feeling as well. In the middle the band drops the ball offering bland groovy tracks with clean vocals, dragging riffs, and all the rest. Ironically, it's the song with the title "Fucking Techno" which brings the sound back to its more intriguing roots leading to the dark minimalistic, very effective sleeper "Acapulco", and to the intense thrashing closer "Tequila Speed" (well, there's no doubt that the "tequila" here comes served with quite a bit of "speed").

Have You Got Enough...? Full-length, 2004

Official Site


Based on the full-length, these folks deliver retro power/thrash with somewhat very high-strung screechy vocals, with beautiful haunting melodies rising out of nearly every musical attempt made (check out the semi-technical wonder “Lord Death”), “Scorched Earth” being a superb progressive power/thrash experience with dazzling Oriental tunes accompanying the sharp precise rifforamas. “Fallen Empire” is a lengthy slow-burning opus with stolid academic rhythms bordering on the ballad; and “Satanael” is a steady morose mid-pacer that influences the second half save for the varied delight “Dark Waters” where even spasmodic blacky hyper-blasts can be come across. The “Epilogue” at the end is a more intimidating riff-fest, but the overall approach is clearly on the pensive brooding side.

Mythologik EP, 2023
Blood in the Sky Full-length, 2024

Official Site


Based on the "Ecotone" demo, this is good all-instrumental progressive power/thrash metal with great heavy riffs, melodic classical leads in the Shrapnel vein, and a strong, but not annoying presence of keyboards. The leads are everywhere and kind of stifle the very good sharp riffage except on "Seraph" where the guitars are clearly heard despite the constant keyboard background. "Ecotone" also has a section where the guitars cut admirably, but as a whole the emphasis is on mood and atmosphere created by the nice interplay between the leads and the keyboards.
The "Sagittarius" demo is another cool affair, maybe less thrash-fixated this time, but enchanting enough to keep the listener captivated till the end. The keyboards and the operatic gimmicks are more prominent now, but the guitars are heavy all the same, and "Niobe's Waking" is a great atmospheric shredder with brilliant leads. "Copernicus" switches onto thrash and things become more aggressive despite the presence of the sweeping keyboard arrangements. The final "Sagittarius" is a melodic progressive delight offering breath-taking "duels" between the leads and the keyboards: immaculate musicianship which should have found its fuller realisation on the full-length...

Meaningless Heavenly Being Demo, 2000
Ecotone Demo, 2007
Sagittarius Demo, 2009
Beta Full-length, 2014

Official Site


Based on "Fast and Deadly": this band plays "manic" thrash/crossover of the fast energetic variety with cool catchy thrashers roaming around: "Nuclear Death", "Possessed" which capture the best from D.R.I. and the Suicidal Tendencies' thrashier exploits. "Me4niac" adds some speed metal to the proceedings as well as tasteful lead guitar work. "Fight to the Death" is standout crossover/thrash which suddenly turns for inspiration to Germany and finds it in the early works of Rumble Militia. "I Vomit on the Shroud of Jesus Christ" is wild speed/thrash which would make even masters like Angel Dust and Destruction cringe. "City of Madness" doesn't betray the sound from the last couple of songs, thrashing intensely, ably accompanied by a few hellish screams unleashed by the singer whose dominating style is quite close to the one of Kurt Brecht (D.R.I.).

Hell on Hogtown Live album, 2006
Fast and Deadly Full-length, 2007

Official Site


Based on the full-length, this act specializes in primitive early black/thrash crossing Venom with Bathory on top of a haunting atmospheric background (think Thorns, Khold). There are certainly deviations from this pattern, like the doomy funeral dirge on "Deadman" or the merry rock-ish tunes on "For Ung". This is creepy stuff in general relying on an underground atmosphere and simplistic guitar formulas without any big musical merits. The singer is a forced semi-shouter who at his best recalls a deeper proto-deathy version of Mr. Lemmy Kilmister.

Assie Tales EP, 2008
Audiarrhea EP, 2009
Mokamorphosis Full-length, 2012

Official Site


The full-length shows a band lashing intense retro thrash which nicely recalls Kreator's "Extreme Aggression" with a pinch of the Bay-Area. The music is fast and semi-technical at times topped by vicious high-pitched vocals. The bombs fall one after another, and the guys show no leniency even on longer tracks like "Castle In Pain" which inevitably contains a few slower passages. "Empty Graves" is a very dynamic mid-pacer which speeds up in the 2nd half, but later on very little mercy is shown with another trio of raging thrashers. The only complaint here would be the short length of the album, only 7 songs, albeit of consistent aggressive old school thrash with a very good sound quality boosting the guitars giving them a great razor-sharp edge.

"Merciless Conquest" is another 7-songer apparently the guys willing to spare themselves at this early stage of their career. Still, there'll be few disappointed with this vigorous slab of old school thrash the band thrashing on full-throttle the whole time on both the longer and shorter cuts. The German school is again on top of the worship list, with all "the holy three" paid tribute to, the singer now being a dead ringer for Schmier and doing a fairly good job with his mean intelligible snarls. The downpour never stops and variety is hardly the name of the game here, but in an album of barely over half an hour one hardly needs it. This is another faithful dedication to the old canons done with style and competence.
The "The Golden Sin" EP: the Hungarian shredders are warming up (hopefully) for the next intense shredding exercise with this 4-song assault which will keep the heads banging thanks to the raging "The Stench of Holy Death-Viva Crematur!" and the other more mid-paced cuts which at least keep the razor-sharp riffage coming in large amounts.

Thrash Legions Hungary Split, 2008
Night Assassins Full-length, 2010
Merciless Conquest Full-Length, 2012
The Golden Sin EP, 2015

My Space


Based on "Zloskrivec", these Czechs combine thrash, hardcore and death metal into one intense, but not really brutal, amalgam which has its moments of style (the atmospheric death metal-laced "Dark Sky"; the brooding doom-laden "Dotek Meduzy"), but most of the time the delivery is simplistic direct stuff with a pinch of crust. The singer is a brutal death metal semi-shouter reminiscent of Martin Van Drunen (Pestilence, Asphyx, etc.). Some of the musicians are having fun playing a mix of sludge and hardcore with Mother.

Sheep in the Labyrinth Full-Length, 2009
Zloskrivec Full-Length, 2012

Official Site


This is carefree elevating classic speed/power/thrash that combines impetuous wayward headbangers (“Trench Devils”) with moderate mid-pacers (“Terror Vendor”), the cheesy laid-back veneer of hard’n heavy fillers like “Meanfidelity” not doing this album justice, but at least fit the cool but too soft clean vocalist, the brief speed metal joy towards the end “Hellheart” compelling him to unleash a few higher-pitched notes.

Blindfold Full-length, 2024

Official Site


Based on "10.000 Bad Guys Dead", this is quite a fast and aggressive mixture of thrash and death metal. This isn't mindless bashing, there are tempo changes into heavier and slower riffage, and tracks like "Sonic Door" put the band's music on a higher, more technical level. The guys seem to not have a very big imagination when it comes to album titles judging by the last two...

Two Hours To Doom Full-length, 1997
10.000 Bad Guys Dead Full-length, 2001
Scum Full-length, 2002
Pure Scum Full-length, 2006

Official Site


The demo: this not very known outfit pull out a rough blend of speed and thrash metal recalling Rigor Mortis with a muddy sound quality and screechy black metal-ish vocals. The music has a lot of energy and the musicianship isn't on such a low level the guys managing a few interesting moments (the stomping more complex semi-technicaller "Silent Confession") including several melodic lead sections.
"Sic Semper Tyrannis" is a more aggressive affair with overt shades of proto-death ("Endemic Disease", "My Shadow") here and there, and the thrash is of a fairly hyper-active nature ("Passive Aggressive Violence") including a few more technical propositions ("The Return of Money Changers"), the more officiant less brutal "Unkillable" hinting at a more academic, seldom heard until that point, delivery.

Manifest of Insanity Demo, 1989
Mission: Destroy Full-length, 2013
Sic Semper Tyrannis Full-length, 2019

Official Site


The former Venom crew (including the legend Demolition Man who also followed Mantas for his solo-project; and was previously a member of the cult act Atomkraft) led by Mantas himself have gotten together to oppose to their main act, dominated at present by Mr. Cronos, and here come six songs four of which are covers of favourite tunes from the past: Judas Priest's "Exciter", done faithfully in a speedy, energetic manner, ruined only by the gruff, drunken vocals of Demolition Man; Motorhead's "Motorhead", again sustained in a pretty faithful fashion with the vocals now fitting perfectly; Kiss' "God of Thunder", ornate by a heavier doom edge; and AC/DC's "Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be", executed again pretty closely to the original; no comments on the vocals on the last two. "Reptile" is a pounding mid-pacer of the power/thrash type, and "Creatures of the Black" is a modern proto-groover with slight shades of the more recent Venom output. It's not clear whether the guys are just having fun here without any intentions to carry on, but if they want to rival Cronos' gang, they need to do way better than that.

The full-length isn't late to show its "teeth" and those who liked the EP will be happy all over. This is the good old school speed/thrash again recalling the 90's Venom output, and on the more speedy cuts it brings echoes of Pile Driver ("Stay Ugly"). The heavy seismic character of the album is very well expressed in steam-rolling proto-doomsters like "Hell To The Holy" which contrast with the faster cuts ("Snake Pit", the opening energizer "Hellspawn"), but all of the latter will be swept away at the end by the doom masterpiece "The 8th Gate" which is clearly the highlight: an engaging atmospheric composition which will send you into the fields of doom for over 8-min as well as Candlemass and Solitude Aeturnus at their best. The closing prelude "M-pire" is only a tad more dynamic showing the band willing to pursue several directions, but at this stage they have absolutely no reasons to worry that they may mess it up.

"Crucified" continues with the direct allusions to Venom the opener's title ("Temples Of Ice") just being the 1st one. The music packs a punch as expected "Kissing The Beast" reaching new heights in the band's delivery speed/thrashing with a lot of vigour and panache, but there are rare deviations from this dominant approach: the band throw formidable power/thrashers ("Blackened Are The Priests"), melodic power/doomsters ("Crucified") to dissipate the "carnage" the latter nicely expressed through galloping energizers like "Carnivorous", or even better with full-on brutal pieces like the "possessed" smasher "Demone" which may cause you a headache with the exiting portion of wild uncontrolled blasts. Everyone involved does a good job and it seems as though this act perform better than the Cronos gang at this stage.

Creatures of the Black EP, 2011
Hell to the Holy Full-length, 2012
Demone EP, 2013
Crucified Full-length, 2013

Official Site


Based on "The Passage", this act serve modern progressive thrash/death which sounds both epic and volatile ("Volatile") and miasmic and brutal ("Stay with Me a Little Longer"). The harsh guttural death metal vocals lead the show intimidatingly, sparsely unleashing a more screechy raven-like timbre, with both sides co-existing into one composition (the atmospheric doom-laden "Liar") at times.

Unconscience Full-length, 2016
The Passage Full-length, 2020

Official Site

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