Copyright (c) 2007-2025 THE THRASH METAL GUIDE 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z RETADOR (SPAIN)
The debut: intense old school thrash which simply knows no respite, the band lashing vicious ripping rhythms to no end, the mid-tempo march "Titeres" also having its fast-paced digression, matching neck-sprainers like the very aptly-titled "Furia" and "Juicio Final", the shouty death metal vocalist possessing a versatile throat, ranging from vicious rasps to low-tuned growls.
Retador Full-length, 2022 Youtube RETALHADOR (BRAZIL)
Old school thrash/death which meanders from all-out rippers ("Extermination") to corrosive mid-paced dirges ("Escoria"), the throaty guttural death metal singer becoming more submissive on the minimalistic morose "Cyborg". "Fear Is the Order" is a welcoming bouncy speedster, and "Cemiterio" is a more energetic briefer, the most dynamic piece in the not very interesting, anti-climactic second half. Some of the band members are also engaged in the death metal formation Disformes.
Escoria Full-length, 2024
This Brazilian outfit acquit themselves with decent old school speed/thrash which goes down to milder rhythms at times ("Tripallium"), but the EP's real power lies in immediate headbangers like "Sarcofagos Sagrados", "Na Decada De 80" and especially the brutal grind/death-laced closer "Assassinos" where the band spare no speedy lashing riffs to create a cool moshing atmosphere. The singer has a not very clearly heard mean husky death metal-ish voice with the frequent tendency to shout which surprisingly doesn't sound lame.
Pesadelo Real EP, 2011 RETALIATION (USA)
The music here is a pure product of the 90's: groovy power/thrash, slow-ish, with some stoner/doom sections sneaking through; nothing really special, and quite melodic as well.
Masquerade of Fools Demo, 1990 RETALIATOR (BRAZIL)
Based on the "Ultra Violencia" demo, this band, now known as Retaliador, serves intense retro speed/thrash metal in the early German tradition: think early Destruction above all, and Vectom on the more speed metal moments ("Ulra Violencia", the excellent speedster "Violent Attack"). The singer unleashes unholy unmelodic shouts: some lower, some really high-pitched neither making a very positive impression. The music delivers, though, even lashing out in an extreme proto-death manner ("Guerreiro do Inferno") at times.
Rotten Demo Demo, 2004 Official Site RETALIATOR (SPAIN)
Classic thrash which is mostly on the fast-paced side, with "Explotadores" leading the pack, the lead guitarist a major performer with his proficient pyrotecnics, the impetuous fervour of "Fucking Blood" aptly assisting the hyper-active cause, the latter also comprising the equally energetic "Survive" and the explosive "Not Wars". Most of the songs are performed live, but the musicianship is admirable, and the singer is an attached rending throat with echoes of early Mille (Kreator).
Explotadores Demo, 1991 Youtube RETALIATORY (BRAZIL)
Intense retro thrash with very brutal low-tuned death metal vocals; the music is entertaining, mostly fast-paced with quite a few melodic "tricks". The listener can hardly remain indifferent on thrash bombs like "Obscure Side", and especially the headbanger's paradise "Deadly Routine". "The End Is Closed" will break your neck raising the aggression to death metal dimensions. "Fatal Sentence" offers a slight slower twist in the beginning, but soon after the guys start thrashing like there's no tomorrow once again. This slower twist develops into a whole song later, on "Voice From The Silence" which still thrashes with force at some point, but the dominant tempo is much slower compared to the other material; still this song remains a fairly good slab of pounding intense thrash. Time for more brutal thrashing with "Rease The System" and the ultra-aggressive proto-death closer "Dead Minds": thrashing fury at its most unbridled. Hopefully the band are alive and well; there's so much potential here lying in wait...
Retaliatory Attack Full-length, 2006 My Space RETENTUM CURIAE (FRANCE)
This is quite a mixed bag: thrash, death and black metal shake hands here topped up by vicious black-ish rasps. The band are actually not too far music-wise from the horde of acts who appeared in France in the late 80's/early 90's, and more particularly Agressor and Loudblast (plus the black metal elements). At times the music takes a nice turn towards pure thrash metal ("Lex Talionis"), but more often does it come as a not very convincing mixture of all the mentioned styles.
Au Nom de la Bobte Demo, 2004 My Space RETHURNO (BRAZIL)
Classic thrash with boosted modern production; the gruff shouty death metal vocals are a bit irritating on the more proficient musical department. The guys try to play fast'n tight as evident from "Propaganda Inimiga" and the marginally more technical title-track, but there's some "slackening" towards the end resulting in the cool thrash/crossover diverser "Puro Odio", and the excellent progressive closer "Tirania" which shreds with style and frequent time and tempo changes those coming on top of some nice melodic tunes and a couple of good twisted leads; a fitting epitaph to this otherwise pedestrian recording.
Aterrorize Full-Length, 2015 RETRIAL (RUSSIA)
Based on "Hope Never Dies", this formation serve quite cool progressive power/thrash which is melodic and edgy in almost equal dozes the more aggressive thrashy engine working well on shredders like "A Reason" and "Demon Dance" which are more immediate and less complex. "Retrial" near the end is another more aggressive up-tempo cut after which arrives the Rough Silk cover of "My Last Farewell" as a finishing touch done in a heavy squashing fashion sounding more intense than the original. Some of the musicians also play with the heavy metal formation Magellan.
Above the Deadspace EP, 2011 Official Site RETRIBUTION (HOLLAND)
This outfit indulge in a retro brand of death/thrash which is high on both aggression and atmosphere. Early Dark Tranquillity and In Flames come to mind on the more entangled material ("Dystopia"), and even the shorter cuts ("My Escape", "Song of Praise") are not just ordinary bashers. "Within the Hourglass" is an imposing all-instrumental doomy dirge, and the final "Obscure the Sky" is an encompassing near-10-min long progressive saga, summing up what this diverse album is all about, the harsh shouty death metal vocals by far the most ordinary ingredient. Some of the band members are also active with the death/thrashers In Memoriam.
C.H.A.O.S Full-length, 2009 Official Site RETRIBUTION (UK)
Two songs of laid-back old school speed/thrash sharing some of the catchy aesthetics of their compatriots Blood Money, plus the inebriate approach of Motorhead. The singer has a pleasant clean timbre and fits the undemanding musical approach which suddenly gets pretty aggressive for a while on "Mortal Fear".
Rest In Torment Demo, 1998 RETRIBUTION (USA)
Based on the first demo, this band play intense rolling thrash with dark motifs and very good forceful clean vocals. The approach is more on the squashing mid-paced side, but the volcanic riffs deliver every bit of the way speeding up a bit on "Dropping Like Flies" before "Endless Rhyme" brings memories from the recent at the time American power/thrash metal scene with more heroic rhythms including a vigorous aggressive semi-technical passage in the middle. The sound quality is very clear and one may be interested in finding out how the band's style had developed on the second demo.
Direct concrete classic thrash/crossover which displays a more melodious sensibility on the more stretched title-track, but overall this is concise non-fussy stuff with "Strength Within" trying something stompier and more varied, the unbridled energy of "Of My Own Volition" and the infectious roller-coaster "Spineless" cancelling such digressions, the shouty quarrelsome vocals helping their cause with all the vociferous passion they can muster.
Exposed... Disposed Full-Length, 2019 Facebook RETROFAITH (USA)
The full-length: an imposing intro, tiled "Leviathan Comes", inaugurates this cool effort which is centred around the works of several notable horror writers among which the legendary H.P. Lovecraft is covered the widest the tribute started with the atmospheric dark opener "The Dunwich Horror". Death metal is called for help on "...Of Madness" the latter reaching Nocturnus heights on the following "The Whisperer in Darkness". Sadly, the stylish intricacy of this composition isn't achieved later on although the band do their best to sound macabre regardless of the very good melodic lead sections amply presented. The closer "The Music of Erich Zann", unlike the one of Mekong Delta track of the same title, is a dreamy violin-driven instrumental lacking the not bad mid-ranged semi-clean vocals.
Crossing the Final Path EP, 2013 Official Site RETTURN (BRAZIL)
Based on "Strain": typical modern groovy post-thrash serving as a good bridge between Sepultura's "Chaos AD" and "Roots"; it's much inferior to "Chaos AD", though, simply because the guys refuse to put more energy into the music and most of the time it sounds too one-dimensional, slow and consequently boring.
Retturn Full-length, 1995 My Space RETURN TO THE MIRE (BRAZIL)
A 4-song demo of your average Swedish thrash/death metal with "clean-gruff" vocal "duels" and cool melodic licks in mid-tempo occasionally thrashing harder ("The Train").
A Rude Awakening Demo, 2005 Fan Site RETURNER (USA)
The debut EP: modern technical thrash metal which begins with an excellent dramatic lead-infused "Intro" before it starts steam-rolling with heavy complex riffs on the diverse opus "Epidemic Vampire" which moves from slower twisted sections to fast proto-death ones in no time; great stuff with echoes of the Germans Flaming Anger and the Swedes Altered Aeon. "Angry at God" is a relatively more direct lasher with aggro-shades, but "Oddity of a Dead Landscape" will leave you with your mouth gaping wide after this whirlwind of time and tempo changes pours over you, a hectic frantic masterpiece effortlessly crossing Atheist with Coroner to an almost overwhelming effect. "Encrusted in Shit" remains on an Atheist ground to produce aggressive vitriolic riffage intercepted by a brilliant cosmic interlude ala the Australians Alchemist. The "Extro" at the end is a pullback being just quiet acoustic guitars serving to no purpose, and not very well coordinated with the previous material. Hopefully the guys' occupation with their other project, the gore thrashers Bitchslicer, won't keep them busy for too long to produce something more of the same soon...
The Black Notes EP, 2011 Official Site REVEAL! (SWEDEN)
The debut sees a band crossing black and thrash metal in a dark atmospheric way sounding at times doomy and macabre ("Flowers & Bones"), at others complex and progressive (the long engaging opera "Death"), and occasionally fast and merciless (the shattering blaster "Nocturne of Eyes and Teeth") where some death metal sneaks in. The vocals are evil and semi-whispered seldom supported by cleaner male choruses of the mass-like, church-esque type. The band members have another project, Waster, where the style is the same black/thrash metal hybrid.
Nocturne of Eyes and Teeth Full-length, 2011 Official Site REVEL IN FLESH (FINLAND)
Based on the "Ordering the Chaos" demo, these guys offer typical Swedish thrash/death metal of the more thrashy type. This is professionally executed, but rather pedestrian, music with the leads being the highlight delivering excellent melodic tunes all over. Some of the musicians are also involved in the gothic metal act Silent Dream.
Ordering the Chaos Demo, 2003 Official Site REVELATION (USA)
This band offer pretty cool retro thrash which moves along in both dynamic and semi-technical lines with the sprightly "The End of Me",
a nice moshing thrasher, "Into The Black" shredding with similar precision if not even harder. "Twisted Mind Mentality" is a short energetic pulverizer,
and "If I Die" is a consummate near-complex journey through the corners of the good old thrash, a multifaced saga with a high satisfaction value, if we
exclude the not very expressive hardcore-ish vocalist.
"Earendel" is a more controlled recording, the wild but measured title-track containing enough melodicisms to satisfy even the most pretentious, "La Sombra de tu Existir" bringing some hyper-active sobriety amongst the more stylish riff-patterns, those smelling melo-death whenever they get separated from the wilder rhythms served on the semi-technical "Redes" and the diverse progressive shredder "Lux Ferre". "Asesino" shows no remorse, then mosh never-ending on that one, before the more melodic shenanigans return for the pensive "Profanado", the guys hitting the top on the immaculate intricate shredder "Terror en la Noche", a lofty strife at the upper echelons of the scene.
Earendel Full-length, 2025
The "Comando das Trevas" demo comes with a worse sound quality which doesn't do justice to neither the music nor the singer. This is messy retro thrash which is served in a raw, primal manner reminiscent of the early efforts of Dorsal Atlantica and Holocausto. The singer here just whispers in a scary macabre fashion unleashing several highly inappropriate screams trying to imitate Tom Araya, but ultimately irritating the atmosphere which literally has nothing to hold onto: a very little display of musicianship, an awful sound, a sloppy cover (in this case of Sodom's "Blasphemer" from their debut "In the Sign of Evil" EP), among other "niceties"...
The "Sobrevivancia" EP is way more proficient than its predecessors the band bashing with more style in an early Whiplash-esque manner playing fast and intelligibly the singer now semi-reciting in a more comprehensive manner trying hard to keep with the fast musical downpour which only slows down a bit at the end for the capable cover version of Celtic Frost's "Nocturnal Fear" which is also helped by the gruff vocal delivery the singer trying to sound attached in a way akin to Tom G. Warrior.
Comando das Trevas Demo, 2005
Ultra Violencia Demo, 2006
Sobrevivancia EP, 2012
Lex Talionis Demo, 2004
Hope Never Dies Full-Length, 2015
I Am The Ghost Of My Past Full-Length, 2019
Demo Demo, 1992
...of Madness Full-length, 2015
"Sounds of an Empty Gun" is an obvious improvement over the preceding efforts now showing the guys capable of thrashing with gusto and force (the Slayer-esque "Everybody Hates Everybody"; the crossover-laced "Lord of Chaos" which also contains a few interesting dry semi-technical decisions; the chaotic, but entertaining, headbanger at the end "Survival Instinct") which even touches the classic trends. Although the other tracks never reach the intensity of those ones, the material at hand is energetic throughout staying on the verge between the mid and the up-tempo ("Green God", "Into This Cage"). The rhythms don't get repeated too much evolving around a heavy steam-roller approach often spiced with more quiet proto-alternative breaks.
Strain Full-length, 2001
Sounds of an Empty Gun Full-length, 2010
"Eyesore": the band "return" with another EP which is by all means an "eyesore" for both better and worse. The guys' flamboyant approach staggers a bit with longer and not very focused numbers among which the shorter jazzy hecticer "Vital Functions" is by far the highlight with his overlapping dissonant rhythms. On the rest the band kind of miss the plot aiming at modern quasi-abstract pictures with not much technical bravery to support them the overall approach now reminiscent of Coroner's "Grin" with a few more brutal death metal riffs thrown in for a not very good measure. This is mostly instrumental stuff with the vocal participation really sparse, but it totally lacks the bold stylish musicianship so audaciously displayed on the first EP.
Eyesore EP, 2013
"Flystrips" is a very cool dark brooding affair with not much thrash present, a statement of intent being the funereal doomy opener "I Am Going To Eat You". "Leopard Cunt" is a surreal thrash/deathy "cunt", but tenderness comes pouring down from the much slower and lyrical "Heart". Spacey progressiveness arrives with the short "Cadmium", the tendency continued on the excellent abstract Voivod-ish quirkier "Comes Crashing Down". "Stale Smoke" is the next in line twisted shredder with strange time signatures floating around with strong hallucinogenic qualities. "Old Speckled One" is a larger-than-life progressive opus with weird dissonant build-ups disorienting the listener even further; before the final "Tame Your Neighborhood (With Knives)" brings this outlandish performance to its logical conclusion with spacey rhythms and oblivious Voivod-ish decisions making this transcendental effort one of the more original offerings of recent years.
"Scissorgod" follows the path of eclecticism whole-heartedly for another hallucinogenic ride which at times gets straightened into a more orthodox black/punk hybrid ("Harder Harder"), the lyrical abrasiveness of "Decomposer" rudely disrupted by sincere blasting black metal downpours ("Down Through The Hole"), the industrial minimalism of "Feeble Hearts" making a new hole into the musical reality of this larger-than-life recording which doesn't find any place for thrash, but the psychedelic disorientation of the aptly-titled "The Plot Thickens" and the quiet Voivod-ish abstracter "What Pigs Get" will delight many with their off-the-beaten-path flair and the eccentric musical decisions.
Flystrips Full-Length, 2016
Scissorgod Full-Length, 2019
Life Cancelled! Demo, 2006